What you are watching?

I love documentary, NASA channel, discovery channel, well, anything where I can learn something :slight_smile:
Here is HAARP - weapon of masa destruction.

I also lile to watch the discovery channel, but I also like to watch comedy such as New girl and Big Bang Theory :grin:


@Komap hahaha… I love smart joke :slight_smile:

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The World Series Of Poker Tonight ON ESPN. Final table 9pm EST USA.

Iced Coffee ? Check

Smartfood popcorn ? Check

Veggie platter with dip ? check

75 " TV mounted on living room wall with surround sound ? check

Will I be watching alone ? Check… bummer…hahahahaha

Enjoy everyone

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@Craig_Anthony, I love final tables I hope reach it on EPT.

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I have no doubt you will !!!

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I’n my dreams :slight_smile:

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If you can dream it you can make it happen !

just saw the two-part premier of Immortals in IMAX. Can’t wait for that show to hit tv late Sept. all the marvel dc shows are worth seeing, big and small screen.