Is The “Helping Hand” Endorsement Used To "Troll?"

It’s not designed for that but unfortunately it is used in a derogatory way by some.

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All I keep getting is POKER PRO, Like they cant see the other choices.

I’m already at 100% POKER PRO & I’d like some of the others, like I had yet were taken away by SOUR GRAPES wimps banning Me from CHAT.

I’ve received Helping Hand about 33%.

I’ve received the other one about 33% as well, Yet recently, All I receive is POKER PRO.

Once Ya get to 100%, There’s no going any further.

SPREAD IT OUT PEOPLE, Thanks! :bear: :football:


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That’s not true . The more you get after 100% lowers the percentage of the others. You should be happy all you get is Poker Pro

I often dole out the poker pro endorsement to all once I reach the final table. The players deserve it.


If I make it to the break I tend to endorse every player at the table.

This “Endorsement has no need except to Troll another player” Lets get that straight. Blackwidow made the same statement prior. This should be removed from the menu as it is really a built in Insult in the system.<<

Jeezy, kinda authoritarian, eh? How progressive of you.

I try to think positively. I’ve always looked at the Helping Hand from the opposite direction. Every endorsement, however intended or taken, boosts the player’s monthly chip drop. Wanna give me Helping Hands? Fine. I cash 'em in on the 15th of the month.


I bet nobody complains about the free chips from the Monthly Drop like they do about the endorsements themselves.


Well said. I’ve never seen one complaint on daily free chips or the endorsement chip drop every month.

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Yet when Ya have none of the other two, Ya don’t go to say 125%.

Today is the 15th of the Month when ENDORSEMENT payments are made.

When will that be?

I have not received Mine!

I’m not Banned from anything…What’s the DEAL?

Check your Transactions. I received my Monthly Drop during mid-afternoon our time. Could come at a different time of day for some players, who knows. If it doesn’t arrive, send a message to Support about it.

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Yes, it’s often given out when you poorly overplay your hand into someone else giving them your chips.

That wasn’t the intention but I know that happens.

Yup ! !00% correct !! I have received several insults myself under the scenario you describe !! People can be sheety little cowards.

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When I first started playing here, I tried to help as many people as I could at the tables, my mindset was that I wanted more helping hands, I thought I meant I was a good person. Then months later I met the @Goatsoup he explained to me I was wrong, and that it was a dig or a too bad sucker, type of insult at the higher-level games, as I moved up to the higher levels, I noticed if someone sucked out on me in a big pot, defying the odds, I would get a helping hand endorsement. and had not helped anyone. This was confusing.
When you move to higher levels of play and entry cost, no one is helping anybody, that is a lower level / stakes game endorsement. So, IMO I have to agree with Chris and @DogsOfWar


I must be a bit strange, but I consider the helping hand endorsement, I would ever give to anyone or receive from someone the very best endorsement possible :smile:

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@Litenin you are the only person I have ever given that endorsement to and it was 100% because of the positivity you bring to the table.

I got one in a league tournament where the power went out two hands in and I got blinded out before the power and my router came back on. Definitely wasn’t meant as a complement. But like Dale Earnhardt once said, “Doesn’t matter if they are cheering you or booing you are long as they as still making noise.”

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Thank you @southwestmba , I have given many helping hand endorsements to those that I felt deserved it in a positive way. Sometimes I think we all reflect on the negative thoughts more than the positive thoughts. But I will always, Vote the helping hand endorsement as the best anyone can receive!!

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An endorsement of any kind is an endorsement. It’s all in your interpretation of it. Stay on the positive side . Except any graciously…

I agree all endorsements should be positive, and when they are used in an unconventional way, I ignore it, you would be hard pressed to put me on tilt with an endorsement. I was merely stating my observations.