Yea I’m available to play now for at least the next 4 hours with @waidus at any stakes 50K or lower.
So far, I haven’t had any match results sent to me, so my assumption is no one has managed to play their opponent for Round 1 so far. If you do have a game to report to me, please send me the Tournament ID for the game so I can verify and record it.
I’m aware that the site has been experiencing some problems tonight. I gave up on playing after going through a couple games where the lag was so bad, I had to re-load the table window between hands or even between actions in order to get the controls to respond to my input.
This is our first 24 hours of our first round of our first tournament, and I expected that things might not go smoothly for the first week, so these problems are not entirely unexpected. This is in part why I set this up to give us a full week to get our three games against our opponents in.
I kindof expected that it might take a day or two just for players to establish communications and decide on a time to meet to play their games, due to time zone and differences in personal schedules… I wasn’t expecting the site to have technical issues on top of that, although obviously that’s always a potential problem.
I would like to hear from everyone who registered, so far it sounds like communications are a bit spotty. Please check your messages and respond to them promptly!
Thanks everyone for your patience as we get underway. Hopefully we’ll all be able to get our games in this week without too much trouble.
the main prob that dogs and I had was he was trying to chat on the table lobby, which I had left a message, while I had went to the table he was currently playing an SnG, and tried to chat there. I later read in his profile that he usually keeps chat turned off, so he didn’t see. By the time I got to the lobby for the HU table, Dogs had left.
this should be an easy enough to fix. You were right about non-participants taking a seat when you’re sitting at a table, waiting. I didn’t mind, since I won, and had never played on those tables. Still, we’ll need to sit at the table fairly close to the same time.
About the tables… I know you can rotate the seats from end to end. Can your playing station be rotated 90 degrees, so you can sit behind your chips instead of playing from the side, like you’re watching a tennis match or something.
One more thing. If I copy and paste the info from the game window header, will that be enough for your needs?
Another one more thing. Any problem with using this thread for communication between the players?
Thanks for all the questions, @waidus.
I think it’d be better to use Messages and table and lobby chat for setting up the games, but if that’s not working, then, sure posting in the thread here is acceptable. Be sure to @ the people who you’re addressing so they get tagged and will be more likely to see the post. And be patient, sometimes people may not see or respond to a message for a day or more.
One thing to be aware of: The table and lobby chat will not work for players who are muted, so if you can’t talk to each other that way, then using messages to send each other mail is the best way to do it.
Hopefully you and @DogsOfWar will be able to hook up and play soon. And it’d be good to hear from the others in the tournament once you’ve gotten a game in.
When reporting the game results to me, I just need the Tournament ID, which is found in the tournament lobby page. If you need to find it, you can go back through your Activity page and find the game, then click on the link there to go to its lobby page.
@pokerrick, @BRICK52, @waidus, @DogsOfWar, @SUPERPOTATO17, @WATCHOUT8:
I still have yet to receive a report of one completed game from anyone yet.
I hear from some of you that it’s hard to get another player’s attention to let them know when you’re online looking for them.
How to set up your match with your opponent:
- Look at the Availability tab on the tournament spreadsheet, and see what times your opponent is able to play.
I’ve asked everyone to send me the times that are best for them to play, and any times they are unavailable to play, but so far I’ve only gotten a response from about half of you. Please respond so that I can complete updating the spreadsheet to make it easier for you to coordinate your times to play.
Then send a Replay Message to your opponent, and suggest a specific day and time that they are available to play, when you are also available, and ask them to confirm the time you suggested, or suggest a better time. Don’t be vague and say that you’re available to play “any time”. Narrow it down to the best times you can play, and times when your opponent is available. It’s nice if you’re flexible, but it’s more important to be specific so you don’t get frustrated waiting around forever for them to show up.
If you get a message from your opponent, respond to it, confirming the time they suggested is good, or if not, suggest a different time. Then put it on your calendar or alarm clock so you remember to play at that time
Everyone, please check your Replay messages regularly during the week, and respond to them promptly. At a minimum, let’s try to read messages 1/day, and if you are communicating with your match opponent, respond as soon as you can.
When it’s the agreed upon time, log into the site, and go to the SNG lobby,
filter for: Game Types: Hold’em, Betting Limites: NL, Hide Running, Hide Finished, Buy-in: Med (5001-50k) unless you’ve agreed to play outside of that stakes range. -
Open up all the lobby windows for the 10k heads-up SNGs, and announce your presence in the SNG lobby chat. Wait for your opponent to show up and chat back at you or sit down. As soon as you see them, both buy in and play your game.
If leaving it the players to set their own starting times does not work, I will re-start the tournament again next week and assign times to you.
The success of this event is HIGHLY dependent upon you, so please do your part!
