I had two in the last two days. I’ve been playing here for 11 months and yesterday I made rpp level 50 Champion. And today I passed the 1 million mark in my bank. Two nice sized pots in a row today (129k & 69k) put me over the top.
I also remember 8 months ago winning an award for a pot bigger than 25k and I was so excited. Funny how it’s all relative, isn’t it?
I remember about a year ago when I won an MTT for the first time ever!!! I couldn’t believe it. There were about 200 players in that MTT and it was an awesome feeling. I’ve won a few more MTT’s since then and it’s still a great feeling when you win them.
I remember the exaltation I felt the first time I made it to the money. I was playing a Bust the Staff tournament, with pay-outs to the 67(?) top players. I think I may have come in 63! I was HOOKED, totally. Major milestone. Now my milestones include such things as playing a game without going on tilt, having an Ace in my hole cards and folding anyway, and making it at least to the top 10 in high stakes events. Still thinking small, but not as small as I used to think!
I have had 3 Royal flushes on replay but none were so exciting as a straight flush I had… I saved the royals to my profile and just HAD to save the straight flush it was definately a " Yes!" moment
One of my Royals was after only 9 cards being dealt, I reckon the odds of that are pretty long.
For me it was winning a Bust the Staff tournament with over 300 players registered…awesome feeling …lol I even saved the final hand to watch it a few times…#383536521
In MTTs, my first goal is to make ‘the upper half.’ Then, it becomes “upper quarter.” Then, “in the chips.” Each was chosen to concentrate my attention on survival, 'cause, if you don’t survive, you can’t win.
Mine was also a straight flush I had yesterday which was streamed live by @BuffaloPrime on his channel and was played against @Sassy_Sarah at the table. It was a hilarious and memorable moment thanks to both of them. The whole experience of playing while being streamed live was new to me and that particular moment was the best. Thanks to both of them and to everyone who made it happen. It’s now a regular tourney every Sunday and I hope everyone can try it at least once (both the live stream and the straight flush lol).
I think mine was winning the sitngo monthly medium leader boards for 3 months in a row this year, as far as i know no one has ever done that before, and setting the record for most points ever in a month. Felt good to be on top of the leader board for 270 straight games. That made me move to high sitngos.
I had milestones once, and it was the most painful thing ever.
Now that I think about it, that might have been gallstones.
I took 1st in back-to-back medium MTTs once, and if memory serves, was in the top 3 of the next one and took 1st the one after that. Probably more of a luckstone, but 3 out of 4 isn’t bad.
I try to play “smart” and apply good BRM (Bankroll Management) so any mistakes or down streaks are minimized. In MTTs, like some have already shared, I strive to survive by playing conservatively but looking for opportunities to exploit and advance. I consistently reach ITM but rarely top spot. I think I’m playing too conservatively and am working on that currently.
I think it was when some people stopped calling me names like “bingo” and “donk” and other pejorative terms and my name started appearing on the leaderboard and in the money and finally winning something.
Take a look at my friend list. Some might seem controversial; but not one ever addressed me in that manner.
Harley and I have probably pounded the the table and stamped the floor so hard laughing and regaling each other. I just have to conjure the cat in the fridge. True story. …and many more and …HAHAHA!
Update to my first post in this thread: Last night I won an MTT! My 5th MTT win!!! (I write down my Poker milestones on a notepad to keep progress) The tournament was a Summer Roadtrip Freeroll so it wasn’t a huge payout but it’s still great to get though a field of 156 players and still get that same feeling as if I had won my first MTT. I was a short stack throughout most of the tournament and when I got to the final table I was at about 10 to 15 big blinds roughly speaking.
As I started winning key hands and building my stack up on the Final Table my adrenaline really started kicking in. By the time we got to heads up I had roughly a 120k chip stack and my opponent had about 20k in chips with the blinds over 10k. That final hand when the river was dealt and I realized I had won was an amazing feeling! It felt like I had won real money lol.
Wins in MTT’s aren’t easy to come by no matter how small or big the field is. So for me it’s always a great feeling and accomplishment when I do win.
I would say my biggest milestones so far would be a 2nd in an MTT of over 200, and 5th place in the first ever Stampede tournament! In order to make it to both final tables, I had to be aggressive, take some risks, face some showdowns, and I was overall very happy with the way I played. More improving has to be done in order to build enough of a stack to be in position for a win, but I’ve got a good foundation!