Interesting aggression at 500/1000?

This was quite a weird hand. I was highly surprised that the aggression was so high!!! But you have to protect J9s! Especially in the BB! Won 407,000 chips in a 500/1000!

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4, 5 , 6 bet multiple reraising and calling vs so many preflop raisers, callers of 3 bets, 4 bets, etc, is extremely bad. Getting in reraise battles with, against so many preflop is extremely bad, with J9 suited. That goes way the heck beyond basic GTO MDF on BB(minimum defense frequency), to the point where extremely bad.

You got extremely BUTLUCKY, going 20+ bb preflop with J9 suited, in a 4,5,6,7,8 way, handed multi way pot.

That’s a recipe for getting stacked, crushed, beat, etc, about 950 times out of 1000. And the about 50 to 75 times out of 1000 that you win, will be due to pure butluck, not skill.

Maybe 5 to 10 to 13 times out of 1000, you would win due to skill doing that.

Your hand is definitely a example of WHAT NOT TO DO.

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I kinda agree. That wasn’t well played by anybody. I give hero credit for that big raise pre to stop the silly escalation … but you did it with J9s - ouch!

The only time that I get into that escalation is when I have nuts. I flopped a nut flush once and the betting went round and round 3-handed. Fish 1 on my left kept calling hoping to close the action (in futility) and fish 2 kept min raising. I kept raising 3x over and it just kept going. I didn’t mind at all because I knew that the only mistake I could make was to get a fold. If fish 2 wants to keep raising into my nuts and fish 2 wants to keep calling, I couldn’t be more down. I got it all in from both of them because they were in that vicious vortex of pot odds. But it worked because I actually flopped nuts. If I didn’t have nuts I would have either jammed them or folded.

But of course your hand was pre and no one has nuts pre, so to stop the madness, raise BIG or fold. You raised big which is good but you did it with J9 which is bad.

I also don’t really believe in this whole ‘defending the big blind’ thing. The BB is still a BAD position at the table. Yes, it gives you a little bit better pot odds pre and/or allows you to close the action sometimes for cheap or free (can be great at low stakes) but that’s it. You’re still out-of-position after the flop so if you don’t flop 2-pair or strong draw, you’re check-folding. If you want to open say J9s from the BB for 3x or 4x, at least 7 or 8 times out of 10 you are throwing away 3x or 4x.

“Oh, got the BB, gotta defend it wider.”

No. No you don’t.


Here’s some interesting aggression as well. Check out this bonkers showdown
I have only 3 words to say about this hand, W T F !?!? (for the record I had ATo and I just realized reviewing it that I would have won a ridiculous pot if I would have called). Instead I got felted 10 hands later by the same fish on my left who rivered a wheel with 55 to beat my trips.

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I won because everyone at the table was holding garbage.

Actually, if you check standard RFI charts jack nine suited is perfection under the gun all positions step up your game before you talk.

Then you just stink at playing multiway pot is all. Just admit it and get heads up!!

You’re wrong as well. You clearly do not know your RFI charts. Good luck in Poker.

None of the preflop action makes any sense, but good job calling down with top pair :slight_smile:


Whoa, no need to be rude.

J9s might be firmly in the middle of your charts but your charts are for competent/pro Villains. When we play against weak players we use a tighter exploitative chart that has J9s quite close to the bottom of our range. Which means that we should not be opening the bottom of our range out-of-position. Seat 2 of 6 is not good. How do we know that these players are weak? You say yourself …

Did you know that they all had garbage? They certainly weren’t repping garbage. And even if they are all weak, even bums get dealt prime every couple of orbits. What are the chances that just ONE of 3 villains is ahead of you here? Pretty good. And you were up against FIVE Villains. And yet you are willing to plow 20bb in a multiway pot pre. You think that your play is above ANY criticism here?

Cool story, bro.

Imma let all this go since you’re a friend and you sound like you’ve just been drinking. Especially when you also say what you said above about position. J9s is perfection UtG all positions? UtG IS a position, not all positions. You were on the BB. Was it a good Highland scotch or an Islay?

And congratz on the huge pot win. :+1:


Actually, you wish I was just drinking. Here’s what my AI Poker coach says. LESSON 2: PLAY TIGHT-AGGRESSIVE


To play Tight-Aggressive, focus on:

  1. Top 10% of hands:
    • AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT
    • AKs, AQs, AJs, KQs
  2. Strong suited hands:
    • KJs, QJs, JTss, T9s
  3. Pairs in late position:
    • 99, 88, 77 (when acting last)


  1. Raise 3-4x big blind with strong hands preflop
  2. Bet 60-70% of pot on flop with strong hands
  3. Check-raise occasionally to balance strategy

Practice time:

You’re dealt AKs in early position. What action?
A) Raise 3x big blind
B) Call big blind
C) Fold
D) Go all-in

Choose your play!

And I had a problem drinking, so that was really freakin’ rude. I think you know that by what my “Pseudo Is”. No need to take personal shots or I’ll just take all your chips next time I see you in a tournament.

Okay, I’ll unfriend you right now.


OK sounds like a good idea from where you’re coming from! Lol “unfriended over virtual chips” can’t wait to tell my bot, I wonder what he’ll think! Lmao

What does a RFI chart tell us about a spot where HJ has already opened (and there’s 3 other callers)?

FWIW, you can defend J9s with a raise against a HJ open 200bb deep, but it’s a very low frequency play, and GTO would never just click it back from the big blind. Once you get a couple of callers in between, J9s is a pure fold. Nothing about your preflop play is GTO.


@napkin_holder props for naming my 2 favorite kinds of scotch!

@JohnDaWalka I didn’t read that weird longwinded mishmash of emojis, and I’m pretty sure no one else will, either.

But anyway, instead of talking a lot of trash, why not play me HU? I would appreciate the opportunity to learn from an expert!

Here’s the math:

  1. Expected Value (EV) Calculation:
    • 1/(number of players) = 1/9 = 11.1% (simplified EV)
    • Adjusted for hand strength: 11.1% x 1.12 (top 15% hands) = 12.4%

  2. Simulation Confirmation:
    • Ran 100k random multi-way pot scenarios: average win rate = 12.37%

Should I send this exact breakdown to that forum thread?

What you should do is stop talking and play me heads-up.

deal what time?