Anonymous Endorsements

I really wish the person receiving his or her endorsement knew who sent it somehow. I think it would boost more players to endorse, if they know who it came from. I don’t just endorse my friends in here but others who I like they way they play, or help the table by knocking out a bingo on the table who are ruining a good table(Helping Hand).Not quite sure how this could be implemented, but I really think it would be nice to know who I am getting endorsements from. I think it would really help with the social aspect of this site. I actually got a couple endorsements last night from a couple players who are not on my friend list. Had I known who sent it, I would have returned the favor. Just a thought…


I’d like to know who’s giving me endorsements also so I can say Thank you!


On endorsements I don’t catch the notice I received one, most times either it’s my eyes or small, small screen. There is one player that gives out endorsements to the whole table on leagues and when I asked if it was him, he said yes, so I endorsed him. He does not expect to be endorsed back so that is neat. I would like to be aware of who has endorsed me and if replay can add that great. They could also add the function where player could be anonymous.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: I would like to see a general chat on the main/home page for socializing

Hi Everyone,

We kept endorsements anonymous so players won’t feel obligated to endorse players who endorsed them. The idea is to endorse players based on merit and not to return the favor. However, I understand the aspect of being able to thank the players who are recognizing you, so I am bringing this up to the rest of the team to see what they think. :slight_smile:


Agree, the the sender should have the choice, maybe in settings to be anonymous or not.


I agree with that.

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This point of discussions has already been covered and answered on a previous thread!

If u receive an Endorsement then say THANKS! and then the sender has the option to voluntarily acknowledge you as the sender or remain anonymous.

The ability to DISABLE the feature Endorsements or ENABLE and put it on BOLD & :rainbow_flag: coloured would make the feature more engaging IMO! Similar to the MODS & player reps chat.

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Bet it would be easy for Replay to do.

Being anonymous is the reason why it works so well.
If you knew who sent it you might feel obligated to indorse them next time at the table. Or they may expect it.
In my opinion keeping the indorsement anonymous is the way it should be.
Bad enough we have so many Bingo players at the tables who don’t respect the game.
Imagen what would happen if they started indorsing each other all day long


Well said, I completely agree.


when i get an endorsement i just say ty at the for the endorsement and sometimes i get a yw :slight_smile: works fine for me!


Thats true, but do you know who sent it? I guess it doesn’t matter really.

Haha…I don’t think it would matter to the Bingos. They won’t change the way they they play no matter what they do. But I see your point.


That’s exactly what I do to be polite not knowing where it came from.


When i got an endorsement i just answer :slightly_smiling_face:. No matter for me if it is anonymous or not.

Most times I endorse a player just after they win a healthy pot with a good hand… Give em a - nh on table - with an endorsement afterwards…


Agree that it would be nice to see who gave an endorsement. Give users the choice to associate their name or not. Real simple, satisfies all cases.

Replay intended them to be anonymous and I don’t see it changing. Being anonymous doesn’t mean you have to reciprocate.


I am sure the vast majority of my endorsements have come from friends. In my opinion a ranking system that allows you to give unlimited anonymous endorsements is nothing more than a popularity/friends contest and not a true indicator of someones acumen at the table. Don’t get me wrong. I’m fine with the way it is but I don’t put much stock in it either. Lastly I would like to say the endorsement feature does not detract from the very good product Replay offers. So endorse away…