What is your winrate?

I got curious and I wanted to see what was my current winrate here.
I played exactly 3,500 hands at 10k/5k NL ring games and won 32,364,510 chips.

(This is obviously a small volume of hands which makes variance go wild, for context in my opinion you need to have played at the bare minimum of 100k hands to see your true winrate).

To get our winrate we must divide our 32,364,510 chips won or lost to the 10k blind.
32,364,510 / 10,000 = 3,236.451 bb
(3,236.451 bb) / (3,500 hands played) x 100 = 92.47bb/100 hands
So my winrate is 92.47 bb per 100 hands or 92.47bb/100 as stated above.

For context having a 5bb/100 winrate is consider good, having a 15bb+/100 you are crushing. so having a 92bb/100 is just silly, unrealistic and not sustainable.
This is why 3,500 hands played is an irrelevant data, to take your winrate serious you must play 100k+ hands.

so what are your guy’s current winrate?
(to find your info, you can click the downward “V” symbol next to your profile pic on the dashboard and click on the “Activity” tab)


It might be unsustainable, or it might just be Replay :joy:

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Makes me wish I had a time a machine lmao

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My Winrate is: I don’t have a winrate because I don’t play ring games.

My ROI is 50% and my win, cashing, ITM % is about 27% to 30% to 33%

I started with 20k and now at 87 million over a period of about 7.5 month from when I joined Replay.

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