I get called an idiot a lot, and usually deserve it. I thought it might be interesting to show a recent hand and explain why I played the way I played. I’m not looking for praise or confirmation, and clearly don’t deserve it. Anyway, here’s the hand…
Sick, yes it was sick, but you have to understand the situation. First, this was a 25K buyin SnG that pays the top 3 spots. Everyone was limping and folding way too much to any raise, so I decided to take a shot at it.
I didn’t think anyone had AA, KK, or AK, AQ, or much of anything really. On the other hand, I had shown a bluff or 2, so was more likely to get called light, which is what happened.
Being first to act after the flop is an advantage to me because it allows me to take control of the action. If I check, the guy would shove and I would have to fold, right? I had a pair, so might well have been ahead. So I moved in. This pretty much forces the guy to have a K, possibly a set of 5s. What King hands would he limp, then call allin for his tournament life?
I wasn’t betting my hand, I was betting he didn’t have a king. I was wrong, and he was sort of pot committed, so he called. Oops! I figure I’m gonna win that hand most of the time preflop or on the flop just by betting. I’m not guessing here, I know this is true.
So he calls and I have to hit. I was in rough shape, but I got lucky. OK, I actually mentally willed the other 2 to come. Being a powerful wizard has its perks, you know? haha.
Of course, they (and probably you) think I’m an idiot. I can live with that. Anyway, this was the sort of things that were going through my head. There is a method behind the madness.
I am cringing at the thought of the comments that will follow, if any. Bring it on, let’s talk about it.