For me its surfing, since I live on the coast. I played basketball, football, tennis and ran track in high school. I wasn’t
great at any of them but was pretty good. I have been bowling for around 20 plus years and now average right around 190 even at my age of 64.
But put we on a surfboard and I flounder around like a fish. But I will keep trying until I can actually stand up and come in with the waves. There is just something so relaxing about being on the beach and listening to the waves come in.
What say you?
American Football.
Even though I’m on the other side of the pond, something about watching NFL games appeals to me, it’s just a different type of sport than what we’re used to over here. Given the chance and opportunity, I could see myself as a wide receiver for some reason.
I think you could. You just never know with the NFL ? I played WR in high school and I got beat up on many games but I enjoyed it.
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HMMMM, we have had MANY players in the NFL that played soccer—we call them kickers:)
Hey…you never know with pro teams. Kobe, Kevin Garnett and LeBron all came straight out of high school and became great players in the NBA
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Coming from Scotland, the meaning of life for every wee boy and most men is football … y’know, Howie, the game where you mostly kick the ball 
My knees were shot by 12 years of age from playing on cobblestone streets. I became captain of the high school team and then left for uni in Canada where I captained the ‘football’ team, and got the opportunity of a trial from my lifelong Scottish team - Rangers.
Instead of going to the trial that weekend, I chose to pursue free loving mini-skirted young ladies at a 60’s pop festival.
Regardless of my winning weekend, my dad never forgave me for missing the trial. 
OMG. That’s hilarious. I can’t blame you for that.
At least you won something lol.
Basketball for sure. It’s played almost everywhere and it’s a fun social game. I used to have an OK 3-point shot but could never dribble very well or hit a midrange with any consistency. There are lots of places where being good at basketball gets you instant social perks too lol
F.uuny, Always wanted to learn to surf, Never did
Baseball/football and hockey in H.S. In my 20s I joined a men’s hockey team and was doing quite well. Top 10 scorer until much bigger player decided to cheap shot me with a cross check in the back. Hit the ice face first, got up woozy & dripping blood but kept playing until refs stopped the game.
I had lost 4 teeth and took several stiches in the chin to stop the bleeding.
Hung up the skates for good not long after that. Crazy sport, but fun.
@viperVF80 surfing is right up there, it looks SO fun but I’m so intimidated by it haha
sucks you took a cheap shot back in the day. stuff like that ruins contact sports. shameful behavior… smh
Howie-you know like i do-The 3 players u named were awwwww DIFFERENT—I use to watch LeBron’s high school games on pay-per-view:).
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I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio and I have been following Lebron since day one. Saint V Saint Mary is a good school, and they always beat us in football and basketball when I was in High School. LOL
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Golfing-i SUCK at it-it is the HARDEST game to play and i played them all. I can hit a ball very very far, only problem is it goes FAR left or FAR right:)…I been awww kicked off some of the nicest golf courses in my area for throwing clubs ( ever see the movie Caddle shack lol ) and swearing at my ball etc. 
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That’s hilarious. I have done similar things on the golf course many times.
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My worse sport ( after golf )…My older brother was great at basketball and lost in our state championship game but got to play college ball…Darn coaches in gym class for 4 years would say " you suck at basketball, why can’t you play like your older brother" lol:).
Mine was cross-country. I was a sprinter (100/200/400) but coach always wanted me to run the 800. Had me run XC to build up my stamina. I hated it so much that I said “Coach, I luv ya, but HELL NO.”
400m is bad enough… just pure torture trying to sprint a full lap.
But THREE MILES? uh uh… you got me confused for someone else!
Bill, next time, after a poor shot, instead of throwing your club and risk being thrown off the golf course, just visit the basketball coach for old times sake and, while holding the club, ask him how good a player you were back then. 
I actually ran cross country also. It took months before I could build up my stamina, but I finally got there. The hardest part was running through that runners cramp you would get in your gut while running. I was a starter on the team for 1 year but the coach worked us to the bone during the week and I just could not do another year of it. And this was northern Ohio and the weather wasn’t always great so that was a added challenge.