
Preflop i have to do bigger idk why i do so small.
Flop I feel like it’s already bad but the odds are way too good
Turn he bet so big, but i have TP and Gutshot so i have think of call, what do you think

pocket 6
Bad hero fold or am I Result oriented

Good fold. Too risky as you are probably behind (2-pair or outkicked) and pot odds on your draw are atrocious. Maybe he is bluffing but I think that there is a strong possibility that he is protecting A-good-kick against the draw-y board because there are dia on the turn too and you are PFR so 76 is not really in your range (but A7 and A6 is). You called flop thin so he has you on lots of straight and flush draws.

He called 1/3rd of his stack pre so how much 8x is in his range? Not much. Probably only A8 (8 combos). However, you are 3-handed with a strong but very vulnerable hand. I think it’s a pretty good fold. Heads-up I think you call that though.


First, let’s establish that Villain can’t be a “thinking player.” There’s no way 8x pot makes sense as a size on the turn, so our analysis has to account for Villain being maniacal.

Flop why would you feel like it’s already bad? This is a minbet that got called, it’s very likely we are ahead on the flop. In theory you should just call but in practice you can even start raising an ace here and I bet you still win money. None of the guys acting before you is strong here, I’d bet my hat on it.

On the turn we just fold anything that’s not a straight. It’s an easy spot. You don’t have to think when they overbet by such a massive margin; you can just call with absolute top of range and fold everything else. Of course if you’re greedy you can look for spots to call even wider as an exploit, but you’d better be sure you’re right when you do, because the pot odds are atrocious.

I wouldn’t worry too much about MDF or getting exploited there, either. Like if it happens to be theoretically too tight to fold bottom set there, I’m fine just folding anyway. The spot just doesn’t come up often enough for it to be a major leak, unless you play with this guy regularly and he actually does this fairly often. In which case it should be possible to start constructing his actual range more accurately, and then you will know more realistically where the cutoff should be to call down.

pocket 6
I think we have to call for many reasons. The first guy going all in, between his profile pic and the speed of the action, I think his range is crazy wide and he isn’t good at poker. The second guy could have all kinds of hands. 66 has too much equity, this is one of the better flops we could see and we’re not even at risk if we call.

Stick the chips in!

What are we even afraid of when we fold here? We put someone on a random 8 for some reason, I guess? Maybe one of them has a higher pp somehow? No, I think it’s a bad fold.

Losing mindset. Where is the range analysis? What’s the actual reasoning here, other than “we might lose a lot of the time, so I think it’s a pretty good fold?” You started off well by noting that the 88x board shouldn’t actually scare us as neither Villain should have much 8x. You need to keep going tho! :wink:

We can’t maximize our tournament winnings by simply looking for safe spots before we are willing to get the money in. If we think a spot is profitable we should usually take it, unless there is a strong countervailing reason to prioritize stack preservation, like an unbalanced ICM spot.

When I see this action on the flop I am thinking “look how big the pot is, look how much we could win relative to our investment.” This is a good tournament mindset. If you focus too much on security it will be hard to maximize your winnings in the long run.

Now, back to range analysis—look at the hands villains showed down. These are terrible players! If their ranges are this wide preflop, this is a slam dunk spot with 66, even being three ways. We are printing by calling. We are lighting EV on fire by folding.

This is a trivial spot because our opponents are clearly so much wider than they should be. It turns out we didn’t even need to start assigning specific combos to either villain here. It’s enough to say “their range is way too wide, so 66 is comfortably ahead getting 3:1 on a call.” That’s the range analysis here: they are fish, so call is profitable.

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Agreed, but don’t discount shove either. I’d want to just run my equity against the second player who doesn’t look interested in folding on the flop, but is very unlikely to have us beat.

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I agree with almost all of what Younguru is saying in his analysis. So I don’t have much to add.

That said:


Flop I would have 3 bet reraised to about 3/5’s to 2/3 to 3/4 to 4/5ths pot, because your likely ahead, and to test, find out where they are: If they call they either on middle pair top kicker to top pair weaker kicker to draw, and you likely still have them beat, If they reraise small they are either on about a equal hand to you, top pair mid kicker, mid pair top kicker, good combo draw. If they reraise you big or all in, your probably either beat by top pair better kicker, or villain has combo draw.

But because you called min bet of 200 they likely have mid pair top kicker or top pair 2 kicker or draw


Because of your flop call you look weaker. So they could be semi bluffing, betting big because they have top pair, 2 kicker to 7,8,9 kicker, or top pair plus combo draw, etc, and so they are either trying to force a better top pair better kicker to fold, with their draw equity as back up, or they are fish that bet big when they have you beat, and dont realize that they should bet smaller so as to not make you fold, so that you might call, because since you flat called flop, your probably not strong enough to call from a thinking villain’s perspective.

It’s a tough close spot, but this is a crying fold that could have been avoided if you had not let them get a cheap card to make a straight, and if you had 3 bet reraised to have helped defined, found out where you were, how good your hand really was.

