Lay it on me, Replay!
He leads the flop but checks back the turn. That smells an awful lot like a draw, in this case 6x. When it busts on the river, you bet, he folds. Pretty gutsy flop call when the PFR leads half-pot and there’s an A on the board though.
What do you think the chances are that Villain had 76s? I ask this for a couple of reasons. First, 76o isn’t a great opening hand pre. Second, judging by Villain’s bankroll rank (I don’t know him at all) he’s not a fish, and a fish would likely be very happy to call your 4bb-ish 1/4-pot-ish river bet with pair of 7s. This guy is smarter than that. Also good players know that turning or rivering a pair when trying to draw straight hurts your chances, which would make him gunshy.
KQo is typically a decent hand to complete with from the BB, but KQs should mostly be 3-bet. Outside of that, I think it’s all good.
I don’t think you get to fold the flop when you don’t 3-bet - you have a bdfd, bdsd and 2 over-cards to JJ, TT, 99 and 8x. It’s still not very appealing to call on the ace high board, but this a very good call IMHO.
People just don’t check back enough Ax or better on the turn, and the 8 is a very good river for you regardless. I can’t think of a hand I wouldn’t bet here, and I’d never be using a huge size. I really like going small just in case you run into someone whose incapable of folding their pocket pairs.
in chips its a pure jam all in KQs preflop, and even with ICM KQs seems too strong to me to just call. I know there is two short but they dont have 5BB the less had 12. We can just call with our suited Acex, T9s, J9s but KQs win so much when jamming
I don’t think I have much fold EQ against hands that are beating me, so I choose to just flat this time. I am mostly 3betting this hand, but mixing in some calls to protect my bb no-3bet range.
I think that Tigranis’s Raise range in late position is A2+, KQ, KJ suited, KT suited, QJ suited, 22+
I think Tigranis can put you on a semi looser, semi MDF flat call range, that likely didnt hit board.
Because of that Tigranis can semi bluff half pot, rep a strong, stronger hand, range vs Younguru’s range.
Younguru knows that Tigranis can do that tho. KQ suited has back door flush draw, and back door straight draw if any diamond, any J or T or 9 gives him a gutshot straight draw on turn.
By flat calling Tigranis, he can try to hit a J diamonds, T of diamonds, 9 of diamonds on turn, while at same time test, see if Tigranis slows down checks, is afraid that Younguru has pair of aces, or has him outkicked, etc.
Tigranis slowed down, checked, was concerned, maybe even semi afraid that Younguru had the Ace or outkicked him.
The turn brought a possible 3 card straight that could have hit have hit 64 suited for straight on turn for Younguru, as that hits Younguru’s flat calling MDF range, preflop.
Younguru checks behind, which could be Younguru slowplaying 3 card straight, or Younguru having A2, or Younguru having K8 suited, Q8 suited, J8 suited that he might have called preflop with, and flat called the flop, postflop.
The river brings a 8. Tigranis checks River, probably afraid, concerned that Younguru has A2, K8, Q8, J8, for trips 8’s, or has a 3 card straight etc, so Tigranis checks hoping that Younguru also checks behind so that he can see a showdown with his small something.
Tigranis is also tight in these spots, and likes to set up check raises, depending on the player, board, etc.
Normally if I am Younguru, I am putting Tigranis on a hand that could be afraid, concerned, and could fold to a river bet by Younguru.
The river bet would normally have to be semi bigger, in order to not induce Tigranis to a check raise versus a player like Younguru.
Younguru knowing that about Tigranis uses a small size because of Tigranis knowing that Younguru knows that, and that Younguru looks like he wants to be called, which makes Tigranis think he is beaten, and causes him to fold.
Basically Younguru, Tigranis know each other well, and Younguru out leveled Tigranis.
Very well played by Younguru, and extremely good sizing that begged for a call or reraise that fooled Tigranis, made Tigranis think he was beat.
If the river bet was too big Tigranis might have made the call thinking why didnt Younguru bet the turn, and why use such a polarized size that could easily be nothing or something that he Tigranis could bluff catch with.
Extremely well played Younguru.
Part of the reason why I can break down the hand this way, is that I know how both you and Tigranis plays.
Great breakdown, that’s more or less how I thought about it in real time, too. Definitely an attempt to exploit based on personal history/player tendencies/leveling.