Just Replaying Old Hands

A place to REPLAY old hands from years ago.

In this hand, one of the very first trends I noticed in Omaha Hi Lo was back in 2020.

Being dealt 22** had an extremely high win percentage.

BTW, it peaked in 2020 and has never been that solid again.

I remember it being extremely noticeable at the time.

So, in this hand, I was very confident and it’s a hand I saved for good reason.


50K/100K games back in 2020 were a shootout.

No prisoners taken.

Probably still are, but I’m avoiding those stakes now to live another day.


I did lose the hand, but 4 years later, I have more chips in my RP bank than the winner

of this hand.

A good lesson here is, “Don’t take your bank for granted, even if you have billions.”

Here’s a classic hand - #658662774

Goatsoup vs -BlackWidow-

This was RPOS VIII TOC - Final Hand

The winner earned the right to rename a Replay Tournament!

Talk about trends!

The last post and this post. Hmmm

It certainly pays off with AA’s and a paired board with a K, to expect a river ace!

Big wins!