took 2nd or 3rd in the 50k 1.5 mil for 430k. Now about 25k to 50k to 65k from 2 mil mark
So thatâs almost 2 million, and about, around 23% ish cashing ratio, 6 tournament win in first month here despite a stretch of only cashing 3,4 times, with one of the times being a tourney win out of a 27 tourney bad run.
So good starting Month. Thats 24 Million a year, if that keeps up.
That just goes to show that can win despite 27 tournament bad run streaks, etc, over the long term if grind out enough volume to get to the long term
I made the Top 25 Medium Stakes, Regional American MTT Leaderboard, for month of July my first month at Replay Poker!. Not bad for such low MTT volume played.
Took 3rd in 50k buy in 1.5 million GTD. Would have extremely likely won if Extreme Utimate DONK BIG STACK, hadnt shoved KT 50k 75 bb stack early position all in preflop and sucking out vs my QQ.
It was a funny heads ups. Not sure what was funnier BIG STACK DONK Shoving all in 99% of hands, every hand, or the other player limp folding every hand. Donk got called and sucked out again to win, among his LOTS of SUCKOUTS.
So 3rd for 300k cash, and now up eclipsed 2 mil mark, with 2,180,000.
How such a ultimate extreme Donk managed to win 50k buy in 1.5 mil GTD, is beyond me, lol.
Normally, Iâd be at least a little tiny bit bothered, but I couldnt help myself in finding the Donk to be funny, and laughing at the extreme DONKNESS, lol.
I have a question only puggy could answer.
Are you all ready??
Do you puggy think USING shouting letters MAKES A POINT?
everyone else agrees no
Context: it is early stages of the MTT. notes say ab43 likes broadways and doesnât like giving up.
Preflop: 7.5x is a really big open, so I donât think we have to/get to do as much 3betting as we would with a more normal open size. JJ is definitely still a 3! at some frequency but I didnât mind flatting. A lot of flops will put us way ahead/way behind, so I think itâs fine to proceed with a call and evaluate.
Flop: dream flop; paired board, flush available to get value from worse, and most importantly we flop an overpair.
the minraise is definitely not GTO. i thought i could get a call from unpaired overs, maybe with a backdoor flush. i did not expect him to SHOVE a hand like that, but like, weâll take it.
i think itâs a nice exploit line against a villain who has shown a tendency to overplay big cards post flop <3 i liked this one!
Wow I just got a combination of getting extremely lucky and playing very well against some of the better, best of the best players on this site, to take 2nd place in the leagues invitational 5k buy in 2 mil GTD, Early Bird League Founding 1 year anniversary Commemoration.
I started on a opening murdererâs row opening table. I started out 80% to 85% to 90% of time getting 72 type hands, being ultimate extreme card dead, Overcame that. I also kept running into buzzsaws all tourny long. Overcame that. Overcame getting bad beat 4 times. Overcame all of us being extremely shallow stacked in relation to blinds, as every stack was about 5.5 bb stacks by final table, final 5, etc(glad I know my very short stack push, fold, call pushes, etc, exploitative and GTO ranges). Gave out 2 properly well played by both me, other player, bad beats.
Congratz to Konrad to, for winning the tourny. Congratz to those who made final 5, cashed. Congratz to those who final tabled. Congratz to those who played well that either missed final 5, final table, that busted out early, etc.
That was fun, awesome playing against such good players, and not only because I took second, but because it was awesome, fun to play against such good players. So thanks all that played in that tournament. Tournament had a field of 31, some of the better, best players on this site.
I think I played well, used my TIGHT A$$ image well, I pulled off some very good, timely, bluffs, in good bluff spots, and only got caught bluffing about 1/4, 25% of the times I did bluff. Was semi careful, semi aggressive. Squeezed some in good Squeezing spots. Semi Mixed up, Semi balanced my range in position, and even between a few times and sometimes out of position by raising semi wide, early position, to overcome card deadness and even wider, but not maniacly bad wide from late position, sometimes, to overcome card deadness, etc. Overall happy with my play, with some small room for some improvement.
Met some very friendly, good players. That was fun, Awesome. Thanks to those involved, everyone that played.
Also made some very good, semi very tough, semi hero folds, of straight, set, 2 pairs, Top pair, Top Kicker, QQ, JJ, etc, and was almost always shown to have made the right read, proper fold, etc.
Won my 7th tourny, in winning the Oceanic Prime 20k buy in 1.2 mil GTD for 360k that put me over the 3 mil mark at 3,110,000. Beat some very good players, that were very hard, challenging to beat, that were at my table in the tournament. I appreciate playing such tough players.
Oh and Younguru, I shoved K3 suited, 40 bb stack all in on BB, late tourny, close to final table bubble.
The semi tight to semi moderate limp passive SB that had about a 6 to 8 to 10 to 12 bb stack, limped in on SB after everyone open fold to him, and I shoved K3 suited, because I knew he would likely fold his A2 off suit, K5 suited, K6 suited, K7 suited, K8 suited, K9 suited, Q7 suited, Q8 suited, Q9 suited, QT suited, QJ suited, JT suited, J9 suited, T9 suited, T8 suited, 98 suited, 97 suited, 87 suited, etc, that they likely had that limped there, in order to try to squeeze, pop through the bubble, to make final table, cash, as there was a shorty stack sit out. It worked, folded the player out, like I suspected it probably would.
So thatâs one of the exceptions to my not shoving a kicker less then 6, unless, except A2, etc, Ace rag,
Won my 8th tourny in the 15k buy in 1 mil GTD, and finished 2nd in the 50k buy in 1.5 mil GTD Galactic Storm, and final table cashed the 100k 3 mil GTD, back to back to back in row. Encountered, saw Younguru in the 100k, 3 mil GTD, but wasnât in any hands against him. He played a good tourny, and unfortunately busted out short of cashing, final table, late tourny.
