I won a decent pot here but it feels wrong.
Pre-flop is fine.
Thin bet on flop is because Villain 2 is very passive and folds easily. He’s a very weak player and is sloooow on the clock. Replay needs a calendar for this guy. I think I should have just bet properly and played to Villain 1 who is a much more competent player.
Turn, I don’t like it. I should have sized up. I have position, this guy called 5x pre (both of them actually).
Then the A river which could screw me. I don’t have him on AA since he limp-called pre, but AJ, A8, A6, A3 are all in both of their ranges. A-anything else I want to call. Of course they checked it to me. Villain 2 doesn’t have squat but Villain 1 might be ready to come overtop. It worked out but I dunno.
I was jittery through the whole thing. Maybe it’s just that I’ve been running very badly last nite and this morning and every hand feels like a potential suckout.
Should I have just closed the action?
Anything else I made a mess of here?
I assume you had AK? We can’t see.
Preflop - mandatory raise, good size over 2 limpers. 10/10
Flop/turn - too small, not really accomplishing much. Seeing this sizing, which is begging for both villains to continue with pretty much anything, I assumed we’d flopped a set or overpair. With AK we want folds, so why bloat the pot with a size that has so little fold equity? 4/10
River - as played I don’t mind 1/3 pot on the river, since Villains likely don’t have much at all. Are they really checking back an ace after you played the previous streets so meekly? So a smaller size targeting nonbelieving underpairs makes sense to me. Then again, a larger size might look more bluffy and we do want to get paid. Hard to say what the best exploit is here; I’ll adjust my sizing a lot based on opponents. 7/10
I notice your thought process on turns and rivers seems to focus on which hands could now beat you. That’s important to consider, just make sure you’re also thinking about all the hands that you still beat. The latter often outnumbers the former, and having an “oh no what if” mindset can leave a lot of value on the table.
J8 hearts actually. So yea, I played this worse than even I thought.
One big benefit of including hands like J8s in your preflop raising range is that on a flop like this, nobody thinks you have J8.
Both villains tried to limp; they can have a lot of hands that hit this runout in some way. Ask for more money on the flop, and certainly a lot more on the turn.
The problem with slowplaying a hand like this is that often, by the river your opponents have lost interest. T9 and 97 are both totally possible, and they’ll pay a hefty tax on flop/turn - but by the river they’re left holding nothing but hot air. And it’s not even their favorite card to bluff at, because you’ve got a lot of Ax in range.
Other hands like 55, 77, K6s, 98, all might call at least a little more on flop, and some would continue on the turn facing a larger bet like 1/2-3/4 pot.
If you want to slowplay I would check the flop and see if anyone takes the betting lead on the turn, then start raising as it will look pretty fishy.
But 90% of the time I’d prefer a normal cbet, 1/4-1/3 pot, and normal linear sizing on the turn, 2/5-4/5 pot. We really want to be able to get all the money in on the river with such a strong hand.
I’ve been playing quite a bit today and kinda forgot about the hand, now that I re-watch it I remember my thought process pre-flop.
I don’t play J8. Jack isn’t all that high of a card and the 8 is barely connected. What I was thinking was that I know that a lot of players like J9 and I don’t really play J9 neither. I thought, “I’m suited and I have the button, let’s try it for once.” Maybe that contributed to why I was not confident playing it.
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Yeah I think it’s fine to mix in near the button at a low frequency, especially against weak-tight opponents!
Totally natural to feel unsure of how to proceed with a marginal hand IP if you’re used to playing the good stuff. Keep mixing it up, you’ll get the feel of it <3
I usually proceed with marginals by asking myself, “How does a standard representative hand from the middle/top of my range play this board?” So here, you might think “What line does AQ want to take?” and just play the hand as if you had that. I find this works well as a shortcut when I flop an unexpectedly strong hand; I’ll just proceed as if I whiffed with a more “normal” holding.
please tell me why Players1 and 2 are villains ? gl
vilain is other player as simple as that
Preflop : Seems ok to me
Flop : Why bet 10% pot, you can take so much more value with an highest sizing, this board is pretty drawy so i think we can do at least 1/2 pot or even 2/3 because Vilain 1 call too much i think.
Turn : Same, bet at least half pot here because you are not in thin value or c bet or block bet river, but i even think you can do all in because if you bet half pot youre already commit to the pot.
River : Simple All in, same stuff than turn.
I dont talk about slowplay because i think both player are passive