Another thing that can do, if players do what Yorunoame talk about, where they min bet 100% of their range, on every board, on every hand, flop, turn, river, against any number of opponents, and if that makes them harder to read, and if that gets you beat, etc: Then try to play hands that have good playability postflop, that make good draws, against them, and try to have draws against them, because they will give you cheap cards to complete your draw, and bloat up the pot for when your draw completes, and then when they lose to your straights, flushes, made draws, they will gradually, eventually get tired of losing pots to straights, flushes, etc, and will start to raise bigger, to where they then become readable because they wont bet big on their whole range, like they do with min bets.
So if do a mix of calling min bets to make 2 pairs, trips, and occasionally reraising them 3/5 pot+, and calling min bets with draws, and folding no equity hands, etc, then gradually, eventually, you will start to exploit them, cause them to bet bigger, etc.
It maybe be harder to read those players, but those players can be exploited, etc.
I love calling minbettors with bottom pairs, mid pairs, crappy kickers, draws, and then making 2 pair, trips, sets, straights, flushes on them.
Its like they are begging to get beat, exploited by hands that become 2 pair, trips, sets, straights, flushes.
So its win win either way. Exploit them with a hand that becomes a monster later, thanks to their min betting, or cause them to learn the hard way and start betting bigger, and be able to read them.