The title pretty much sums it up and if doesn’t sum it up for you then frankly I do not want your help.
Your analytical prowess is surely not your strong point.
Ok this is an example of just one hand (OF MANY) that I have righteously efffffd up in the last month.
Me, SB, AQ suit(hearts) One Limper in Mp, The only actual PRO at the table raises 3x in the cutoff. Fold back to me , I call, limper calls.
NOTE: I know Im out of position, Ive already folded A,Q twice in this game (once when I would have killed it)So maybe that’s part of it.
3 Handed to the flop, Me, Limpy and Pro.
Flop comes J,Q,J
I think…Ok I might not be too bad here, check towards the raiser and lets see where I stand. Limpy Checks as well , pro fires a bet of 4k,. I stop and think , do I put him on a Jack, or is he flushin(2 spades on flop). I didnt want to flat because I knew I was marginal after the Cbet, so I decide to raise , min raise, just to see where I am. Limpy calls my raise, very hesitantly . Pro… Well Pro shoves. I instantly know I’m dead , Im buried, leave this be and move on to the next hand. But then Im like , nahh he’s flushin and just thinks being a pro he can get away with it. Screw it… CALL.(all in for me) Back to Limpy… who really hesitantly calls also.
Showdown: The TWO OF 'EM had a Jack. Limpy had flopped a house , Pro flopped Set of Jacks, 2nd kicker. Me a measly, smelly AQ out of position . KNEW I was never going to win the hand but I still called
And its not just bad calls Im makin’ its bad calls , bad folds, bad reads , my chip shufflin’ has also suffered. I dont know what the story is but Im not enjoying this chapter. Please Help… All advice greatly appreciated.
Stay Sweet
Be Shady