Villain’s 544,000 EXTREMELY LOW RANKING, explains, shows why made call. But that’s not the only reason. There are some 2000, semi very high ranked players who will call 5,6,7,8,9 x raises, reraises, 3 bets, etc, with 72 type garbage, if they think a player has AA, KK, if they are getting awesome pot odds, implied odds, if they think that AA, KK, can’t won’t fold, if they think that nobody will put them on 72 if the flop comes 772, if they think that everybody will put them on 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 98s, T9s, JTs, QTs, QJs, KTs, KJs, KQs, A6s, A8s, A9s, ATs. They are calling, praying to hit 722, 772, 77x, 22x, 72x, to try to stack, butluck a giant stack. It’s a lame, bad way to play, as there is only about a 3% chance of that happening, and would need 50 to 1 pot odds to justify calling big 6,7,8,9 x raises, reraises, 3 bets, 4 bets, etc.