Quad Q on the table. What would you do?

Flop comes out QQQ. Turn comes, and it’s another Q.

How would you play it?

If someone goes all-in I’d fold unless I had an Ace.


As long as the other player, Villain is not too tight, not a semi nit, and does overvalue hands, that doesn’t just only play Ax, you call if have KJ, KQ, A5,A6 ish+, any pocket pair, etc, as both you, the Villain both are both playing the board, and will chop the pot, unless Villain has AA, KK, AK, KQ, A2+ if you have KT, KJ, KQ, A6 ish+, If I have KT, KJ, KQ, A5, A6 ish+, 22+ or higher against the right player(s), I am calling, playing the board, and chopping the pot. And I will be right about 77% to 79% of time.

Pocket pair is useless with quads on the board, no? It’s impossible to use both hole cards with quads on board.

Even AA makes QQQQA which chops with any other Ax.

Do you have Ax? Do you have Kx? Jx gets pretty dicey.

Who is outkicked by the 5th card on the board? If the board is QQQQ2 the higher kicker wins, but if the board is QQQQK then it’s bet sizing and position (and player tendencies) because someone can now bluff opponent off the chop - or have it. Pot odds and stacks could be the deciding factor.

Yeah your right, generally only going to call with about 66, 77, 88, 99, TT, JJ, etc, IF I know, think that the other player has a high probability of having 22,33,44,55,66,77, etc, and that my higher pocket may take the pot.

QJ, KT, KJ, KQ, A6, A7 ish+ JJ, QQ, is about the minimum calling range, betting range, to either take the pot, or chop the pot. Anything less then that probably wont either take the pot, or chop the pot.

JT, etc, is too Dicey, as you correctly said. And it all depends on player, etc. But assuming standard players, with standard ranges, that’s about as wide as I am willing to go bet or call to either take the pot, or chop the pot.

Okay, next level to this situation (this is a real hand, by the way):

Scenario 1:
Someone has gone all-in. Your highest card is a 10. What do you do?

Scenario 2:
You have an Ace. What do you do?

Assuming normal stack depth, I think I fold T.

Also assuming we are heads-up.

But how did the other streets play? How was pre-flop? Is there any action that I can put him on a high card with? If this was limp-check-check T might be good here. If Villain aggresses any streets (other than river) I fold T.

Of course we also have to ask the question, did the quads hit the turn or the river? That MIGHT make a difference to the story.

If we are 3-handed, T folds for sure.

A is nut here. Call, d’uh! Pairing the non-Q on the board is useless. All we need is A. Jam jam jam.

Wouldn’t that suck if it was QQT Q and then Q on the river counterfeits your boat?

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Scenario 1: fold high card T. Tx just isnt high enough to likely chop or win pot, and Villain likely has better.

Scenario 2: If A8 + then call. If A2 to A7 then fold.

This is assuming villain is a generic, standard villain with a standard range, etc,

If Villain tighter then might call tighter. If villain wider, looser, then might call looser.

Quads hit on the turn, as in opening post:

Why fold A2 to A7?

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Because if you have Ace 4 kicker, quad Q’s on a QQQQ2 board with a Ace 4 kicker, and your opponent has Quad Q’s on QQQQ2 board with Ace 5+ kicker that higher then your kicker then you lose.

It’s kind of like how if the board is 22337 and on the showdown player A has A8, and player B has A9 both Aces play the board, have 2 pair 2’s and 3’s with a Ace but the higher kicker wins.

If the board is 2233K, then both A aces use the K as the higher kicker then their 8 and 9 kickers and the pot is chopped.

Likewise is the Board is QQQQ2, then if player A has A7, and player B has A8, then player B wins with the higher kickered Ace, A8 over A7.

But if board is QQQQK, then both Aces chop pot, have quad Q’s, A and the K on Board is used instead of their kickers and the pot is chopped no matter whether A2 to AQ.

This is standard Kickerology.

Since 22, 33, 7 boards with both players reaching showdown with a A doesn’t happen as often, and since QQQQ2 with both players having a Ace is extremely rare, then the finer situational rules of Kickerology is less used, less understood by players, etc.

Bro, Ax is nut. The worst it does is chop.



Yeah, not sure what you’re thinking here, perhaps you’ve been awake too long, lol.
Ax is the nut, there is no 6th card for a kicker.
One may bluff he has the ace, but doesn’t, with a huge bet if he thinks the others don’t have an ace.

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Real life hand. Friendly micro stakes at a pub tournament. 8 or 9 seats. I felted 5th. Just as I get up to stretch my legs, button goes all-in short stacked, gets called twice.

Up and over, she’s ahead with 55.

Flop ~ 566, she flops a boat.
Turn ~ 6, flips her boat but gives both Villains 3ok
River ~ 6!! Everyone has quads and her 5 is lowest kicker

She goes from nuts to felted in 2 streets. Unreal. Of course there was no dealer so she was dealing her own board from the button. She turned it over and went," Hhhh! omigod!" I was standing behind her and I was just, “oh that’s naaasty.”

I will never ever ever forget that hand as long as I live.

Looks like Asuronetorius is Omaha player.

I think I get this now. The board is QQQQ and Villain shoves the TURN. We don’t know the river card yet.

So if the river is an A ~ everything chops.
If the river is a K ~ an A wins, otherwise it chops.
If the river is a Q ~ well … then it’s a fouled deck and everybody gets their chips back. : P
If the river is a J ~ then Ax beats Kx betas anything else, otherwise a chop.

… and so on …

If the river is a deuce ~ then it’s kicker vs kicker.

Remember, we can only play 1 card here, we must use the 4 Qs on the board, so pocket pair is useless and pairing the river is useless.

Since we do not know what the river card is, even 22 has 8 to 12 outs to chop. Not that I would play 22 here, no, but if you folded and an A hit you’d be kicking yourself.

If we are just playing card odds here I probably fold Tx, definitely fold 9x, and definitely fold Tx Jx if multiway.

However, we have to look at previous action. Was anybody betting the flop? What was the pre action? If it was 5x then we can assume that at least 1 person has an A and who knows how many Ks. If it was limp, our Tx might be good here, at least heads-up.

Then we have to look at stacks. What are the pot odds? Do we felt if we lose? If we have him covered, how much do we have behind etc?

Obviously he has bet into us. Did we check it to him or do we have position? That might not matter much but if you know that opponent is bluffy/loose … (shrug)

I tried, but I can’t find a situation where calling with a T can be good, unless you’re getting the odds to draw to a chop, but that seems unlikely.

For situation 2, I think it’s an interesting question if you mean: You have an A and no-one has bet. What do you do?

There can’t be any bad choices in that spot, but I think there’s clearly a best option.

I wouldn’t because I don’t think the pot would be worth an all-in call either at the Turn or the River given the Streets. You’d probably just be chopping only the Blinds. But if I was the BB I’d have to think about my next move since the pot had my money.

Edit: Thought about it and I’d still fold w/o an Ace.

Thanks for all the replies, this has been a really interesting discussion.

This is the hand.

I had AT.
When the turn came, my thought process was that I had the highest kicker, so worst outcome is a split pot. If anyone folds, the chips they’ve already bet get split as well, and I get more.

I could not believe the end result… I’ll let you watch for yourselves!