Difficulty Sitting at Tables

I’ve been experiencing difficulties sitting at a table since this morning. I get an error message that I was unable to sit. Along with that, tables have been freezing for long stretches. Didn’t observe any of this yesterday.

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Hi Yorunoame,

If you haven’t already then please contact the support team at support@replaypoker.com
and let them know this issue you are having so they can look into it and hopefully they can fix it quickly.



I tried to get in any low stakes ring game with open seating and was not allowed to join any table. Also I couldn’t chat, asking is everyone froze and my question disappeared. I think people, are confusing this issue with the tables freezing issue, because you can’t see or engage in any activity at the tables, however the tables are active.

Details have been sent to support and yes, we need more folks to inform support of issues, please.


Ever since the “new look” it’s been glitchy for me. Each time that I start a tournament, I think we’re waiting on another player. I then notice that the green time bar is missing on that player. I refresh and realize that it was me who was frozen and is now sitting out. A few other players have said they’re having the same problem


The last MTT I played multi-table, lol. I had 2x the same table-window open, because one of them was many times standing.

It would help If you haven’t already then please contact the support team at support@replaypoker.com
Click on the ? on the dashboard page


and let them know the issue you are having so they can look into it and hopefully they can fix it quickly.


From Wed. night until Thursday afternoon was the WORST ever, i just came back and hope awww it is only bad:(

:cry: same issues; This started happening since the New Look. I have no problem with the change, still prefer the other , but this constant freezing & rebooting is sad This only happens on the tables, no issues while in the Community forums. Support has been contacted many times, thus they know & hopefully trying to correct these issues with so many of us.