And 3 bet reraising also can force combo draws, top pair 7 kicker that have you beat to fold. So doing that is probably higher EV, profitable over the long term.


This is a clear call,

You raised to 700, 7x. And given their fishy wide calls, if they had a pocket pair better then 66 they semi might semi probably semi can, semi would reraise, 3 bet with a better pocket. And its unlikely they have 88, and the only 8x hand they call with is A8 suited, so not much probability they have a 8 in their hand.

Also they could easily have a hand like A5 suited that hit pair of 5’s and had flush draw.

Also unless they are totally non thinking fish, donks that dont think about not forcing you out if they have you beat, crushed, and so go all in on a better, stronger hand that has you beat, unless thats the case, they likely are shoving their top pair of 5’s + flush draw to semi bluff you out with pretty good fall back draw equity. Because of that its a clear call with 3 to 1 pot odds to win a huge pot, where your 66 is likely ahead. Yeah sometimes you will be behind, and lose, but unless its a ICM like reason to fold, in tournaments, its all about taking reasonable, calculated risk, gambles, to chip up, make a run at cashing, winning the tournament.

So its clearly a bad fold, and clearly its a call. I would call in this type of situation, spot, almost all the time.

Villain 2 also called 7x pre and snap called Villain 1’s jam. I’m looking at one hand. Maybe if I had been the one playing against them for a few dozen hands then I would know that they are as wide as you say they are. Villain 1’s jam is almost certainly bluffing the 8s on the flop but now we have TWO chances to be sucked out. Both of these players called 7x pre and are both committing large. There are probably 3 overcards (9 to A) between them, maybe even 4. If one of them hits, we lose. We even lose to (unfoldable : P ) TT.

Like I said, heads-up I call this, despite the fact that we’ve whiffed the board. Furthermore, if I have overpair in pocket instead of underpair, I’m calling. In fact I might even jam overtop.

Also, I don’t think that it’s horrible to call this 3-way, but I prefer to fold. Villain 2 has us covered here.

Now in hindsight, it turns out that Villain 2 played this pretty badly, calling large on a K flush draw but how am I supposed to know that by just looking at one isolated hand?

Hahaha. Best read ever!! ; )

If we’re folding here, what flops are we calling with 66? Do we just always fold 66 in this configuration if we see a flop and the other 2 villains go all in?

If that’s the case, maybe we should just play shove/fold pre.

Not this guy. He ALWAYS bets a wet board large.

I agree with you theorically, its one of the best boards for 66, but my opinion of them was they were passive so i decided to fold, but yes when i see the showdown i know its bad because it was pure exploit, in theory its a snap call i agree

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for A7s thats clearly because you dont play often in low stakes they often min bet with the nuts (depend of the profile but i had not noting a strange value thin with third pair or anything like this kind of stuff)

Plus when you told that vilain has only A8 combo i disagree.
Vilain has all of his A8 combo ok
But also K8 (even offsuit)
Even Q8 offsuit
And all the suited with an 8 (maybe not 82 or 83).

Ok he can have a lot of hand if he is so wide but my feeling in game was he had no bluff, but yes i am idiot to not think that he value bet with his Q5s here.


If he is a smart player he has only A8 or maybe K8s. Yes he has all of those other 8x because he is not a very unsmart player. : P I only see one hand. I didn’t know he was that fishy until I saw the showdown.

Limp-call 7x pre with Q8?? UtG no less!! Completement fou!

i really think this to be honest i have seeing a lot of very strange stuff (call an all in 22BB with K8o for example)

Actually they do it at the high stakes to, but more often at low stakes. But heres the thing, that minbetting with monsters, etc, is because they are too passive, and is balanced by how often they also minbet on bottom pair top kicker, middle pair top kicker, top pair, weakest kicker, combo draws, straight draws, flush draws, gut shot draws, etc. Also they are only min betting monsters the minority of the time, as about 67% of time they miss the flop, dont have a monster, etc.

So with that in mind, can reraise over a minbet when have draws, middle pair, top pair weak kicker, etc, because your likely ahead, and because almost just as important your semi forcing them to define their hand.

If they fold, they were crushed. If they call, they likely behind, or tied, if they min reraise they likely either tied, slightly ahead or way ahead trying to get a call, if they reraise big or 3 bet shove then they have you crushed, beat, and think your able to call unless they are non thinking fish that bet big not realizing that is going to cause them to lose the value from a call, by forcing a fold.

The reason its so important to define their range, what they have by reraising over their small minbet, is that if you dont, you wont know what they have and will face a tougher decision if they shove next street and you dont know what they have because you flat called minbet looked weak, and so they might be semi bluffing or might have you crushed, you dont know, because you didnt find out by reraising minbet.

