7card stud hi-lo

Looking for any tidbits of tips especially from Craig. I am just starting out with 7hilo and am familiar w/the basics (similar to omaha 8, etc) but pretty much at a loss as how to play half decent. Should I be very concerned w/my opponents up cards? Omaha hi-lo where a GREAT deal of the time a card above 8 will show up after a previous high card or last card is invariably high even tho u were hoping for a lo hand. Just a few little things like that would help immensely! Thanks!!

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Craig: I guess you liked my ???'s but never answered them? Oh well, at least thank you for your time…

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Thank you for your inquiry. I will reach out to you soon.

Okeydoke then. I appreciate your perusal of my request. Not looking for your ‘trade secrets’, just something to help get the ball rolling, so to speak. HAGD!

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No worries. Best bet is to watch game play from the lobby and get an education on how the game works then go from there but don’t be afraid to jump in and get your “feet wet “ for the time being :+1:t2: