An idiot spew

I am very idiot

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in fact not so much my pot odds are 30% and i had 26% against AQ

I agree lol:)

You didnt play the hand like a idiot. AQ limp calling about 9 bb’s, about 28% of their stack, in UTG early position, instead of either folding preflop, or reraising all in preflop, is, was semi BAD play tho.

As played, postflop, your about 34% to win(A, K, J are outs to win, thats 9 possible outs. 9 outs doubled(18), times 2 streets, is about 36%, but its closer to about 34%, as the approximate way can be a little tiny bit higher then the actual % to win). Your getting about 2 to 1 pot odds(about 33% equity pot odds. Its close enough. Its not great tho.

A lot depends on the other player. If they call lighter, and if they semi bluff shove semi lighter, at a semi higher frequency, then the call is better as a semi bluff catcher, with ok odds, percents to win, with ok pot odds, if your wrong, and they actually have it. And if that’s the case, then can occasionally call, as if you fold 100% of time in this kind of spot, then you can get exploited, bluffed omn a more regular basis.

Its really close. A case can be made for both folding and calling. Villain’s semi bad play, put you in that bad, tough spot. Your good play preflop put villain in a tough spot of fold or all in, as limp calling 9 x bb, 28% of stack, preflop, on, against a hand that could be AK, QQ, KK, AA, AQ, with a hand like AQ, instead of folding or all in, on a about a 33% chance to hit flop, on 67% chance to miss flop, is BAD. They just got REALLY LUCKY.

You just got UNLUCKY. so tho not a good, great play, you did NOT play like a idiot.

That said I probably would have folded, and found a better spot, since I usually have a Skill edge over the field.

We all feel like idiots when the villain turns over the two card you were pretty certain they had. He just called the initial min raise and then a 3 bet with a short stack so you can rule out AA KK and probably QQ. So you probably put them on AQ and your reaction was “I knew you had that, why did I call anyway.” But as you calculated you had 1 live over card, a gutshot straight draw and the villain’s short stack limited the damage (wasn’t even a pot sized shove).

was tilted sorry

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South, Hero raised AK 9 x BB preflop over Villains UTG 300 chip 1 bb AQ limp in, and Villain limped, flat called 9 x bb preflop raise by AK, with AQ. So there was no minraise by hero, or anyone else, and then no 3 bet by Villain on short stack, hero, or anyone else.

So your mis seeing it, misremembering it.

Hero played it right preflop, put Villain in a tough, bad spot, and Villain should have probably either folded preflop, or all in preflop, instead of limp calling 9 x bb raise preflop, and pot committing over half his stack UTG, early position, out of position. So Semi bad play by Villain. Villain Just got LUCKY, and Hero just got UNLUCKY.

No idiot play by Hero. Hero just ended up in a tough, semi bad, hard spot because of Villains, semi bad, questionable play preflop.

Shortstack had about 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 bb stack, was semi pot committed postflop, and shoved about 3,4,5 bb, 8k, pot committed into about a 8700 to 9000 to 9300 to 9500 to 9700 pot. Villain’s range could have been AJ suited, AQ, AK, KQ suited, under pockets like 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, etc, so Villain not guaranteed to have AQ, when pot committed to that extremely pot committed. And if Villain would fold postflop if no hit with his pot committed stack, then that’s pretty bad. If Villain would fold postflop if not hit with Pot Committed stack, then Villain should not be flat calling preflop, and should either fold or All in preflop, instead of flat calling.

In that situation, flat calling with AK gutshot draw postflop, that about 30% to 33% to win, with about 2 to 1 pot odds, vs a pot committed shorty stack is understandable.

That said I would probably fold, find a better spot, because of my skill edge, instead of risking my bigger, 1 of the chip leading stacks, instead of likely being knocked down to a short half stack, so that I could, would preserve the semi chip leading stack, so that I could still use chip advantage, skill edge, semi bluff, semi bully short stacks in good spots, etc.

But that’s just me.

