It Happens

Call from Nowhere

Who the @#$% calls 5x pre with 62o?

I think that I played it perfectly, re-raising pre with strength, called for cheap draw as the multiway kept building pot for me, same again turn, hit the river and raised him big. I actually want him to have a 2 or a 6 here. Never dreamed that he’d have both.

It happens. Just don’t tilt.

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Judging from his BR and how long he was been here, I would say it was a pot odds call, committed to one bet, action between you and him grew pot, his eyes got big, payoff on his call was huge , he called, with a hope and a dream of defying all odds.

Pot odds? I mean I see what you mean, as everyone else was calling so the actual pot odds weren’t that bad even at 5x, but a good player knows that pot odds means nothing without relation to equity and 62o couldn’t have less equity. I guess a fishy player sees pot odds and is clueless to equity, or probably not even pot odds, he just sees a big pot early in tourney and wants in.

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And again Worst runout evar!

If you guys can’t see, I had KQh.

I was licking my chops to isolate this fish. Small 2x pre was because this villain calls anything that she likes and folds anything that she doesn’t like. If I bet too big I won’t get any money in. She’s behind and I need her to call.

Flop is a wheel draw, also a flush. Does she have an ace? If she called me, very likely, but even still, she’s probably back door, so I bet half pot. She calls. Alarm bells.

The turn now gives her A5, A2, Aspade, Aclub. This really sucks. I don’t want to play anymore. I check and she checks back but she’s so fishy the checkback is meaningless. My equity is literally 2 overcards. Best that I can do here is a pair and there’s no way that I’m bluffing her off of whatever she has.

River brings in the wheel and the clubs flush. She actually BETS, with SIZE! There’s no way that she doesn’t have either a straight or a flush. Poker Gods love this fish today and spank me for spite.

It happens. Just don’t tilt.

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Any 2 or J on the river is a full house. Nut flush is essentially a bluffcatcher on the river. Raise is maybe a mistake.

I’m sure at equilibrium they’re supposed to have other hands to call with like pocket pairs and weaker flushes, but are those hands going to bet fairly big on the river and then call your minraise, which is representing a full house?

Back to preflop: having seen a few hands from you now, I think your 3bets are consistently too small. With this many limpers, and a small raise already in front of your action, you will need to bet at least 400 to avoid just creating a bloated pot where everyone behind is getting very attractive pot odds to continue with pretty much any 2 cards.

This doesn’t mean playing 6 2 in this configuration is winning/profitable, but it does mean you can expect such trash hands to continue a lot more than you might think/like.

I take it back, an even WORSE run out

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You don’t have the stack depth to be trying to exploit people like this. You’re on 10bb; raising to 2bb with KQo against a UTG limp is probably just a losing play on its face.

Shove pre or check behind and take your equity to the flop. The time for trying to extract value from weaker holdings by “suckering them in” is past; you have 10bb. Put them to a decision or accept that you’re just gonna see a flop with your hand vs. their range and play accordingly.

I don’t think you have any basis for the claim that “she’s behind” whether this player is a fish or not. You’re behind A2o preflop. Villain could easily have any ace.

As played, 4c 5s 3s is one of the grossest flops your hand could find. Check-fold flop.

The 8s full… ok that’s just a vomit-worthy runout lol I will pray for you and your family

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First I was KQs, not KQo. Second, you are talking about exploiting a competent player. This villain has shown some very poor limpy play and consistently bad min raising post flop. 19 times out of 20 (especially if this villain is limping UtG!) KQs (or even KQo) is ahead. If I shove pre, she folds 100%.

I like your analysis except that I know I’m up against a particularly bad passive player which changes this hand considerably.

Yea, maybe I could have shoved the flop but with pretty much the worst flop that my hand could have seen, if I get called I’m felted.

Definitely don’t shove this flop with KQs (sorry for getting that wrong earlier); just check-fold.

Anyway what I mean is that you don’t have enough behind to be making those kinds of moves (referring to the minraise pre). If Villain is very wide, you should be MORE incentivized to shove pre here with KQs in the bb, not less! Minraise just creates a larger pot for the two of you to fight over, in a situation where your hand misses a lot of flops completely, you’re going to be out of position, and there’s not much left to play for. Furthermore, because Villain is so wide, it’s hard to have much clarity about which flops are good for you and which are good/bad for her. Not a great configuration to put yourself in.

