What are your milestones?

Well done Maya ! I loveeeee the straight flush ! :smiley:

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ummm it looks like a royal flush to me, i got one last week too in a different suit, so no straight flusheee :slight_smile:


Every now and then I get in ‘a mood’, and then try changing the flow of a stream…

So… lol, I’m in one of those ‘moods’, lol… Here goes… “What are your milestones?”

The most recent one was to be in good health when I hit the big “70”, age-wise… :>))) … Now, staring down at, God Forbid - lol, “80” - Wow… I think I will celebrate that by doing well in a 10K…

I’ll let you know how that worked out… If… lol…



For me that was certainly when I played the final of “Late night stars of poker” on belgian television in 2006. Also winning four times the “Benelux championship” on pokerstars during that period was great.

Then, after not playing from 2007 to 2017, discovering Replay Poker was great since the playmoney mtt’s on pokerstars weren’t all that nice anymore. It is on this site that I found pleasure in playing poker again !


sofro calado, sem credito sem K

Atm It has to be:

  1. WIN a MTT, after all these tries…
  2. Hit 2 Million Chips.
  3. Another one of these would be nice too. https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/343297197
    But that last one is a pipe dream.

I am at level 50 and just got over 1 mill chips as well. I want to find a 1 mill game that fits my schedule. I will either blow them and never recover or reach a new level to brag about. I’m 11th of my friends so there are more milestones to reach.

I entered a Free Roll at Pokerstars. There was a 5,000 player limit. Back then it filled up in 5 minutes. I played for 6 hours + and finished 2nd. I won $16 and change that went into my acct. That’s when.


Just happened a few days ago. I got in a six-handed SNG for 500K. I honestly thought it was for 500 bucks Mis-read the game and by luck, happened to win. I realized when the game started I was in over my head and tried to bail but it was too late. I forget what the first prize was but I got over $3 Mil in chips in the bank and before that I was up and down trying to get $2 mil. Milestone, yeah, but I got lucky as hell. Had I not cashed I would have been down to just over a million. Would have taken a long time to get that half mil back. I’ll probably blow it anyway! Nothing ventured nothing gained, eh.

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I came here a complete poker novice and to be completely honest I still am. I know this is nothing like real poker, but I still am trying to get better at it. So I will always remember the first time that I ended the day with chips in my account. While that may seem weak, I will always remember it as the first step to me getting better. It was a better feeling than even my first 10 mil hand. Lol


The time my bankroll almost reached 50 mil. I lost it all but I just like the grind too much.

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So another one? Only fifty days after I made my first 1M, today I added another 500k. I’ve been reading the advice here on the boards and I’ve been taking it all to heart. I’m playing much better, smarter than when I started.

But it’s also a testament to the saying, “It takes money to make money.” With a bigger bankroll, winning 5% of 1M earns you way more than 5% of 10k. It proves that unless they royally and deliberately screw up the rich really do just keep on getting richer.


With my health condition every day I wake up and can enjoy playing poker, socialize and help new players in the forum and maybe win more than I started with is a good day.

For me each table is a milestone and I base my progress on how I did on that table against players that were equally skilled or better.

I do like the achievement goals Replay has but I have not tried to intentionally hit any of them and the inviting friends achievement annoys me because I don’t do facebook.

I rarely play tourneys and sitngo tables have issues so I guess my daily milestone is to just have fun everyday and enjoy the socializing, strategy and improving my game.


It’s certainly not a poker achievement, I’ll agree. The people who run the site are trying to promote community, I guess. What I like about the friends feature is that when I meet someone at a table whose play is decent and they’re fun and witty to chat with, it’s nice to be able to see what table they’re playing the next day, week etc. Then if there’s an open seat I’ll try to join them.

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So I am getting closer to my milestone.

Finally passed the 400K mark after 3 days of getting beat up on the tables and just two more levels to get my 50- Champion RPP level.

Not too bad after 73 days of play considering I only play low stakes tables.

My third MTT first-place finish.

I placed 1st/72 competitors in this MTT. According to the bounty bonuses I earned, I apparently knocked out 9 opponents, which is 1/8th of the entire field, which I’d say is pretty good! I would love to know statistics/record for most opponents eliminated in MTT play.

