Anyone have any pictures of their dogs to share? Here are my pups.
This is our 14 year old lady, Lucy, checking out a painting we had done of her.
This is Reese, our shiba inu, out for lunch.
I’d love to see your dogs, past or present!
Anyone have any pictures of their dogs to share? Here are my pups.
This is our 14 year old lady, Lucy, checking out a painting we had done of her.
This is Reese, our shiba inu, out for lunch.
I’d love to see your dogs, past or present!
Beautiful dogs fizzy, I am one of the biggest dog lovers out there and I don’t have a dog right now. I think it is the first time in my life I went this long without having a dog All our kids are grown up and moved out so my husband and I decided to sell our house ( to our daughter ) and get an apartment. We are now talking about buying a house again so I can get a dog. I’m having doggy withdraw
I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your dogs and hope others post pictures of theirs as well.
Great idea for a post
I’m sure you love 'em lots and they you lots!!! That said, they are some of the ugliest cats I’ve ever seen!! I’m a CAT LOVER but appreciate even these less than ideal cats!! Cherish them and they’ll always be with you!
Gorgeous dogs! We have similar taste in pooches!
I don't have a dog. But I like dogs. An old saying "Every dog has it's day" So why not a puppy day. ............BLUEDIME
Ha! Today I Learned: Replay has more Cat People than Dog People.
(I like cats, too, but National Cat Day isn’t until October 29th. )
29th October, it’s a date !!
Taco looks like a chihuahua corgi? I might be totally wrong, but what a good-looking pup either way!
GORgeous beast! All the right ears and eyes and nose and colorings–wow! May I have this beast when you are through??? lol
Thank you, Fizzymint. He does have his moments, and can be ornery, but he’s my wife’s baby-boy and I guarantee she’d rescue him before me if there were ever to be a fire.
This world is going to the dogs
If I could just borrow this one for about 20 years…?
This is Oreo and she is a rescue dog. This is her favourite position hanging her paws out the door but keeping her body inside just in case something scary like a mouse runs by. lol
I’ll gladly take her off your hands… She looks like she’s LOADS of trouble. lol
@FlKayak and @Sassee-Lassee – what gorgeous dogs!! I love that Oreo needs to protect herself from terrifying rodents.
Okay Jan you can now be her new dog sitter but bring lot’s of squeaky toys with you she loves them !!! lol
Yes fizzy she is one very brave lady, ha ha !!