Nordic Warriors League

Its High Roller time
The Leagues Invitational 250k NL Holdem
Open to all LI members including Dream Weaver, WILDHORSES, Nordic Warriors, Early Bird and Poker Amusement sister leagues
Game Time is 6:30 EST
Here is a link to today’s game

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Replay Team Championship
It is held once a year by the staff of Replay, it is team play but they separate you to different tourneys played at the same time, so you are never at the same table.
This is one of a few games Replay puts on that you play as an individual but are part of a team, all your points combined to move into finals, there are a couple of leagues in the private section that do this is a modified version, with a leader board

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Thanks Rain for telling me what RTC is, etc. That kind of play that you describe that a couple, few leagues in the private section play that way(where you play as a individual, but part of a team, but either at, in different tables, tourneys, or if at same table, same tourny, then every player for themselves, no cooperation, etc, but still part of the same team). What’s the name of those couple, few leagues?, as I would like to play in those type of games.

Thanks Rain

I think what you’re looking for is in the TPP league, it’s been a while since I played there, you may want to contact @flashlight he has about 8 or nine leagues and would be a better source for those type of games info

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LI 250k High Roller

  • 1 - colobullet (2,154,600 chips)
  • 2 - mctheKricket (1,197,000 chips)
  • 3 - SILVERTHECAT (837,900 chips)
  • 4 - slader43 (598,500 chips)

Bounty Winners:

  • colobullet (266,000 chips)
  • abahog (114,000 chips)
  • snowman (76,000 chips)
  • nateogreato (76,000 chips)
  • slader43 (76,000 chips)
  • SILVERTHECAT (76,000 chips)
  • mctheKricket (76,000 chips)
  • Sue13 (38,000 chips)
  • subsailor712 (38,000 chips)
  • Drawin6Dead9 (38,000 chips)
  • jdawg09 (38,000 chips)
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How do I contact somebody like flashlight if their not on friends list.

Congratz to the high roller cashers, final tablers, top 3, winners, etc.

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Send him a friend request, he will accept, or you can find him in one of his forums
Team Play Poker - Private League Discussion - Replay Poker

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How do I friend request someone. I’m serious, not joking like you might think that surely he knows how to friend request. But I have not friend request in the 1.5 months that been playing at Replay.

Thanks Rain

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As this is the NORDIC WARRIORS LEAGUE thread, please keep the conversations Nordic Warriors related. We advertise the Leagues Invitational games because they are open to all who play in the Nordic Warriors (ie a perk of being a Nordic Warrior). Too much clutter on this thread can result in members not seeing important announcements, reminders and results. Discussion related to Nordic Warrior games/banter is welcome and encouraged. Stay on target :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance for respecting your fellow warriors :slight_smile:

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I have updated the Warriors avatar doc. with instructions in a video on how to change one.
Here is the link
Published Nordic Warrior Avatars

Tuesday night; Enter the Matrix :
Rob911 : Bruce Lee gif - Enter the Dragon 1973

29 warriors entered the dragon casino and treated the world to a spirited game of Omaha Hilo. @Younguru did his Bruce Lee impression breaking the spirit of all his opponents to win. @mrzick Swept the leg and took down the competition for 2nd, and Norris the @_snowman used the frozen claw to ripe home 3rd, and @rgcrest summoned his inner Jackie Chan for 4th (an extra in Enter the Dragon). The final three titans put on an amazing show. Great game tonight. Also Congrats to @Younguru on his 4th win of the quarter closing in on the league record of 5.


Nordic Warriors LB 2024 Q3


Excellent game tonight, Warriors! Congratulation Luke!
MrZ, Norris, rg that was a battle!


Ty everyone truly an exceptionally high-level tournament tonight!
I am pleased that my strategy of “stay out of the way and let @_snowman and @mrzick fight it out” was fruitful! :wink:

The final 3 played out so close to equilibrium that it was basically guaranteed only a cooler would decide the winner, which it did, twice:
Full house over Full house vs @_snowman
Wheel to scoop vs @mrzick’s pocket aces on the final hand

As I stated at the onset of this one my plan was just to bet a lot and get lucky. Hey, it worked! :smiley:


Well for my part I felt that Younguru, slapped me silly, flung me down, tied me up and slow roasted me over his barbeque pit.
With Snowman I was hoping he would melt, and I would collect his runoff(chips) and use them to beat what’s-his-name. (the one who won)
With rgcrestI must say would not quit, being a bulldog in his determination.

I was so fortunate to even get to the final, let alone almost win. Such outstanding players being WARRIORS!


@mrzick you are always a formidable opponent heads-up! My only hope was to keep the horseshoe firmly lodged in my well look at the time, best be going

Ack, you need a Nordic wizard warrior, because I like my wizard riding a dragon avatar. If you had a Nordic wizard warrior riding a dragon, that said Nordic Warriors Private League, then I would go with that for my avatar pic, instead of the wizard riding a dragon avatar pic that I have now. But can’t expect that kind of Nordic wizard warrior riding a dragon pic to be done, lol, so oh well.

Though I’m not a member here, I do see what’s happening elsewhere. Mike and I don’t always see eye to eye but he has created an amazing league of very formidable players. I do give credit where credit is due…great job Micheal and Andy…you both are to be congratulated…

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John, thank you, I am very proud of what we have accomplished here. This league is full of fantastic warriors all with the same goals, have fun and play some fierce competitors.
I have had a lot of help since I started this league, it has self-generated growth from old friends and new friends I made along the way. I am a very outspoken person, but if you can get past that our door is open here, you are welcome to face the warriors, be victorious or be walked proudly to the gates of Valhalla with honor for your battle. Thats how we do it here.