Hi All,
A year ago I requested this, and now it is here!
I just hope that folks who believe Replay does not respond to player suggestions and/or feature requests will see this and maybe begin to change their opinion.
I am sure the staff and management here are not always able to accommodate every single request, but I believe they are evaluated and those ideas that have merit go on a list and are worked on and incorporated when possible,
Please remember folks, the staff here is probably not as big as some folks imagine, but from what I have seen they work hard to make this site as good as they can.
Why shame on me??? I did not choose anything. I am not on staff to implement this. I am a volunteer. I just tried to register for a tourney with a ticket. I had two tickets valid for that buy in. One of those tickets I was planning on using later in the day for a specific tournament. My other ticket was not valid for the second tournament only the first but it expired last. So the system used the earlier expiring ticket (the one valid for both tournaments) and left me with the one I could not use later. So I merely suggested it would be nice if we could choose for ourselves which ticket to use. Where is the shame??? What did I do wrong?
@das32343 you didn’t do anything wrong. He’s just saying that he wishes we’d released something else, which is fair! Everyone, including myself, has a list of things they’d like to see added to the site. It just takes time and some things are easier to get out quicker than others.
@ColbyRoad If you have anything in particular you’d like to see added or changed, please join in on the discussion in the Suggestions & Feedback category. We read it regularly to help get an idea of what the community is interested in improving on the site.
I am so grateful for this. When I played a step 4 tourney one time I wanted it to choose my step 4 ticket but it took my weekly 100k login streak ticket instead I was so mad. I understood that it takes whichever one expires first but I wanted to use my 100k ticket for something else.
I have a 100k streak ticket expiring at 5:59 on 17/12 and another one expring exactly a week later on 24/12 but when I try to register for a tournament it will only allow me to use the newer one. I assume it’s a glitch in the matrix and the replay guru’s will hunt it down and deal to it.
@feelmysins, yes we’re on it. Whenever you show two of the exact same ticket the system is choosing the newer one for you. We’ve created a ticket with our dev team to get it fixed.
Found a glitch, Have a 100k ticket that expires in hours but that date ticket is not on the drop down list, I can use other 100ks but not the one I wanted to, sent a screen shot in.
So took your word that the ticket due to expire 1st would be used 1st, Nope rather the using the ticket for 12/17 it used the 12/24 ticket > 12/17 ticket I was able to use in a SNG but not for a MTT
The only work round I could figure was to log in to a game I didn’t want to play using the newer ticket and then log into the game I wanted to play using the older ticket. Once I was logged in where I wanted to be using the older ticket I logged back out of the undesired tournament
I really like this idea. It’s worked well for me, until today. I had a 100k streak ticket & regular 100k tickets that had 3 years on them. I registered for a 100k PKO, looked at the ticket it was going to use. I swear it gave me a time for later this evening that it was going to expire. Now I notice that a regular one is missing and my- soon to expire- is still there