Should there be more category's for endorsements?

Should there be more category’s for endorsements?

I believe their should be two more category’s, for endorsements and names for those which would be between the (Poker Pro) and the (good sport and helping hand category’s).

Do you agree, we should have more choices to recognize our fellow players?

If so what would you name the two category’s?

I’ll have to think on that one. But not a bad idea.

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Good Player
Receiver of Bad Beat

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Friendly face. Quite a few players in here I enjoy playing with on the same table, so I would use it for them.


Definitely replace the meaningless Helping Hand one for sure. There must be a much better alternative to it.

One idea I have had, why not change “Helping Hand” to something like “Site Contributor”? Similar sort of meaning, it sort of fits between Good Sport and Poker Pro. It loosely describes someone who participates in Community chat and helps others out.


How about this:)

Replace Poker pro - How many times have we given/received, knowing we are not a pro that would be playing on a pro poker tour?

  1. Replay Star or (RP Star)
  2. Future Replay Star (or RP Star)
  3. Improving Player
  4. Great Sport
  5. Helping Hand or ?