( lol duhh ) The more ppl that see the flop, the smaller by far … your inherant %.
100, 50, 33.3, 25, 20 … So any 2 cards with 5 ppl is 20% preflop.
(still any 2 cards preflop) … Being “Priced in” inversely goes up % wise.
Even if UTG min raises… so 2+1+.5 ( 3.5 bb pot ) from there it goes…
2:3.5 , 2:5.5 , (1.5) 2:7.5 , (1) 2:9.5 … person in BB gets almost 10:1 on
thier xtra 1 BB it costs them to stay in this case.
So if UTG minraises, and 2 ppl + the 2 blinds call, then if you win 20%
of the time and are the BB… you get a 2:1 effective profit to
make the call Every time… ( everything else staying the same ).
Saying that another way… your cost to call is 1 BB, do this 5 times
and thats ( 5BB cost )… yet you win, or get back 9.5 BB that 1 in 5
times you win… ( Very long term, here … hahahahaha )
All of that still didnt reflect your hand strength, but if Everyone acted
simmilarly ( which they dont ) you could graph/calculate a “cost2fold raise”.
I will guess tho this is not linear, its exponential to a degree…
Where the cost to get 1 person to fold of those 4 is Y, and it goes up
to 2y , 4y, 8y respectively as an example… for that person last to act
in thier BB. In this case, the next to act is the original raiser in UTG…
So if they call, that inflates the pot and gives everyone else a better
price2call, yet again.
So if you are going to make that raise… then your Best chance
becomes UTG+1, and goes down the later you are in the order…
and that price curve will also increase the later you are.
( to me ) TA , this is the most visible when playing Omaha HiLo.
I constantly walk the line, to keep the most ppl in the hand as possible,
so that (hopefully) my 50% of the pot will include profit. Once you get
down to 2 ppl, and you split 50/50, any additional chips going into the
pot are Not increasing profit, just exposed risk.
But the idea is not lost on Hold’em. Just that you are going after 100%
of the pot, not 50% ( or more ). That means at 2 ppl (HU) bets still matter.
Take Ah Kc 2d 3h … board is 5h 8h 2s Qc 4h … Omaha HL
You expect to win 100% of the pot, just like in Hold’em. With both the
nut low and nut high, you’re guarentee’d 50% + your share of the rest,
should other players also have nut low.
( ever wrong ) Yes … ( ( usually wrong ) No )
- any raise reopens action to the original raiser or ppl that have already called.
- You are declaring or repp’n a better hand, so cruicial info given on your hand.
- The better your hand, the more you want callers, but since your odds do decrease, then the more you will need your hand to hold up, so to speak.
In some ways TA, its not how many callers your raise gets…
Its does your raise induce another raise or not. Do you go into the flop
in control, or not incontrol. If you’re “in control” ie- the top preflop raiser,
then easier for you to rep the Ace that flops, even with a margainal hand.
( to me ) there are 4 basic permutations, of Control and Strength