We’ve all been there. Those wonderful things we have to do to survive. I have certain jobs around the house and otherwise that I simply do not enjoy. I bet you have a few you would be more than happy to never have to do again. Share those with me. Misery loves company. And these chores make for really good company.
Taking out the trash. Everything from bagging it to carrying it to the dumpster makes me cringe. I live in an apartment complex with 7 other tenant occupied units. Most have families. And we all have to use an archaic small dumpster that gets emptied once a week. I asked the landlord to have two pick-ups a week. Told him I’d even pay for the second one. He said it couldn’t be done. So now I have to plan to take out my trash right after the garbage truck goes through so I can beat the other tenants to the bin. This creates more stress than I need. Plus, I have to plan my garbage usage so it falls on a certain day. And not to mention the smell and having to lift a heavy lid to toss bags in the dumpster. The whole affair is a pain in the neck, back, shoulders, etc…
That certainly doesn’t sound like a picnic. That’s got to be a downside to living in any sort of apartment buildings, you don’t have your own trash disposal. Mind you, where I grew up, in a Soviet era apartment block, there was a trash chute with a big metal lid on each floor where you just open it and throw it in, it all piles up in a concrete room at the bottom of the building, needless to say, you don’t want to get too close to there on a hot day.
Get a trash compactor and make the trip once a month. The generous people of the world would make a trip for you. I know I’d bring it down since I’m going there anyway.
It’s very silly for me to choose this chore. I think I loathe it because of the time of day it has to be done. My husband and I are a bit slow to get started in the morning. By late morning we’re ready to do chores–whatever’s up for the day, usually in good weather yardwork, in bad weather housecleaning or volunteer activities, lots of time at our computers. Late afternoon is when we shower. After the shower, one or the other of us (we take turns) wipes the whole thing down–the hardware, the glass doors, the tile walls and floors. It’s a good thing to do: No mildew has ever taken over the grout and it looks almost as good as the day the shower was installed 17 years ago. But I hate having to wipe it down when it’s my turn! It only takes 10 minutes, but it’s the time of day when I’m ready to be done working, ready to go get some knitting done (hobby stuff) or some poker played (even more fun hobby stuff), and wiping down the darn shower is delaying me. Bummer! So that’s my whine and I’ll take a little cheese with that if I may, please.
I love washing dishes, from the professional kitchens to my home, I love the suds, and everything clean, and at the end, everything is clean, then you can relax.
Here I go. The absolute worst chore I have ever done is the “ changing of the clocks “ . Twice a damn year I have to spring forward or fall back. This is not any chore for me. I have OCD which means changing the time to exactly the correct clock time x13 clocks . Probably takes a few hours to get it exactly , THEN power goes out during winter storms, electricity surges in the summer. I hate changing the clocks !!! I tired going battery but that’s worse
You wake up, good night the night before , vague memory of inviting folk back to the house, then you see the devastation the visitors have left and have to start the big clean up, while not 100% fit, and in my case cursing the lot of them
Ah, springtime in CT…With no garage & 2 cars that park under & next to trees, I’m hosing daily. The pollen turns the cars green & the “worm-looking” dangling stuff gets into every nook & cranny of the cars. The “worms” will all be down soon, but the pollen coating the cars (and patio furniture) daily is good for another month. Then we have the lovely nesting birds who simply love pooping daily on the cars.
I’d just come in from a 2 hr cleaning when I saw your post! Perfect timing!
Years ago I was told I could have either an in-ground pool or a detached garage. I chose the pool. Dumb!
(In the fall, it’s the green things we used to open & stick on our noses;.we called them “helicopters” back then. Those are impossible to get out of the crannies of the cars)
Trees are beautiful but such a pita, as are the birds! Vent over! Tks!
Same problem here Lynn, pollen, spinners, pine shats, cones. Havoc wreck on cars,
lawn furniture, sidewalks. This too shall pass but definitely a chore I could do without.
To JanCee:
One option is to shower together. Make it #fun#, and then wipe it down together. Another is using Clean Shower. Spray it and forget it. Safe for septic systems, no bleach or ammonia. We have been using it for several years after finding it at Dollar General. Our 6 year old shower still looks like new.
This chore has never been a favorite of mine. With Covid it became dangerous. At wally world I get hit with a cart someone is carelessly barreling down the aisle with at least once a trip. At DG I use a coupon for $5 off a $25 order, but they run specials that cause the amount of my order to go under $25 and I lose out on the coupon. I always choose the register that takes the longest time to get through. I can never park close to the store and wind up forgetting where the car is parked when I leave. Let’s just say I’ve never had a good time shopping. Getting the stuff back home and unpacked is another story for later. Anyone else love or don’t love this chore?
They have an App for that. Around here it’s called “ Instacart “ . For an extra tip they will put it all away. For an extra, extra tip @JanCee they will clean your bathroom.