Site freezing regularly

why is there alot of lagging during games? My time is WC and it seems like around the afternoon it hits

I was just playing in a tournament and the table was closed!!!

Well, kissing and hugging is probably how they’re making out, but it could be 2nd and 3rd base too. I wasn’t there.


I keep the play table and table lobby windows both up while playing. Clicking the “Play Now” button on the lobby window forces a reload of the play table when a freeze occurs. Sometimes needs a couple of tries but it seems to clear it at least for my action.

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You could also reload the table by pressing F5 while at the table.

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I was asking a serious question on how they were making out on a Sunday in regards to the site freezing for weeks as that is the topic of discussion. The answer was :nauseated_face:

I didn’t nean to make light of your serious question but it seemed funny at the moment. Apologies! I believe someone was brought on for weekend support but a week or so ago something went awry with who was on duty and no one could be contacted. There’s now a work around, available for volunteers if there’s no response the usual way. Shouldn’t happen again.

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Don’t know what kind of excuses you’re giving but I was on a table with “these eyes”, a Rep, and I felt like he was just laughing. Working on it for 3 days? You need new techs

I don’t know what the problem was, but as of 7:00 pm CT, I have not experienced the freezing issue. I hope all have not had any issues as well.

You might not have had any problems, but you can’t DENY the HUNDREDS of complaints that Replay (Sue and Fizzy) have had LITTLE if anything to say other than if you lost chips ‘we will make you whole in a few days’. And still it goes on and on with no repairs to code. OH, wait it’s not Replay code, it’s your server and we are just taken for ‘useful idiots’. So many players are now heading for the sidelines or GONE altogether! How much longer Replay until you hire some REAL techs??

I’ve had problems with the tables freezing up … lengthy pauses in the game. I sent an email to let them know.

I played for many months with no issues.
Now it gets slow or hangs up almost every night.
When it happens, I log out and do something else.

Definately a problem that replay should address. Freezing and lagging on most every game I play and not just for me, but everone at the table. You can see it coming. One player is slow then two players and it makes its way around the table until the whole table freezes for a minute or so. Players at the table concur in chat. Then it clears for awhile and so on. It happens in tourneys, ring games, sngs and private league games. I’m not sure how long this has been happening. I’d say a couple of months.
Replay wants to attract new players with a cosmetic upgrade while losing players to this frustrating issue. At the very least, replay should acknowledge this issue with a promise to address it.

It’s been a few months now. The servers definitely need a huge upgrade or replacement. The only thing stopping this is spending the money on the problem. Replay only grosses 25 million US dollars a year according to the financial disclosures which is published on the internet.

I say spend the money or get some refinancing before it all falls apart.

Hoping for better days soon.

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I can add one more symptom in the hopes it might help in some way…

Over the last few weeks or months, the site has acted strangely when I bust out of tournaments. When this happens, i get no pop-up saying what position I finished, the tournament points, ot the tournament winnings, if any.

This doesn’t happen all that often, but when it does, the chat doesn’t contain any details of the hand. All it shows is who won the hand and the chips won, with no indication of what the winning hand was, even though the hand went to showdown for all to see.

Note that I’m not talking about this happening during a table rebalance. The table I was at goes on and doesn’t break up for a rebalance.

I wrote this off as a lag-related issue, and maybe it is, but thought I should let you know in the chance it might help you to diagnose and fix the issue.


I’ve contacted them at

two or three times, but they just give me suggestions on what I need to do. Perhaps if they heard from more of the players on the site, THEY might do something.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Replay Poker Website Update

I couldn’t agree more!

They have heard from the players, and they are working to resolve the issue.

Take a look at their most recent post on the subject…

Replay Tech Issues


Thanks SPG for the link.