9-seat SNG. Went up and down, went bust in 5th place.
Took a big early lead winning 4500 chips on KK with two pair, KK33 over a weaker two pair, JJ77
Later, got dealt KK again, and flopped into 2 pair, KK22, my opponent shoves, and I think about folding, guessing he has hit a trips, but I call and am right, I lose, I knew I was behind and calling here was risky, but I hoped that I’d river out a full house 999TT. But actually, I was ahead, KK22 over TT22 at the flop, and it was them who got lucky, with runner-runner 9s to take the hand from me. I should have raised my Kings up a lot higher preflop, here, I think.
I went on to redeem myself, winning about 5000 chips on another 2 pair hand, 9944 over two failed flushd draws. I got all my chips in here, and tripled up. Great hand: https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/463207444
After that I won a few small pots.
Then I played A6 from the button, raising preflop, and flopping top pair. Someone bet earlier than me, I called. The BB ended taking a huge pot on a flush, where I had made a straight 4-8, on the river. Their flush came on the Turn. This knocked me back down to just under 2300 chips, and made me feel like I had used up all my second chances. I thought I had this hand, and was devastated by the flush. Wasn’t even watching this player, as all they did during the hand was call. I figured the aggressor who was betting this hand had an Ace, and probably better than mine, but that my straight draw had won the hand. Wrong! https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/463209300
I got all in with K7o, attempting to steal the blinds, but got called by one opponent who met me with A5s, paired their Ace and won the hand and all my chips. https://www.replaypoker.com/hand/replay/463209818