We have all had pets at some point in our lives. Pets that kept us company and pets that got us through difficult times. It seems they knew exactly when that was and what we needed, including unconditional love. I have had a lot of pets over my lifetime. I have had cats, dogs and horses. I now have 5 cats and 1 dog and they help me cope with life every day. The question is what pet in your life stands out and was there for you when you needed them the most?
I grew up with a little black Chihuahua named Noche Negra. My grandmother bred and sold chihuahuas, and this one came from her to me when I was six months old. I had a bond with that dog that was very close. She had heart disease in her later years and had to be given digitalis, which is used on humans too. I used to sneak her into my bedroom and let her cuddle up to sleep with me all night long, against my family’s rules. It’s very hard to lose a pup like that. She set a very high bar for all pets I ever had after.
There is always that one Pet that remains so special. Mine was Stitch, a Yorkie. She went everywhere with us & loved by our neighbors who gave her treats, took her for rides on their golf carts. We had her for 13 years, developed cancer that no guarantee of treatment would help her. We treated her @ home w/ CBD oil & she lived a year longer than expected. The day she passed, she slowly strolled a few neighbor homes. We all were in tears as it seemed she was saying her good byes.
Raven, that is a heartache for sure! What a darling small pup.
I sure as hell relate to your words
My dog Bear alerted us that the house was on fire almost 2 years ago. Scared and confused, he bit 2 of the firemen and was taken by the animal control people. He was deemed to be a dangerous animal, and was to be put down.
And I said, “Oh hell no,” and fought for him as he fought for us. I’m not ashamed to say that I made some very subtle, very quiet, very serious threats to those making the judgement. The guy in charge made eye contact, staggered back a step, and simply nodded.
I’m pleased to say that Bear is alive & well, and will always have a place in my home and in my heart.
Hurray! You are the hero in this story for sure, right up there with Bear.
Meh, thanks, but nothing heroic about it. Loyalty that only goes one way is treachery of the lowest kind. Consequences be damned, that dog was coming home with me… period.
Amen and hallelujah!
I have had 2 Yorkies, and both very smart and great pets. Your Stitch looks like my Ivy.
in my eyes(and oh god are they cream crackered lol ) my respect for you has increased tremendously I take my hat off to you sir good for you
Jazmyn came into my life when I was at an emotional wreck. First time I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my arm and planted her head in my armpit. We’ve been together 24/7 for 9 years. My first standard poodle, her intelligence amazes me. We live in our own 10 acre forest. Problem is, she won’t leave my side and will have little to do with other people. She also has Addisons which requires daily meds. along with a monthly injection. Frolicking in stage 4 cancer for a while, my main concern is finding her a home where she’ll be a companion rather than a dog!! Loved and respected. But, for now, Jaz is one spoiled pup!
I’ve had many Wild Birds-Squirrels-Critters thru decades. Had a stray Dog that met anyone coming up the driveway to sniff and let Me know how they rated… Was Never wrong… Turned away 4 of 6 from one family through Years that visited. Would slowly stay near their leg and take a small bite or more if needed… When My favorite Cat had Kittens She would not let any strange Dog approach without Her approval. Once a fella got out of His truck and I warned Him My Cat might attack His German Shepard and He laughed and Kept coming towards House. She streaked out and swiped and hissed it under the His truck. He stayed about 10 minutes then called His dog to get back in truck. Dog never moved… Finally crawled part way under dragged it out and lifted it back into the Truck seat. Left in a Huff.
Oh, I wish you all the best with this–and all the best for a perfect placement for your beloved Jazmyn.
I feel the pet that really stands out in my life is Chipper, who we call Chip for short. Mainly because we had him one year before we had our son, so they grew up together and had a really strong bond since day one. He’s had a heart murmur since he was a puppy so the vet informed us he might develop a heart disease later on. He’s the healthiest and most active pup until he developed a bronchitis when he was almost 10, which for some reason triggered his heart failure. The vet informed us he has about one week to live, but he tried to hold on and gave us two more months to be with him, as if to prepare us before he crossed the rainbow bridge.
My kids, most especially my son never wanted to say good-bye, and I guess as a Mom, it’s so difficult to explain to them that we don’t want Chip to be in any more pain. I was willing to hold on as long as I could but one evening as I was looking into his eyes, I just knew it was time - that he was ready to let go of the pain, and I must accept to take that pain into me instead.
Aww, such a precious dog. Know that pain too well.
What a beautiful dog. I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing.