Endorsements not showing

I`m getting “poker pro” endorsements from my fellow players but when I go to my profile the % is stuck at 74.6

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Try support@replaypoker.com


I think it might take a day to get those figures right, just a guess…


The endorsement Rank system is NOT working properly, and support is NO help ???
according to support, everytime I endorse a player as say a “poker pro” the player receives endorsement points which are supposed to make your “rank” go from 1-5. Level 5 is hard to achieve and they will NOT tell you how the points are applied.
Im at level 3 as are MANY of my fellow players, I now have written down and advised 5 of my friends to do the same, the poker pro % , helping hand & good sport %s , then we endorse each other as “poker pros” for several days in a row to check if the % has gone up…THEY HAVE NOT ! with a minimum 0f 6 endorsements in the past 4 days my % went up .2 thats point 2% so if your doing the endorsement thing , contact support and complain…there not listening to one voice

Hi @1530,

I responded to your email message to Support. The percentage breakdown for your Endorsement does change as you get more endorsements. I manually calculated your points and the percentage that the system is registering in your profile is correct. Please note that it might take a day for your profile to get an updated percentage. Getting 6 endorsements from your friends in one day, does not automatically mean you will see a 6-point change in your percentage breakdown. It’s a lot easier to reference your endorsement when you’re starting out and only had a few endorsements. Like if you get 3 endorsements, one for each type of endorsement, you will see your profile with the following break down:
33.3% Poker Pro
33.3% Good Sport
33.3% Helping Hand

If you get one endorsement for Poker Pro the next day, you will see it change to the following:
50% Poker Pro
25% Good Sport
25% Helping Hand

But if you’ve had hundreds of endorsements, the movements on these percentages are going to be smaller. I hope that helps.

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That’s a great breakdown of the system. You can’t ask for better than that :+1:t2:

Bravo !!

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The system is easy to understand, except there is great disparity at least in players with a rank of 3 , I havent seen a higher jump than .4 and that day that player got 10 endorsements
according to what he told me, I got 4 and my % did NOT change , another player I endorse with gets a .1 increase for every endorsement he gets and it takes less than 15 minutes, I know because I wrote down his % , joined him at a table, endorsed him and approx 10 minutes later his % for pro went up .1
ON 3/27 I started keeping track, pro 74.6
4/10/23 7:15 pm, 74.9
I know if I get an endorsement for one of the other 2 that Pro will go down, during that time I believe I only had 2 non-pro endorsements, Sue from support would not give the % points for 1 endorsement of each (why would pro & good sport not be the same ? ) so I cant do the math as you did, but in 14 days I conservatively had 42 “pro” endorsements and my rank went up .3 ??? I thank you for your response chipsmama but Im seeing many Rank 3 + players getting waaaay more than I am. Ill end it there, Ill play until ( If ever) I reach level 5 and that will be the last promotion Ill get involved in. I got approx. 8 players that didnt know how endorsements worked involved and there all getting approx. 30K every 15th of the month so I`m happy for them , again ty for your effort,1530

It sounds like you are trying to game the system. I thought the Endorsements were to recognize a player’s playing style and helpfulness at the tables.


I’s it really the endorsements that are on your mind or is it something else. I have never seen anyone argue about them at all. Perhaps you can opt out of them then it won’t consume all your time and you can enjoy the game of poker again.

Just a thought…

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Craig, I was asked by the group I play cards with regularly to find out from support why each of us were getting different results from endorsements…support was not helpful with this
question in my opinion. I`ll end the discussion now because replay doesnt want to reveal how they break down the % rate so there is no answer to our question…gl to all that make it to level 5, 1530

You received an outstanding response to your question from @chipsmama . It doesn’t get any better than that.


Hi @1530,

Thanks for the follow up. I had our Team review the workflow of receiving and calculating endorsements, and we are 100% certain that they are running as they should. We don’t take reports lightly and we investigate immediately especially if discrepancies are involved.

Please note that endorsements are a way to reward good play and behavior at the tables. Getting monthly endorsement drops via chips based on your rank is just a bonus, but the whole point of endorsements is to build camaraderie at the tables. It’s just a good feeling to know that other players appreciate your play or behavior even if you don’t really know who sent the endorsement.

This is the reason we kept endorsement anonymous because we don’t want players to feel obligated to return the favor if they knew who endorsed them. We decided to keep the exact number hidden to prevent players from hassling others for endorsements when they know they’re close to leveling. Our goal is to keep the system pure so as not to use it to game the system. There is absolutely no benefit for us to manipulate the endorsement points received by players.

The higher your endorsement rank is, the more difficult it is to reach the next level. You’re at Level 3 and that’s amazing! So sorry I can’t provide you the actual numbers, but I hope it helps to know that our Team was able to revisit and review our endorsement workflow to make sure everything is working.

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It’s too bad you can’t deduct achievements for unsportsmanlike conduct for those that constantly try and game the system.

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I think we should PAY 25 chips to endorse a person, just a thought…

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