Yes you might lose about 500,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,1000 chips if you reraise their 200 minbet, and they reraise mid to big or 4 bet shove, but at least you have found out how strong or weak your hand is compared to theirs, and whether they likely have you beat, unless they bluffing, but unlikely they are 4 bet bluffing, and better to lose 500 to 1000 chips by finding out your beat, and then folding, then to flat call their 200 minbet, look weak, then they shove next street, and now your not sure if they have it or are bluffing and say you call and lose everything. losing 500 to 1000 chips to find out your beat is better then losing your whole stack, because you called, because you didnt know how strong they were, because you didnt reraise their min bet of 200 to find out where they were that you beat.

Also their min bet could be that they are on a draw, and are slowly trying to block bet, give themselves good pot odds, and slowly build up the pot to a bigger bloated up pot, so that if they hit their draw, they win a better pot, without spending too many chips.

By flat calling their minbet of 200, you are playing right into their hand, and setting your likely better hand to have a better chance of being beat by a straight, and losing a bigger pot.

You want to minreraise to about 3/5 to 2/3 to 3/4 to 4/5th pot, to protect your likely better hand from the draw, to make them pay too much, to try to hit their draw, to extract more value, and to find out where they are. If they fold great, if they call great, if they min reraise, ok to not so great, if they reraise big or 4 bet shove, then bad, but at least you losing only a smaller fraction of your stack, instead of your whole stack by calling their shove, because you flat called their 200 minbet.

By flat calling their 200 minbet, when that 9 hit the turn they could easily have a very likely 3 card straight, and be shoving because they dont think you can fold A2 top pair weakest kicker if you have that, or they could be shoving because they think you weak because you flat called their 200 minbet.

Its a tricky spot, that could be a straight or semi bluff, thats a 50/50 fold, call, that a technical crying fold, all because you didnt reraise find out where they were, if they had you beat or not.

Yeah they theoretically could be minbetting 200 on a monster that have you beat, but its better to lose 500 to 1000 chips to find that out, then to face such a tough crying decision on the next street, and possibly lose your whole stack if you call.

Also your being too afraid of theoretical, possible monsters under the bed. That’s why you didnt reraise their 200 minbet.

Even tho villains called with bad hands like K4, etc, you didnt know they call with hands like K4, or you would have probably said so. Because of that, most ok players are not going to call 7x preflop with K8, Q8, J8, T8, 98, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82. Usually they are only calling 7x with A8, and on extreme rare occasions bad call with K8 at very worst. So usually the only possible 8’s in their likely range could be A8, 88.

Being afraid of 88, A8, K8, etc, is being afraid of unlikely monsters under the bed.

Its just not likely that the 88x on the flop is beating you, not likely they have a 8.

Good poker is playing the PROBABILITIES, LIKELYHOODS, unless its ICM, etc.

totally agree with you i misread him, to me he was too passive and only bet with an 8

Where you could fold that 66, would be if you bet about 3/4, 4/5th pot, pot, 1.25 x pot, 1.5 x pot, and they 3 or 4 bet shove all in over your bet with 66, and then another player calls that. Facing that, you could then fold 66, as then it would be more likely either player had you beat with either a bigger pocket pair or 8x starting hand that flopped trips 8’s or 88 that flopped quad 8’s.

But since they just open shoved and got a call, and since because not a 3 bet shove, not a 4 bet shove and just an open shove and call, then its not likely you are beat.

Or if the shove caller had reraised all in to try to isolate then could have 77, 99, TT that beating your 66 that doesnt want you to call with a hand like AK and be facing possibly 4 overcards that could hit, beat them, and so want to try to force you, others out to try to isolate.

But none of that applies., as that didnt happen. Villain 1 probably open shoved because they thought that you had KQ, AK on a board that likely didnt hit your hand if you have overcards. And Villain 2 probably called because they thought that villain 1 had overcards that didnt hit board, and thought that open raiser preflop(hero, you), had overcards, that didnt hit board, and that facing both of you, that they getting 2 to 1 pot odds, and 3 to 1 implied odds if you call, on a flush draw that up against overs that didnt hit flop, that doesnt dominate their hand.

By understanding all that, its just likely that your 66 is likely good.

I know that you realize that by now, as you even say that you realize that.

I’m just explaining why, and by explaining why, and understanding why, then if your in semi different but still semi similar, semi same type of spots, situations in the future, you will be able to think your way thru it better, and understand why, and what villains are doing, not doing, etc, and make better decisions, based on that

I not going to tell you to just blindly fold in these type of spots, and for you to blindly fold in these types of spots in the future, as its not only important to make right decisions, but to know why to make those right decisions, which helps you to be a better thinking player, better able to make right decisions in various semi different, but still semi related, semi similar, semi same spots, etc.

Thats what my coach, mentor, did for me, and it helped me to be a better player.

This will help you to be a even better player.

Meant to say that not going to tell you to blindly call. I accidentally said that not going to blindly tell you to fold, etc. Wish the forums had, has a edit post feature if you accidentally make a mistake in your post and then post that mistake, like I just did. Lol.