I really like the " What are you listening to now thread" as it gives a small insight to the players in the community so if we are sharing what we are listening to then why not share what we are reading…
An epic Western Odyssey from the best author ever
Currently, I’m rereading Pat Conroy’s Beach Music. It isn’t one of his more famous works that became movies like The Great Santini, The Lords of Discipline, or The Prince of Tides, but I consider it his finest work (your opinion may vary, LOL).
When I finish that, next up will be Tom Kratman’s Pillar of Fire by Night from Baen Books. Kratman tells a great story. It’s part of a long series of SF books about a man who wants revenge on those who killed his entire first family–and is getting it.
I’m nearly caught up on A Practical Guide to Evil, an online serial novel that’s somewhere between Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. Check it out!
Also, my sister got me Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics and Religion for the holidays, and I just cracked it open about two weeks ago. So far I’m only about fifty pages into it. Pretty heavy stuff, and I’ve been going through a lot of the source material in the footnotes, which doesn’t exactly speed up the process. It definitely helps to balance out with the aforementioned lighter fare.
I loved “The Righteous Mind!” My son recommended it, I read it, my husband then read it–lots of rich conversations among us! So glad to find another who enjoyed it.