Can somebody explain me the strategy behind this? Im lost :S

Welcome to the world of the “go F yourself” call. For some unknown reason, people not only play garbage they shouldn’t, but then they call large raises with said garbage in hopes of cracking big hands. Its a freaking epidemic here and while I don’t understand the thought process of someone doing it, it is done never the less. I’ve had A’s cracked by 8/4 and just yesterday K’s called and cracked by 9/4. I had A’s cracked by a guy playing Q6 suited out of position last night too. He had nada until the river. Called off his whole stack on a draw to the 3rd nut flush. Insane play that sucked out.

My advice and response has been the same each and every time - keep pounding these people. Make notes of their insane light calls and apply even more pressure going forwards. Over the long run, your play works and theirs doesn’t. That is the test of a poker players game, the long run profitability of plays.

I know how you feel, especially if these happen in close proximity to each other. I went for a stretch of about a week here without holding a large pair a single time, and lost most to garbage. Hard to take but just kept going and when my hands started holding, life was all good again :slight_smile:

My only suggestion would be to make sure you are not giving away your hands too easily by virtue of your pre-flop raises. Incorporate some drawing hands and bluffs in there as well so you aren’t telegraphing a big pair to the table. Keep your raise multiples consistent across the range, again to disguise where you are. Worry about your hands and ranges and let these people continue on as the long term losers they simply have to be. Your play will be profitable and theirs will not. The math doesn’t care about 1 hand, or 3 or 10. The math you care about is over the life of your game. If you are getting your chips in good while others are getting theirs in bad, you won before the hands are even played out.

There may be more going on than just “go F yourself.” Your profile seems to indicate you’ve only been playing here for a day or so. (If that’s true, you must be an incredibly aggressive and lucky player to amass 200K chips on your first day.) Other players DO look to see who their opponents are. If they think you are betting on insufficient values (as “new” players often do), they may take the coin flip with their own insufficient values just to see what they can learn. If you are perceived to be a bingo buffoon betting on nothing but nerve, you’ll be called by all sorts of hands–and some of them will beat you regardless of your beginning strength. The upside is that if you really are a solid player, this is the ideal situation for you: to be thought a weak madman when you really are very strong. Be thankful. Of course, the better players will learn respect quickly, so enjoy it while you can. Good luck.

Of these hands, only the first one is noticeably bad play. These are pretty typical hands.

Starting with number 3, you had 2 big blinds left, so the big blind has the right price to call with any 2 cards (seven deuce, deuce trey), and 58o will beat AA 15% of the time, which is not insignificant.

On number 2, the guy only had 4.5 big blinds, so he probably figured he would go out soon anyway. 76s has reasonable equity (32%) even if your range is AA, KK, QQ, and AK, so it’s not good, but not awful, especially since the player was by far the shortest stack.

On number 1, the guy makes a pretty bad call with T8o, but is a 1000 chip bankroll builder, so people aren’t exactly calculating their equity when making calls. On the flop, he is open-ended, so he has 33% equity against AA and even 25% against 77. Plus, your shove is very polarizing, meaning that it can look like a bluff. I would never shove with an overpair there because it loses you value against worse hands, and you are crushed by straights and sets. So, when you shove, he probably knows he has a good chance to win, and goes for it. The preflop call is bad, and I doubt he was calculating his equity when calling the flop (and it was still a bad call), but again, not astonishingly bad.

This is free chip poker, so if you give people a chance to draw to an open-ended straight or a flush, they love to call. You can use this to your advantage.

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I’m going to disagree here a bit. On #3 you are correct in being priced in with any 2 cards. #1 is not a “pretty bad call”, it is the F-U call that caught enough to call the shove and then filled his hand. A bad play that works out is still a bad play. Calling pre-flop with that hand is adding chips to a pot when you are very likely a 5:1 underdog. If you don’t know enough to have that figured out, read a book.

Number 2 is slightly less overt but also well inside the margins of silly. He had 2 behind him, including the big stack in the BB. If he folds his ante, he is in a great position to look for a hand to shove as he is the button. Its a tournament and there is a chance the SB or BB has a hand to knockout the initial raiser. There is no reason to get involved here. If another 1 or 2 had joined in, then yes but not 1 on 1. Maybe this isn’t the F-U call but its a lot closer to awful than not.

I edited this to redact some of the tastier words for fear of offending someone, like the players of less than average skill involved. This is a hot button topic for me because I see this all the time. It is usually made by 1 of 2 types of players: the total incompetent and the F-U player.

Incompetent players have no realistic chance of playing themselves to a win. All they can do is insert themselves into a large pot and pray. In higher variance games, like the Bankroll Builders, a luckbox player actually has a chance of placing fairly highly if they win 1 or 2 large hands. They cannot play for pots so it is all about luck for them. OK, I get it and its a part of poker pretty much everywhere.

The F-U player is the worst for me and I hold a special contempt for them. They call not for the purpose of winning but instead because they are miserable little people. These are the people who go to parties just to pee in the pool. They have no love for the game, no thought of winning the game and no respect for people who are trying to have a good game, The highlight of their day is being a lowlight in someone else’s.

When you see someone call and suckout with a 9/4 and then type “hehehe”, you are dealing with an F-U player. That didn’t happen in the hands shown here but it happens. There are people so small and petty that their version of entertainment is to piss off other people online. They are another version of Scratch’s beloved trolls and deserve the same scorn and contempt.

Whew, that was cathartic. Again, I don’t give too much thought to the people who cant play because they haven’t learned yet. They will either learn or get feasted on by better players until they give up or do. I cannot tell what was in the mind of the player in #1 but its the type of hand the F-U player will use, not a rookie. A rookie with play the 2 suited connectors or A-rag or similarly “sexy” looking cards.

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I wasn’t saying they weren’t bad plays (at least 1 and 2), but they are very common, not extraordinary suckouts. I love these players because they are always making negative EV plays, but I do get steamed, like you, when they get lucky.

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JoeDirk is right, only the 1st one was a bad play and heres why…

You raised to 240ish and got called by what 1 person ??? the flop hit them and not you, while they need’d help they did have equity and therefore make the Hero/Donk call. ( yes it was also in a B&B so that means all the riff raff are playing too )… where I see your bigest mistake was not recognizing that you got out flopped and you pushed too hard too early in the tourny where there usually are many loose maniac bingo players that will call withg any 2 cards. Isn’t it better in that situation to put out a “feeler” bet after the flop to see where you are, than to risk it all just trying to bully 1 person off a hand, you miss’d ??? Plus some ppl see a All-In as desperation/bluff… if you are gonna push that hand that hard, go 75-80% of his stack… it looks like a stronger bet than a All-In to many players.

The other 2 hands, well… the 1 dude was so shortstacked he pushed on a hand u were playing, and you have to watch out for these players before entering any hands… and then you did the same thing on the other hand and it just didn’t work out…ohh well…

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I’m sorry but looking at the hands I see nothing to complain about. They both had good odds themselves. The one not only had flush but had a str8 as well. The third hand you only had $600 he had $5000. He good afford taking that chance not knowing what you had. The first 2 I do not consider coin toss or bingo players…the third was a good risk…he might have been watching how you were betting and decided to take chance on that. Your going to see a lot worse on here.