Who Endorsed me?

Would love to see who endorse me, i get quite a few and often try to repay a compliment to the right player but would be nicer if I could see who the kind person was that took time to hit those buttons for me. Anyone else feel the same


I agree, it’s just human nature to want to repay the favor. However the original intent of endorsements was to provide them anomalously for recoginition of the player for the specific endorsement without automatic payback. I have found this very important to new players especialy. GL at the tables & keep lighting up someones day, that deserves those endorsments. :smile:


Play only heads up sng tourneys and you’ll always know who it was. :rofl:


Not necessarily. You can endorse someone while watching a replayed hand. ; )

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HI litenin was fun seeing you in game last nite, and yes i do understand the anonymity aspect but i think people would prefer to know who, its been asked so many times during games and some now even announce they gave endorsements which helps :slight_smile: I just dont think it hurts the game or the process to allow us to have that info :slight_smile: thanks for your response though :slight_smile:

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people waste time worring about the silliest unimportant things on this site…who endorsed me and someones rank lololo


Lol it really isnt that deep, just a simple conversation, which grabbed your attention just like all the other ones i see you have visited, seems you like to comment on these things and thats wonderful so please dont demean other players for what constitutes a friendly conversation hopefully amongst friends and like minded people :slight_smile: have a wonderful day Colby :slight_smile:

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It’s not demeaning at all.

Endorsements are a nice friendly idea but they’re pretty meaningless. Come on, what do they get you? On your profile page they only show as a percentage. 50% pro, 40% good sport 10% helpful, and everyone has about the same percentage whether they have 5, 4 and 1 endorsements or 5000, 4000 and 1000. A player who is both highly skilled and very friendly will have the same numbers as a total dick who sucks at poker. This is totally useless info.

Sure, it’s a nice community thing to get an endorsement for good sport during a hand, but most people just type “gh” or “vnh” and “ty” which does the same thing anyways.

Better feedback to the site admin would be to prioritize a time bank system over any changes to endorsements. That is the point that Colby is making and he’s 100% right.


just end this silly thing. problem solved. I mean the endorsements


One cool thing about getting endorsed is the mid month endorsement drop, last coupla months at least I’ve received over 28k free chips…it’s something :slight_smile:

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my concern is that replay already gives out way to many chips.
you got daily log in bonus/100K ticket.
you got all these leaderboards to compete for to earn chips.
you got facebook/forum contest give out chips for. 100K
you got these promo codes now that gives out chips/tickets.
you got the endorsement drops. just because you give and receive endorsements .
you got the PKO tournaments give out chips knocking a players out.
you got missions

few are good for site while others are just silly

its no wonder every game is all ins anymore

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one last thing. players just endorse just to endorse. all time I get a poker pro and game hasn’t even started. I get a helping hand and not helped anyone. I get a good sport and not say a word.

get you and 8 friends every day and just endorse each other for no reason other than to build up your ranks so you can get more amount of chip

its just a very manipulated system

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I usually just say “ty”. Sometimes I get a “yw” back, but it isn’t expected.

Endorsements can be a ‘friend thing’, or, when sitting at a table with players you haven’t met before…it can be an actual compliment.

Some people give them out because they simply want to make a player smile. This is a free poker site…we should all be smiling. :smile:


hmm havent noticed that yet but will definitely look for it :slight_smile:

aww i like that thought thankyou :slight_smile:

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Wow wish he’d actually said that im not really sure where you got that from in his one sentence but thankyou for your input :slight_smile: much appreciated.

Most people around here are nice and polite. Even if they have a negative complaint, they phrase it as nice as possible. On the other hand, Some people just like to complain about chit and can make it humiliating and rude. Like using the word “Manipulated system”, “every game is All In anymore” Really? Doesnt sound like you are happy here. You don’t have to participate in anything to do with the gaming offered at Replay, at least ive not seen anything about manditory game play required.
It sounds like you are frustrated or was frustrated when you posted your comment, I’ve commented before when angry or frustrated and regretted it. Have gone back and deleted more than one comment. :grin: .I say these things respectfully and mean disrespect.
If i Insult anyone please accept my humble apology. Definately not my intentions.
:v: :v:

maybe I shouldn’t have used “Manipulated system. if I help nobody, why would I get a helping hand endorsement? if I don’t say one word, why would I get a good sport endorsement? also, what’s stopping a bunch of friends get on a table everyday and just to endorse each other for no reason other than to get their endorsement rank higher? endorsements are not be used as replay attended them to be used

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@wildpokerdude, You have a great point about people getting together just to pump up the endorsements. I wonder if Replay has a watch for that? If not they should or do some redo on the rules. I like getting endorsements, though i really haven’t got that many. :laughing: . I do give endorsements to, if i think someone really deserves it. Like if i bad beat someone and they really are a good sport about it. Thats how i got my first endorsement.
:v: :v:

I don’t see how you would set rules. just know that endorsements are not being used how replay wanted it to work.

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