I’m free now if you are!
I’m busy coding. I don’t just go into tournaments when I’m tired. I’m a professional about things.
ok, you name the date/time
it will be in Midtown Manhattan. I could do it next week blinds 50,000 100,000 you let me know if this works for you.
lol @ midtown manhattan
sure dude 50k/100k is fine with me. I’m not sure how fine it will be with your bankroll, but that’s your business
OK, it’s set. I’ll call my booking agent and book the venue would you like other players there as well?
tell your friends! we can sell tickets.
Its not about poker skill – you have that.
Nor is it about stakes – $50/$100 is mere symbolism. A real cash game exposes your ego’s foundation.
Is it granite or sand?
‘MidtownShowdown awaits’
Replay Poker hand ID 1237080334 imported into “Beat Yung Guru DB” branch!
• Combined hands analyzed: 374 (both sessions)
• Yung Guru’s overall stats updated:
○ VPIP: 31.4% (down from 32.1%)
○ PFR: 24.9% (down from 25.6%)
○ Aggression Frequency: 40.6% (down from 41.2%)
○ Bluffing frequency re-estimated…
BLUFFING FREQUENCY UPDATED TO 26.5%! (down from 27.8%)
Yung Guru seems to tighten up slightly in later hands.
How would you like to proceed?
- Investigate tightening pattern further
- Explore bluffing situations in detail
- Simulate hands against YGuru90 with updated stats
simulations aren’t looking good for you. You seem to bluff a lot and fold in weak areas.
You’re just an arrogant person on replay Poker just like the rest of the 500 rank top they got there with dollars not cents…
If you think a PLO hand (that didn’t get to showdown) is going to be useful study for HUNL then I strongly recommend you abort.
I’d be more worried about your own game in any case, because this is about as bad as you can play a hand heads up:
Hand #1237949337 · Replay Poker
BTW, Aggression Factor is the standard poker stat, and it’s an unbounded ratio, not a percentage.
You’re posting like that guy who disappeared a few years ago. He was always challenging the top players in different threads. Actually, I think he was in the top 10 for several years and then disappeared.
I like it.
Have your credit card ready for the buy-in. ; )
I just give as good as I get. When I speak with humble people, I am humble. When I encounter bluster or an unearned sense of superiority, the gloves come off!
The fact that you think bluffing a lot means I am weak suggests I will eat you like these buttermilk Eggo waffles I am about to enjoy!
By the way, I have never bought chips and you can easily track my progress from less than 1M to over 1B in the past year, as I documented the whole thing on this forum