I’ll play, but I think I suck at Omaha High Lo, lol. But maybe I’ll get better playing ya all(doubt it), but it will be fun, and I’ll chat more, etc.
What’s the RTC stand for, etc?
I’ll play, but I think I suck at Omaha High Lo, lol. But maybe I’ll get better playing ya all(doubt it), but it will be fun, and I’ll chat more, etc.
What’s the RTC stand for, etc?
hi/lo is easy just play A2 bruh gl have fun
That’s the easy part, lol, even I know that, lol. The harder part is the nuances, etc. Also I cant wait for AA22 double suited, if I do, unless get lucky, I wont do well
Hope that helps. Don’t tell anyone else my secrets! Good luck!
It’s all good. I have fun, even if I semi suck. Thanks for the advice. I think the problems I have is your point number 3, and chasing the draws, and chasing the non nut lows and getting beat by A2, when I have 23 on a qualifying low board, etc.
I also play out of position, etc, because I’m focused on everything else. lots to keep track of, so sometimes I dont keep track of everything like should as well as I should, etc.
I also limp too much, because I can never seem to force folds, force people out, since everybody calls, so I think that might as well limp because of that, in order to not bloat the pot, and play a drawing game, which I lose most of time.
I do seem to do better against better competition, where not everybody calls, because then I am more aggressive, don’t limp, etc.
So thanks for the tips. I’ll have fun no matter what happens. And if I get knocked out first, I’ll watch and chat and learn from everybody else.
So looking forward to the Hi Lo tourny
Thanks all for playing. I chased my draws and lows too much. Told ya all I was a Donk. How I managed to get 12k before lost most of that chasing draws and lows, is beyond me, lol.
You played really well until that 1 hand against me. More discipline next time, you’ll crush!
When you have the nut low draw like I did, what are the percent chances you’ll make the nut low? Maybe if I know, maybe that will get me to stop chasing nut low draws.
In 60 minutes!!!
Our second Saturday game tonight is called
“Odin’s Army” 20k entry!
No Limit Holdem at 9pm EST.
Here is a shortcut link to tonight’s game.
In general, try to avoid chasing for half the pot. Chase for a scoop. Let the other draws go if you’re gonna be put all in.
Ok thanks. It was fun, and a learning experience.
Thanks for letting us know!
Thor let Peter Gabriel borrow his hammer tonight lol. Sledgehammer!
28 warriors decided to play some spirited Omaha tonight. @Younguru actually told all his secrets in the thread tonight but just like the Lombardi Green Bay Packers you might know whats coming but good luck stopping it. @Lelaina gave it valent effort and fought to 2nd, @Excaliburns was a master of deception and magic finishing 3rd and @abahog always seemed to have it racing to 4th. great game tonight see you in a few for round two.
Ty my ever erudite friend @southwestmba
Congrats to @Lelaina for a tenacious run to 2nd
@Excaliburns just doing Excaliburns things, savage to the end as always
Shout goes out to @Asuronetorius who I think did more than anyone to help me win this tournament. Writing out those tips for him reminded me what my strategy should be
Congrats Guru!!! Well played Lelaina, Joe, and abahog. Was a good game.
Congratz to ya all.
Of course I did more to help you, as I’m a Donk in Hi/Lo, lol.
Thanks for the Hold Em game, and congratz. I got sucked out on 4 times. Once on 99 reraising half stack, 5.5 to 6 x 900 chip all in(About 3700+), KQ called, hit a Q. Then a vs a 20% to win flush draw on turn, I bet 1000, pot, and flush hit river. Then KK vs A9 all in, A9 hit trips 9’s. Forget what the 4th suckout was. But its all good. It was fun. Thanks everyone for playing.
Odin’s Army. Are you the god of hammers son? No you are the god the thunder.
28 warriors came out for the final act of the evening and did their best to gain Odin’s favor and unlock his chips. @_Rain showed Odin bravery daring to flip more than Simone Biles on her floor routine, Odin was pleased 1st place. @Trish-da-Fish offered fierce play and some nordic fish, Odin was pleased 2nd place. @Excaliburns offered consistent excellent play three for three this weekend. Odin was pleased 3rd. @Boricua25 offered fired and ice keeping everyone off balance. Odin was pleased 4th. Great game tonight. As Rain said, it is an honor getting to play with all of you.