The daily bonus quote always gets me thinking of how I would like to be quoted in poker. I came up with 2 quotable sayings yesterday and wanted to share. 1 made me smile and one made me consider more thoughtfully (the first came during a heater of a couple big and moderate wins, and the other one developed over several hours of dead cards and observing the chat).
The only real reason you should be limping in the card room is if you sprain your ankle running to the bathroom.
There is a very fine line between lying and storytelling; the poker table features some of the best of both of these artforms.
The follow up here is my curiosity, what’s your preference in witty poker quotes? The ones that make you smile, or those that leave you thinking well after you have read the words?
Feel free to post some pithy sayings and humorous poker quotes that make you smile, either in your words or the words of others.