My player chat is ALWAYS on now and has been for many months. Yes that part of my profile is inaccurate, & should be updated. Its more a warning to players that want to be irritating. I will mute chat occasionally, fortunately its rarely necessary.
Yes I was playing a 9MAX SnG, whilst I was waiting. I can play more than 2 tables at a time & was also waiting in two 10K HU SnG lobbies to start a HU game whilst playing the 9MAX SnG. I’m not sure how we missed each other. I was in these lobbies for over 30 mins.
I agree & hope we can use this thread in a limited way to communicate with each other.
Also as a side note: interrupting a player whilst they are on a table playing letting them know your online & available to play for the next 30 mins or 1-2 hours etc might be necessary to get games started.
The RP messaging system is good but snail mail slow.
I’m online & available to play all day, and night.
Hi Puggy, I just want to post Tourny numers and results of the 2 games between pokerrick and myself. tourny #3888603 50k hu - winner pokerrick 32 Tourny # 3888160 50k hu- winner pokerrick
that should be #2 tourny NOT 32
Thank you, BRICK52. Both games have been confirmed and entered into the spreadsheet. @pokerrick mentioned to me that you will be playing your 3rd game tomorrow. Good luck!
Rankings tab is now live on the tournament spreadsheet. Check the sheet for the latest standings and news announcements, or to confirm your data. May everyone have a fun tournament!
I’m online & will be for several hours. Let me know time & stakes to play HU SnG.
@DogsOfWar, looking at @waidus’s profile page, he was last on the main site 2 hours ago. It’s likely he is asleep now. I sent you both an email suggesting a time to play, based on your time zones.
I would recommend scheduling something far enough out in advance that your opponent has time to see the invite and respond to it, rather than say “I’m online now for the next few hours, let’s play,” only to be disappointed because they’re not even awake to read your message.
You two probably have the most awkward time zones to negotiate a time to play, especially on a weekday if one or both of you is working. For that reason, it may be best for me to extend your Round One window to include this weekend, which may be more flexible for setting a time up to play.
Will this work for both of you? I hope you guys can arrange a time to play soon, I know you’ve been trying for a few days, and it’s been a bit frustrating.
I’ve been experiencing a lot of issues trying to start a game of HU in this competition. From my experience the two biggest hurdles & obstacles are ineffective communication & not following procedures.
The flip side of the coin is, effective communication and good carefully designed procedures as well as EFFORT will contribute to the success of this competition.
The following guidelines are my opinion and mostly based on other players suggestions including @puggywug. If you have better suggestions & ideas then please make them known.
Agree on the desired stakes to play & a time to play. You can copy n paste the SnG ID# and send that but IMO the best & easiest and foolproof method is copy n paste the lobby address bar LINK and send it as a RP message. The recipient can then open the message and click the LINK and hey presto: “You have arrived at your destination!” Its a cake walk.
After you arrive in the SnG HU Lobby, you both need to establish communication. This means watching & reading the chat & typing back and forth. You don’t need to become best friends but you do NEED to communicate. DON’T walk away or leave the chat without at least saying “brb” or “brb 5 mins” etc. Make sure both players are ready to play by communicating in chat. If your both ready to play you can begin launch sequence as follows. After both players confirm: “Yes, I’m ready to play!”
One player should be in control and the Captain Pilot. It doesn’t matter who it is. The Captain should use a word like START or GO after which both players should click register and begin the match without delay, immediately.
IMO this works best bc chat should experience less lag. Clicking on the register button and waiting for the other player to then click register after they see the selected opponent is registered will be less successful bc of lag issues and player reaction time. Lag or connectivity issues might mean that 1 player doesn’t see the player is registered before someone gate crashes and starts the match.
DON’T click register and wait for your opponent to register unless you like gatecrashers stealing the game and irritating your opponent.
Communication can be difficult on RP & the system isn’t the greatest but it is adequate enough. I know many haven’t responded very well to messages across the board for this competition.
If someone messages you PLEASE respond even if you can’t tell the person what they want to hear. At least let them know you are conscious and alive. Even a sorry I’ll try n get back to you on that.
Jump on a table n say “hi” to your opponent if you see them online & playing. Messaging players doesn’t always show up effectively, especially if the web page doesn’t get refreshed very often etc.
Meet up and chat on ring tables if needed. Its faster & live chat.
Good communication means you both know you’re on the same page. DON’T hope or presume you’re both on the same page. Chat it out back n forth so there is no confusion. Respond even if its just “ok” or “k” to let your opponent know you understand and they are not talking to themselves.
I hope others are having more success play their HU games and maybe some of this will help. GL.
Thanks, @DogsOfWar. This is well written and should work well.