Now up to 3.7 mil and getting closer to 4, and 5 mil.
Won my 9th tourny in the 50k buy in PKO 1.5 GTD for 750k. Almost to 10 tourny wins, and almost to 5 mil mark, just 500k to 5 mil mark. And now at 4.5 mil in just 1.35 month(s). Just goes to show that its skill not luck, and that the RNG is perfectly ok, and that site not rigged, and that players dont get never ending bad luck, etc.
Hope this shows that, and gives players hope, etc.
And then a few hands into a tourny in a extremely similar hand that played out extremely the same type of way, except I had top pair of Jacks with KJ suited top kicker, and reraised 1100 over 100, and AT off tanked resised all in on turn with only a gutshot draw, 1750, start stacks 2500, and I called, stacked him, knocked him out. lol.
And then in the 20k buy in 2.4 mil prize pool, was down to top 8, was tourny chip leader, vs 2200 ranked FISH DONK. I had about 111,000, and fish donk had 68k. I had semi tight, good image. I havenât had history, bluffed the fish donk, etc, in past, as I recognized name. and playing history with them. So my play should have worked against them. I raised AK suited under gun to 7.5k, blinds 1000/2000, fish donk called with A9 off. Fish donk hit a 9 on a QJ9 or QT9 type board. I bet about half pot to pot(about 16k, villain fish donk had about 47k left after calling. Turn a blank. Put Villain on bottom pair to semi middle pair, draw, etc, And after villain fish donk checked to me a 2nd time(first time was on flop), I shoved all in, and villain fish tanked called all in on A9, bootom to semi middle pair, when I probably have, could easily have AQ, KQ, TT to AA, QJ, Top pair, top kicker, 2 pair, etc, lots of stuff that beats measly pair of 9âs on that board. So got knocked down to 33k. Then a few hand later shoved AT all in 3 handed, and Fish donk called with A5 and out I went in 6th place,
Figured a very high ranked 2200 player could, would fold in that spot, that a 2200 player wasnt a fish donk, etc, but that 2200 fish donk, fish donked called, so guess I was semi wrong. But since I didnt think the player was a fish donk, then it was probably still the right play, etc.
A5o is a fine call 3-handed up to idk how many bb, but it definitely doesnât make the player who called your shove a âfish donkâ
Not A5 off suit. A5o is a ok call 3, 4 handed facing about a 8.5 bb stack, shove all in preflop.
I was talking about the A9 hand before that. No way in Heck, if I am the other player do I call a big 3.5 x, 4 x UTG preflop raise. And then Postflop, I wouldnât call 16k+ with bottom pair of 9âs. I might if I thought I was bluffing. And if I did call the 16k, I wouldnât call 47k to 50k all in, extremely greatly risking to bust out my 2nd in chips stack, especially when there about 99% chance that have bottom pair CRUSHED.
Good players are bluffable. Calling stations are fish, donks, etc. Note I didnt think that a 2200 ranked player would be a call station. 19 times out of 20 I have bottom pair crushed in that kind of spot if they call.
Hope I go up against the player again in a similar spot, since next time I would have the goods, and would get called, and stack them, unless they get lucky and suckout.
Right, except thatâs not even close to the action in that hand. You raise 3x from the small blind 3 handed. They make a totally standard call from the big blind. You bet 6K (half pot) on the Qs9c6s flop, middle pair top kicker is again a mandatory continue here blind v blind. You bet 25K on the turn. Itâs much close now, and A9 is probably indifferent, but thereâs two flush draws and some straight draws you could be barreling with, so itâs not crazy. Having the ace of spades is not ideal, but it doesnât swing things that much.
I understand not bothering to get the details right if your just here to vent - my issue is that youâre venting about players that might be reading these forums. They shouldnât really be subjected to being called fish and donks when at worst their play is slightly questionable. You should really cut that out IMHO.
Youâve said stuff like that a few times before, but you canât really know how other players perceive you, so itâs dangerous to make assumptions along these lines. Even if youâre correct about your image, it doesnât mean your bluff is destined to succeed, or that your opponents play is bad when it doesnât.
Getting called doesnât make it a bad bluff either - itâs a reasonable play that is likely to work often enough, it just didnât this time. Nothing to see here, move along.
I wouldnât call a bb A9 call of a 3 x UTG, semi tight image, standard, especially when semi tight, good image chip leader that can bust A9 bb 2nd in chips, UTG raises with a Likely range of 99 to AA, AT to AK, which CRUSHES, A9, as last thing I would want to happen if I was the other guy, is for a A to flop and be outkicked, and or for there to be xxx little card, and be up against AT to AK, 99 to AA, or for the flop to come Q96 and be up against 99 to AA, AQ, etc, which fits UTG range, etc. Because of that, A9 is a fold on the bb, out of position vs UTG 3 x preflop raise, vs a semi tight good image chip leader, and is in no way standard, good to call with A9 in that kind of spot on the bb.
That would be true if you were UTG and if you were 9 handed. Neither of those were true. Itâs not your opponentâs mistake if youâre playing a 9-max UTG range from the small blind 3 handed.
Iâm pretty sure the A9 hand wasnât 3 handed. It was 4,5 handed. It was 3 handed, some hands later after the A9 hand. While A9 is ok, good to call 3 x standard raise in a 4,5 handed table. itâs still not very good against UTG.
Also my UTG range is a lot looser then what I said, but when your semi card dead, at the time, your going to appear to be a lot tighter then you really are, when your not getting even the wider range you have, and are getting a lot of garbage hands UTG, and a few 66 to AA, A9 suited to AK, KQ suited type range hands mixed in with all the garbage, and nothing in between