So Hero did NOT play like a idiot.

What hand are you looking at?

This new hand arent spew but i dont want to create a new post

First hand
Vilain was playing very good for low stakes replay but too loose so i decided to call preflop, its debatable
Flop : I see 0 bluff of him in 1hour of session, so i decided to do a big hero fold, because i dont think he had value cuts in a 3way pot, if there is not BB in this hand i obviously call.

The same guy, i think his range is : AQo, 88-TT, KQs, AJs-ATs
Flop : i decided to check because i dont had range advantage here so OOP i would check range. Idk if thats a check call or x/r here.
Turn : Seems standard to 2 barrell but not sure of the sizing i am polarized so maybe a bigger size.
River :Hero only flush is is KQ of spade because i block the Ace of spade, and i can value the combos of KQ who dont have flush. If he would raise i would fold there is no bluff here.
When i see showdown i was like : WTF bro


This is why we’re supposed to play suited kings IP instead of OOP :slight_smile: too hard to realize your equity, especially multi-way.


We can’t see what villain had, btw :slight_smile:
I like your line and sizing on all 3 streets. Well played. Cbet seems standard on this flop; not sure why you think you don’t have range advantage. But the c/r line clearly got you max value, so who’s complaining? Not me!

For the range advantage stuff :
My range

Calling range imo :

I had told that he was a bit loose compared at a “good” range, but i think he would be way more tight against me, because he know that i am dont raise ATW and would be close to a “good” calling range, even tough to me its idiot to just call in ring normally except in BB against a good player, but another debate^^.

Equity with the flop.
To me 51.86% equity is like = range and not an advantage, maybe a miscomprehension of the equity etc. And when i have not range advantage, my range normally prefer check because we are OOP, Aces might like to cbet, but with KJs and KTs for example i dont like cbet here, my bluff prefer go for a check raise (like Ace X with the ace of spade) who cant call against a strong range like this.

I see what you mean. I guess I think his range is significantly wider than that, but you would know better about this specific player.

The cold calling range in theory is extremely narrow. In practice it’s incredibly wide, but not quite as capped as it should be either. You can be fairly sure this is not going to be a theoretical range, because that range is non-existent in this configuration. I’d be 100% sure you have a massive range advantage on this flop. It’s still fine to check aces here, because check raise is so good.

The turn should be a smaller size, 1/3 or less. You almost always want to bet small on nut changing turns. Note that you’re actually not polarized here. The flush coming in just about always moves the equities closer together, and that’s definitely the case in this spot.

Ks is on the board, so no-one can have KsQs. There are way more flushes in range than that for both players though, so I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. The bet/fold plan with AA seems good though. Against a good opponent, bet/re-raise all in as a bluff is fine too.

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For turn i agree a lot i play too automically.

To @lihiue’s point about turn sizing: I do notice that in a lot of these threads @Dudamoti you end up in spots where you’re like “I raised pre and then I bet and then I bet again and now he raises and I don’t know where I’m at”


  1. ranges ARE consistently wider than you’re assuming, which leads to more spots where you think villain/hero is polarized when they/you are really not (or the other guy doesn’t think you are)
  2. some of these lines you should check more thick value or take smaller sizes when the board gets more connected, so you keep more of the weak parts of their range in and don’t put yourself in as many Way Ahead/Way Behind configurations

Like Bart Hanson says, if we value bet, get raised, and think “oh ■■■■,” there was probably something wrong with the value bet :slight_smile:

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My friend, throw the charts away and play the players and after a few hours you will know what cards to play etc. I KNOW Younguru is a poker genius:)—us average ppl. do not use charts lol

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thanks yes tbh he was seeming pretty good to me but yes I’m exaggerating. in fact I tend to give my game to my opponent when I have no idea of ​​his own game. Thats a huge leak. and for the sizing stuff yes i know this stuff but i dont apply :sweat_smile:

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Mr. Younguru, if i win any prizes from the re-play contest, i will use the money to buy poker lessons from you my friend:).

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