Nordic Warriors League

@12beat22 thank you very much for the complement and the door is always open to you if you would like to join us for one night or many :). We strive for a fun friendly group and a tank full of sharks :slight_smile:

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The Nordic Warrior Experience

Your table is full of past champions.

But so are you, a champion, and you’re not intimidated whatsoever.

The battle is on with friendly chatter along the way.

Competitors become friends.

The winner is congratulated by onlookers, always watching and learning to refine their game.

Updating their notes on winning players to gain whatever edge they can secure for the next


The beat goes on, day after day.

The ongoing refinement of poker skills is apparent as Nordic Warrior’s

battle longer.

The battle continues well past the second break.

Once the winner has won, there’s about 15 minutes

until game 2 starts the process all over again.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question!

Do you have what it takes to become a Nordic Warrior Champion?

Well, do you?

This is the ultimate challenge on Replay Poker.


@Excaliburns now you got me fired up :slight_smile: (glad they moved your post here. That other thread had too negative a vibe for such a positive post:)

Shout outs to @tinboat and @Sue13
@Excaliburns and @MrFish68 our past champions (I’m still a reigning champion until the end of the quarter lol)

We play for the pride and the cool trophies made by @_Rain


^ It sure does look nice, all lined up in a row like that.

Feeling proud and a bit fortunate to be a part of it.

This view certainly helps to keep an eye on the prize so to speak.

Who will be next?


Thank you Andy. It looks beautiful. I am proud also to beat the competition in this league. See you all tonight in another tough match. Good Luck to all…


When, what is the tourny today? Is it the Valhalla’s Chosen, at 6 pm PAC, 9 pm Eastern?

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Warriors Game tonight Set your alarm!!!
Tonight’s No Limit Holdem “Valhalla’s Chosen”
Friday Night 20k entry, set your alarm for 9pm EST.
Here is a link to tonight’s game:

Valhalla’s Chosen



Thanks Southwest for making the announcement. I’m playing, looking forward to playing ya all. Good luck to everyone playing.

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I am unable to send out reminders every time, due to my work schedule, All our Nordic Warrior league games are at the same time every week, here is a schedule of popular leagues, tabs at the bottom show weekly calendar of games and times.
Replay League Schedules Sheets doc.

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Here is the schedule and links for Nordic Warriors,

All buy-ins are 20k

Tuesday – NL Omaha hi/lo at 9pm EDT

Friday—NL Holdem 9pm EDT

Saturday—NL Omaha Hi/Lo 6:30 pm EST

Saturday—NL Holdem 9pm EST

Here is where you can find the league.

Link to the games

Leader Board link. Nordic Warriors Q3 2024 - Google Sheets

There is also a Nordic Warriors Skype chat where we have fun and chat, if you would like to join the Skype room just let me know.

Here is the Skype link Join conversation


Friday night with a group of Valhalla’s chosen. 30 warriors showing from hand one to the final hand that you better come to play, roll with the good and bounce back from the back. Grind and make plays. In the end @hohkay23 made the most plays out dueling an all star final table for the crown. @jujube proved yet again if she gets a chip stack built up she knows how to use it, finshed 2nd. @dawg was a mixture of German Shepard and bulldog smart and vicious to grab 3rd. @slader43 juked and jibed and danced his way to 4th with style, and @mafus showed he is more than just a pirate for 5th. Great game tonight, the final table was so fun to watch (after Julie knocked me out lol.)


Nordic Warriors LB 2024 Q3

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What a great bunch of players in this league. Its so difficult to make a final table much less win. Its a pleasure to play here.


Nordic Warrior League Members!
Today’s game is called Thor’s Hammer
Saturday 20k entry! NL Omaha Hi/Lo
Game Tonight at 6:30pm EST.
Here is a link to tonight’s first game!

Thor’s Hammer


Our second Saturday game tonight is called
“Odin’s Army” 20k entry!
No Limit Holdem at 9pm EST.
Here is a shortcut link to tonight’s game.


Thor’s Hammer stuck 6:30 pm EST and the warriors arrived to test their skills at omaha. Straights hammered by flushes, Boats sunk by bigger boats, second nuts crack by the first. As the storms rages and the waves threw the boats back and forth a champion emerged and rode the lightening to victory. @gunslinger13 rode the thunder and quad 4s to a brilliant victory over @Trish-da-Fish who played a great game to finish 2nd, @_Rain right at home in a maelstorm finished a strong 3rd, and @Younguru may have caught some luck along with that skill to take 4th. Well played tonight see you on 22 minutes for round two.



Odin’s Army. The thunder rolls as Odin’ Army strode into the field of battle. No fear no retreat no mercy no regrets. This game was only for the strong willing and the fearless. Norris the @_snowman said 100F summer grrrrrrr bring it on and won the day. @MNWild cross checked the competition in the boards for 2nd, @jdawg09 fought like a bulldog for glory and 3rd place and Joe @Excaliburns unleashed his swords to cut down the competition for 4th. Great evening with a great group for fun spirited play.


Correction to Thor’s Hammer results write up. @Weedwoman420 finished 2nd and played a great game and was smoking the competition. Sorry about that Whit, I was scrambling to get ready for round 2. But I should know better, you knocked me out with a perfect A to 5 straight.


Congrats Luke! Four wins in the quarter - that’s pretty impressive - well done.


Warriors it’s High Roller Sunday!
Game Announcement!

Open to all Leagues Invitational members including Dream Weaver, WILDHORSES, Nordic Warrior, Early Bird, Poker Amusement

Game name: High Roller Open
Place: Leagues Invitational league
Entry fee: 250k

Game type: NL Holdem

Game type: Bounty Tournament

Game time: Every Sunday 6:30 EST

Starting stack: 5000 chips

Late registration: 15 minutes

Early registration availability: One week

Here is a link to the game
High Roller 250k NL Holdem

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Warriors! results from LI League High Roller NL Holdem
High Roller Open!
Congratulations Luke on a great win! John very impressive 2nd! Mike nice to see the new guy in the money for 3rd! Dante another new player in 4th well done young man! and Carol solid as a rock made the money in 5th!!
Shout out to my friend Liz/tricki for playing tonight! been missing you girl!
Great game all!! welcome new players!!

Prize Pool: 6.2M

Bounty Per Player: 38,000


Bounty Winners:

  • Younguru (342,000 chips)
  • @Nebulos (266,000 chips)
  • Drawin6Dead9 (114,000 chips)
  • xNEMESISx (114,000 chips)
  • @donkbusta444 (76,000 chips)
  • RavenL (76,000 chips)
  • @RPChief (38,000 chips)
  • @tricki (38,000 chips)
  • @Trish-da-Fish (38,000 chips)
  • jdawg09 (38,000 chips)
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