Hi players. Last week was a difficult one for me and I was not able to do a forum topic. My support dog, companion and friend, Damien, passed away. He was a Siberian Husky. Support animals like Damien are difficult to find. He helped me through many bad days. We did everything together. The problem is I can’t stop thinking of him and when I do, I can’t stop crying. It has literally incapacitated me. I faced a lot of death when I ran my rescue, but I was able to deal with it. This situation is different and I don’t know why. The question is has anyone else ever been in a situation like this where you just can’t stop thinking about that special pet that passed away and you wound up getting very upset and cried when you do, and I mean every day and night? Maybe some of your experiences can help me.
7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pets We Had or Have
A post was merged into an existing topic: Pets We Had or Have