Something I’d like to improve at in poker is knowing when to call when someone else opens or raises, particularly preflop.
I do pretty well most of the time when I’m in the driver’s seat: when I open/raise. Poker advantages the aggressive, and the way to be aggressive is to bet. I’ve gotten pretty good at it, and it’s taken me this far. There’s a lot of players who are timid enough that they can be exploited with strong betting. Of course it always helps to have the cards.
To go next level, I think I need to play better in tables when more players are taking initiative preflop and raising their starting cards. Usually, unless I have a pair or A/K-X suited, or two face cards, I’m reluctant to call if someone else raises.
Basically, my calling range is tighter than my opening range. That makes sense, right?
But I wonder if it’s too tight sometimes. Sometimes I fold what I’d consider borderline playable hands, hands like K9+, KXs, A7, JT, 66+, thinking they’re not good enough to call with, only to see them hit a monster flop, and then I feel regret for not being able to call.
I’m savvy enough to know it depends on some factors: positioning, size of the call, relative stack sizes, number of players in the hand, etc. But I think I still need to refine my thinking about these factors.
And then if calling is good, it might be a better idea to raise. Put the pressure back on them. Put more people out of the hand. Put more chips in to win a bigger pot.
Postflop, I usually have a good sense of where I’m at in the hand and whether I can call or not. Preflop, I have a lot less information, so less certainty.
What is the thinking among better players on calling?