Thanks @_Rain , need all the help I can get as a newbie at starting a league lol. But think/hope, it will become another benefit for premium subscribers to have fun !!!
If you are a Premium Member, would you be interested in a new Premium League?
Instead of three originally suggested tourney’s, the individual league will consist of One Tourney, every Wenesday at 5:30 P.M ET. This will be a NL Hold-Um tourney with a 5K chip/5K Thicket buy in.We must have at least 10 players interested before submitting an application.
Currently, I am showing the folloing players that are interested.
If someone wants to be removed due to the format change please let me know
If others are interested, please reply to the thread, Yes
Thanks for your consideration and GL at the tables!
I would really like to join, however I am already commited to another league game that afternoon. If you have changes in the times like even one hour later I would be interested but I am not suggesting you change the time just let me know if it does. Thank you.
If you can’t find the numbers to form a League, or even if you do form a League, I would like to invite you all to form a Special Premium Members only Team and enter that team in the Team Play Poker League.
I see this as a win for you as you get to do something special with your fellow Premium members and of course it would be a win for us as we gain a new team
If you would like to know more about us and what we do please check out the following links -
If you are interested please accept my friend request and we can discuss some more.
Back down to only 8 players interested sorry my friends, it doesn’t look like we have enough interested players to even submit an application. I believe it is possible if a fellow Premium Member would like to organize a league at an earlier time, which is impossible for me. If anyone wants to try & do so, you have my full support and will try and help with as much as possible to get started.
Therefor, I am ending my attempt to organize the league. @grapevine , Will you please close this topic’s subject/post.