"Helping Hand"

What is the ostensible point of the “Helping Hand” endorsement? As far as I can tell people just use it to needle you when they beat you lol.

This topic has been covered in great detail, I’m with you, its just to wind you up in my opinion, but probably a nice idea, when it was created :slight_smile:

lol gotcha. do you know what the original intent was? i can’t even figure out how this was ever supposed to actually be a nice thing lmao

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In a nice decent world full of nice decent people, helping hand would be for someone who gave you advice or a pointer to help you out, but meh, the world is full of fools :slight_smile:

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I’m a fool to do your dirtywork, swamptrash…
I don’t wanna do your dirtywork, no more…

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Original intent was to reward those that helped players with answers to questions they had about certain games etc. (exp: use 3 cards from pot, 2 cards from hands on 7-card.

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I see. So basically a vestigial feature from the early days… kinda neat when you think of it that way

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I am a friendly and helping people, and i give bad players a helping hand.


I send a helping hand endorsement to any player that knocks out a BINGO player on the table we are playing.

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On start of endorsements wrote Replay they make later new tables too, only for players who have many endorsements, for nice playing, and not allowed for the bad bingos. But the tables came not.

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Yea… Endorsements turned out to be a BIG FAT nothing burger! :hamburger:

I doubt many players bother to use Endorsements much anymore bc its boring and meaningless!

I get a few from troll losers and some from friends. I E some friends if I remember, usually after they E me first, if I notice it… Totally clunker idea as per usual on replay. Potential and promises turn to dust on RP…

Never thought to use it this way, or in anyway until just now. I always use the “pro” and “good sport” endorsement, but I’ll start doing as you from now on. Love it!

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