Real poker help

Freezeout tournament 2euros buy-in.
We are in the start of the midgame.
I had A :heart: K :heart: at the HJ.
I had 37BB.
I open 2BB.
BB calls and had literraly the same stack (no joke)
Flop is 8 :clubs: 5 :clubs: 3 :heart:
A pretty drawy board, where i have not a lot of range advantage except for the overpair.
BB check
I decided to cbet 60% pot, but i am not sure of its ok or not, i deny equity of a lot of hand but a pair would not fold i think, and i dont take a lot of value, so i think it might be ok to check, i am not sure.
Vilain check raise 4x.
To me vilain can had some bluff, and i have 30% against a Q8 who might check raise in this very drawy board for exemple. So i called
Turn is the 8 :spades:
Vilain bet 40% pot and he is commit to the pot.
This turn is one of the best so i jam because he has less 8 so i call and he was with Q :clubs: 9 :clubs:

All the street seems interesting to me so please give our opinion

I usually check most of my range on these low boards, even in position. When you do c-bet this board, you should be using a large size, so 60% seems fine. I wouldn’t choose AhKh, but I think that’s probably fine too.
A8 and K8 and more likely than Q8 as value raises for the villain (plus sets and 2-pair), so you’re basically dead against most of their value. There are so many draws on this board though, and they can even be bluff raising with air. I think this is the critical decision point in the hand - is it more likely they’re bluffing or have value? If you decide bluff, which I think is the correct decision without some sort of read, then you’re basically committing to being all in on any non-club turn.
Turn jam is the only play on the 8s, which I agree is a very good card for you. If you run into trips or better, so be it - you can’t let that stop you getting the money in now against draws that are likely to brick on the river.

What was the river card? As I see it he had about 14 outs, 9 Q or any club, you had two A or K while banking on him bluffing or missing, Personally I think both could / should have checked the turn as it was a toss up in his favor. So what was the river?
I’ve been in his place except had bottom pair and the flush shot to have AK AQ push, I call and take his all in with 2s or 3s (tough call but)
I don’t worry about how many BBs just play the playable and fold the rest.

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