Moreover, if you are forced to fold even without putting in a single bet post-flop, you’re now on 9bb. Every single bb you lose off such a shallow stack reduces your fold equity if you want to shove over limps/opens later, so this is significant.

Shove or check pre!

Villain’s 544,000 EXTREMELY LOW RANKING, explains, shows why made call. But that’s not the only reason. There are some 2000, semi very high ranked players who will call 5,6,7,8,9 x raises, reraises, 3 bets, etc, with 72 type garbage, if they think a player has AA, KK, if they are getting awesome pot odds, implied odds, if they think that AA, KK, can’t won’t fold, if they think that nobody will put them on 72 if the flop comes 772, if they think that everybody will put them on 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 98s, T9s, JTs, QTs, QJs, KTs, KJs, KQs, A6s, A8s, A9s, ATs. They are calling, praying to hit 722, 772, 77x, 22x, 72x, to try to stack, butluck a giant stack. It’s a lame, bad way to play, as there is only about a 3% chance of that happening, and would need 50 to 1 pot odds to justify calling big 6,7,8,9 x raises, reraises, 3 bets, 4 bets, etc.

I disagree that “it’s a lame, bad way to play.” It’s just an exploit; up to opponents to prove it doesn’t work.

If players keep stacking off indiscriminately with overpairs, it will continue to be a viable strategy. If players keep using improperly small preflop sizing, laying attractive pot odds to the field, it will continue to be a viable strategy.

But in this case if I open 5x, that’s not improper preflop small sizing. I can’t help it if 5 villains between me and the showdown winner all call 5x to hand his 62o pot odds! And I can’t predict that either. I mean how often do 4 or 5 people call 5x? It’s just a really rare hand.

It is improper sizing. You have 2 limps and a 3x raise in front of you; then you raise to 5x. That’s 460 in the middle and 200 to call for just the first potential cold-caller; all subsequent callers will have significantly better odds to continue.

Your 3bet sizes are too small. You’re just bloating the pot without applying enough pressure to marginal hands that may want to continue.

8x is probably the absolute minimum effective 3bet size here. I’d usually go 9x-12x if I didn’t want to just flat.

Suited/not suited hardly matters when you’re short. There’s only a ~3% difference in equity between the two, which is hardly worth worrying about when you’re 10bb deep.

I prefer just checking. You’re not getting called by worse, and it doesn’t sound like you’re ever getting bluffed of your equity by this player, so why bet? I don’t love the small raise pre, but the one benefit it has is that you can check down for cheap against this player type and win quite often. You can always turn your hand into a bluff on later streets if you think you can get better to fold.

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In hindsight, I probably should not have shoved that turn as I lose to 45 (16 combos?) and probably any two hearts or diamonds, but I was trying to be more aggressive like everyone tells me to do.

I think the shove on the turn here is the only play. If they have a draw that bricks, you’re never getting paid on the river, and your hand is too good not to play for it all here.

This is a spot where I think you can just jam the flop though. It’s a bit awkward, because you have to go 2x pot, but I think you’re still getting called by all Tx, and possibly even double broadway hands that are basically dead.

I should have been more careful with big villain since he called my flop bet. If he likes that dry board, that tightens him up considerably, pocket pair made set, heart draw. Turned out that he didn’t. I guess that I should have jammed the flop but I was thinking that no one would have me on 6622 and I wanted value.

No-one having you on 6622 is the reason you can jam the flop. It’s going to look a lot like you have a heart draw or even air. When the board is also only T high and you’re that short, you might even get calls from QJo, KJo.

I think check-raise all-in is probably the play, but just jamming is also viable, and is a better option here than the AQo hand IMHO.

It just gets worser and worser.

Sucked out again. I know that suck outs happen and I know that they happen quite often, but they are happening too often the past couple of days to the point where I think I might be doing something wrong.

The past couple of days I can’t remember a single significant pot that I have won with pure luck. Every one of them I have been gritting my teeth and mopping my brow afterwards. Then all of the pots where I’m pumping my fist before the run out because I know that I have him dead end up sending the chips the wrong way and me going wtf??

I must be doing something wrong. Can I not read these boards at all? Yes, the pocket 9s up top there was just a disgusting run out from hell but all the rest … was I just not as far ahead as I thought?