I don’t remember all 9 eliminations, but I do recall thinking at one point, pretty late in the game, just after I’d gotten re-balanced, that I’d only knocked out one player the entire time. I was annoyed at the re-balance, because the table I had just left had 3 or 4 short-stacked players who were close to being knocked out, and of course I ended up getting re-balanced to a table that had big, healthy stacks who weren’t in any danger of going out soon.

I got very fortunate when, in SB, I was dealt 83s, which normally I would fold, but because of blind defense, I played, and flopped trip 3’s. The table chip leader had something he thought was good, and raised my min-bet on the flop, kept betting on the Turn, to which I called, and he half-bet the pot, which I raised, putting me within 200 chips of all-in, and he called – of course I was happy about, and I ended up with 3’s taking away over 90% of his stack, plus some chips from the rest of the table. This catapulted me up to the #2 position on the leaderboard, although I’d been pretty close to there for much of the 2nd half of the tournament.

After the 1hr break, down to the last 12 players, the last two tables, suddenly I got re-balanced to the table with the tournament chip leader, who they happened to sit me down immediately to the right of. I was annoyed at first because I felt likely this would end up cramping my play style, but as it happened, a few hands later, he shoved with a pair of Aces, AQ, on a flop that I’d hit two pair, AA55, with a wheel draw on top of it, and took about 1/2 of his chips, becoming the new big stack and tournament chip leader. I knocked him out of the tournament entirely a few hands later with AKo, taking with him a second player who’d stayed in the hand with 55.

The final table was very fun. I was the big stack and enjoying it, using the weight of my chips to my advantage. The player to my right, @camodude, came back from about 2500 chips to eliminate the #2 leaderboard player and knock him out in 3rd. We went heads-up for an extended period of time, and very briefly he actually took the chip lead from me at the table, but I ended up victorious in the end, through a couple of very lucky breaks, including a river 9 to give me trip 9s sucking out over a pair of Aces, and a hero call on the final hand to win it all with a King-high flush.

Fun hands, in reverse-chronological order:

  1. The tournament winner, K-high flush: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451698925

  2. The deciding hand of heads-up play, trip 9 suck-out: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451698338 – boy did I misplay this hand and get lucky on the river!

  3. 2nd big hand of the tournament won with trip-3s (improving to 3’s full of 8’s): https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451696299

  4. 2s full of 6s: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451695119

  5. 2 players eliminated in 1 hand, AK over K8 over 55: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451687538 – I exploited a shoving tendency I’d picked up in observing @Gianpierro for several hands, finally getting cards to do it with, and took out @jack4321 as collateral damage in the process. Gianpierro had shoved a few times after I’d raised, forcing me to lay down hands I couldn’t call with, but this time I had him.

  6. Taking a big chunk out of @Gianpierro’s #1 leaderboard stack with AA55 over AAJ: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451687053

  7. My first big trip-3’s hand, crippling the table chip leader: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451684976

  8. I think my first knockout, hero call Broadway over Aces: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/451675048

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Two big milestones recently. Table king achievement a few days ago and now 2m BR (I’m sure I’ll dip below it again but not for long as I have a pretty solid winrate). Next goal will just be another mil because 5mil just feels too far away.

It wasn’t that long ago when 2m BR was my aspiration and then 3m and then 4m and now 5m.
I’ve played with you enuf that I know you are as good or better player than I am, so I don’t think 5m is all that far away for you bud :grin:

These are not in any order.

  • Winning my first SNG.
  • Winning my first MTT.
  • Having a net positive week through playing tournaments only (no RG).
  • Hitting a royal flush.
  • Learning to play heads-up.
  • Learning to open/raise.
  • Learning to read the board.
  • Learning to play from position.
  • Learning to play two pair.
  • Learning to play straights and flushes.
  • Graduating from Limit to NLHE.
  • Learning how/when to shove.
  • Learning how/when to call.
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With a second-place finish in a 100K SnG just now, I broke the 20M bankroll threshold. My rank is still sitting in the mid-1200’s, but if I’m able to play a bit over the coming weeks my goal is to get into the top 1000 before the end of the year. I’m feeling pretty comfortable that my skill generally exceeds my competitors’ at 250K buy-in tournaments, so when I get up to about 25M my plan is to start taking shots at 1M buy-in tourneys.