It’s not as simple, as you check them every street. And doing that can very easily get you winning the absolute minimum, especially against passive, non aggressive players.
One might ask then, that if you bet against passive, non aggressive players, wouldnt that very easily fold em out and also get you winning the minimum? Yes its possible, but its also very possible, semi probable that a passive, non aggressive player will call down on hands like 44 to AA, trips, etc.
Also if players are call stations, then they will call with AK air.
And all kinds of draws on a wet drawy board can call down if have quads on turn, after flop on a extremely drawy board.
So the right answer on what to do whether to check or bet when you have quads, really depends on:
- Is the board drawy? Bet a reasonable size to keep draws in.
- Is there a lot of players in the hand? If yes that all 9 players at table in hand, or lots in the hand, then bet small to keep as many players in, to build, bloat the pot up.
- Are the players call stations, and will they call with hands like Top pair top kicker, bottom pair, middle pair, 2 pair, 44 to AA, AK air, etc? If yes bet small to keep them in, build, bloat up the pot, and hope they catch up.
- Are the other players maniacs, hyper over aggressive, will bet for you? If yes check call the whole way
- Will the other players bet, raise, reraise their top pair top kicker, 2 pair, trips, etc? If yes check call the whole way.
Now if, assuming that the other players are standard average, standard mix of all most of types of players, etc. What I like to do is Check the Flop to let others bet for me. Then if nobody does. Bet small to semi mid to semi bigger on Turn, to start building, bloating up the Pot. Some to a lot of players, can, and do think that if you check the flop, and bet the turn, that your weak, and might be semi bluffing, because that if you stronger, had it, that you would bet the flop like 2/3 pot to pot, etc. That can get weaker hands to call you. And if you bet the turn and or the river, and get called, and it goes to showdown, and if the other players see, remember that, then can use that line, to set up bluffs where go check bluff, or check check bluff. Then River I like to bet small to mid after I check flop, bet turn small to mid.
I also like to check or bet according to the 5 points above.
Also many Pros, and coaches like Negreanu, Chris Ferguson, Doug Polk, J Little, and their videos, Bart Hanson at Crush Live Poker, Nathan Black Rain, Upswing Poker, talk about the same things I have in this post, and how important it is to NOT get, win the minimum, when have quads, by doing things like betting big, all in, checking all streets, etc, unless the situation calls for doing those things, and what those situation are, etc.
Those pros, coaches, also explain, that the reason you should occasionally semi bluff, bluff in good spots, once in a while, and show those bluffs once in a while, is so that when you do get Quads, you can bet on 1,2,3 of either the flop, turn, river, after or on the flop, turn, river, and get VALUE, get your Quads paid off, etc.
And it sucks if you either bet big and fold everyone out, or if you check to the river, and if you get the absolute minimum for your Quads.
So if you play according to the players, situations, if you are observant, and if you are not a nit, and if you semi bluff or bluff once in a while, occasionally, and if you show a bluff or get caught and exposed in a bluff occasionally, etc, then you won’t get the absolute minimum for your Quads, and will get your Quads paid off nicely.
So the answer to whether you should check call or bet your Quad’s according to the OP’s posted question is neither answering to check call or bet, but answering that IT DEPENDS ON THE SITUATION.
I know that sounds like a cop out, dodging. But its true.