The only things I’ll add: if a person happens to be muted, they will be unable to chat. In this case, they should find the table with their opponent and seat themselves quickly, and then their opponent should seat asap before some random player comes in and hijacks the game.
As well, remember to report your game once it is completed, by sending a message to Puggywug with the Tournament ID.
Puggy, tourny # 3892532 50k Pokerrick won. by the way when are they going to fix the site ? A couple of big pots and i dont see the outcome? not sour grapes just VERY frustrating. all the same issues for 6 months
Thanks for reporting! I have confirmed your result and updated the spreadsheet.
I’ve seen a few hands where it doesn’t actually show the animation of the chips sliding over to the winner, if that’s what you’re talking about. I assumed it was a glitch, as it only happens once in a while. It can be annoying, but I can’t do anything about it – sounds like Replay is already aware of the issue, so whenever they can fix it, your guess is as good as mine.
I have an incomplete report from WATCHOUT8 about their games, but I need the Tournament IDs to verify them so they can be officially recorded.
The Tournament ID is found in the Lobby page for the tournament. If you need to find the Lobby for a past tournament, you can find it in your [Activity Page](Log In · Get into our Poker Games · Replay Poker.
Thank you.
First Week Recap:
- Overall, I’m pleased that we were mostly successful in getting this thing off the ground: 3 of 4 matches took place. Thank you for your efforts and cooperation in making this happen!
Communication was spotty, and needs improvement.
- It is important to respond to messages in a timely fashion in order to keep the tournament running smoothly. Please if respond to all messages within a day or less, if at all possible. If you not an everyday player on the site, or know you will be away for a few days, please be sure to let me and your opponent know in your correspondence so they will know not to expect an immediate response from you.
- When reporting tournament results be sure to provide the Tournament ID, which is found in the tournament lobby page.
- Scheduling/seating at a Heads Up SNG table isn’t always easy; I’ve messaged Replay with some suggestions and feature requests to make this easier, but if it comes to anything, it likely won’t be for a while.
How do you feel things are going after one week? Please send me your feedback via private message. Any observations or suggestions are welcome.
- @pokerrick swept @BRICK52, 3-0 in their match.
- @WATCHOUT8 won 2, @SUPERPOTATO17 won 1, but filed an incomplete report, failing to include the Tournament IDs, so we are still pending confirmation of these games. Please send me the Tournament ID from your 3 games ASAP, or your games will not be officially recorded.
- @waidus and @DogsOfWar were unable to complete any games due to scheduling and communications problems.
Tournament News:
- @12beat22 joined as a late entrant to the tournament and will face @puggywug in their Round One match, this Saturday.
We still need scheduling availability data for the following players:
If you are one of the above mentioned players, please send me the weekdays of your Best Times to play, Unavailable times, and your Time Zone, ASAP.
Refer to the Players tab on the official record book, and follow the format shown there. Send your info to puggywug ina private message, or reply to this forum thread, and I will update the record book.
Please provide specific days and times, and do not provide a vague “I’m available whenever” or “flexible” as it is not helpful.
Do use this availability info to help coordinate with your match opponent.
- SUPERPOTATO17 vs waidus
- pokerrick vs puggywug
- DogsOfWar vs BRICK52
- WATCHOUT8 vs 12beat22
Please contact your opponent as soon as possible to work out your time to play against each other. Round Two will run from 9/19/2020 to 9/27/2020 or until all games are completed. Try to get your games in early if you can!
Thank you all for playing, and good luck in your matches!
More on Availability:
I’ve asked several times for everyone to provide me with their availability. Some of you have responded; thank you for that. For those who have yet to, here’s the format I’d like to see us use, showing my availability as an example.
Preferred Times | Unavailable | Time Zone |
TuThF 5pm-12am EDT | M-F 9am-5pm EDT (working) | Eastern Daylight Time UTC-04 |
Sa 9am-2am EDT | Su-Sa 2am-9am EDT (sleeping) | |
Su 9am - 6pm EDT | Sun 7pm-10pm (Badonk’s league) | |
Wed 9pm-12am (Badonk’s league) |
- The day of the week and the time(s) during those days are given.
- “Preferred Times” are not necessarily the only times you can play, but are your preferred times to play.
These are the times when it is easiest for you to play, or when you normally prefer to play. - “Unavailable” means you cannot normally play during those times. I give a reason for my unavailability; this is optional, but helpful. Since I normally play in Badonk’s League and we have tournaments on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday, and I have involvement as the recordskeeper in that league as well, I am unavailable to play for this tournament at those times, even though I am actually using the site at those times. So if you notice that I am online, and wonder why I say I’m not able to play those times, that explains it.
- Time Zone will help your fellow players convert your local time to their local time.
- Please notify me if your availability changes or you wish to make an adjustment.