I’d like to start a thread on hands where someone had an opportunity to win big and only won small - monster hands that take small pots, or overbets that induce unwanted folds (if you get a reveal). If you see one, post it here.
Here’s one today.
Nit Leaves it on the Table with Demon Hand.
Background - our hero (the nit) is probably the biggest rock in my book. I play against him all the time and he folds well over 80% of hands, I would guess over 90% of non-blind limps. In this hand, he flops backdoor straight-flush. Now a check on the flop here out of position 4-handed is fine, but once he turns a straight-flush gut (which is also a regular gut AND a flush draw (13 outs), equity up the yin-yang, he needs to bet. He doesn’t have enough streets left, and after a checked flop, chances are decent that the turn will also check around. He checks and … it checks around. The river comes in BIG time for him and finally he bets pot, but it’s too late. One street left and the pot is a micro 4bb. He gets 2 calls and rakes in a whopping (heh) 16bb with his absolute demon straight-flush!
Not only did he fail to get the money in, but a pot bet on the river could have gotten 3 folds on a board like that - a disaster! If he bets even 1/4-pot on that turn, he could double the pot (well, I would have folded), and then only need to half-pot the river, which would get more calls and might even induce a raise or bluff-raise.
Jamming might even be a better play because it looks bluffy on a board like that, and there’s a small chance that you get someone’s stack.
I had air here, but even if I had a set, I’m folding because I know this player is granite. He will not move his chips unless he has it. Don’t know if the other Villains knew this or not. I had him on a flush and just smiled to myself when I saw his clubs, but then I had to go back and double-check. My jaw hit the floor when I saw straight-flush.
This is why you should not be a nit.
Very interested to hear how the experts would have played his hand.