I played the last 2 weeks on June Marathon.
The problem, I wrote it to support:
i played this week on June Marathon Week 2. I played 17x, and won 11 tickets for the finales on Sunday. The problem: There are only 8 finales. Where can I play all my 11 tickets? I paid and played for them, won them, and now are there no games to play them. And on July 1. I lose the unused tickets. Not good.
The answer:
Hi Poki65,
Thanks for reaching out about the June Marathon Final tickets. Yes, there are only 8 finals available to play. The extra tickets you have cannot be used for any other events. I see that you didn’t pay any entry fees to win these, and won quite a few chip prizes, congrats! As stated in our promo piece for this event: Ticket winners will win entry to one of eight 2023 June Marathon Grand Finals that will all be held on Sunday, June 25th, at eight different times. If you win eight Grand Final tickets, you are welcome to play in all eight Grand Finals.
You can read all the details here: https://www.replaypoker.com/promotions/2023-june-marathon-the-big-one
I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
On end I get nothing for my 3 tickets, not good. To win the last 3 tickets I had to play 4x on week 2, needed 4x 10k ticket or 40k chips and won there no chips. To have this 4 tickets I had to play 8x on week 1, and won there 50k. 12x playing to get the 3 tickets, > 15 hours, and then are there no games to play them. Not good.
Please make it next time better, Replay.
Hi Poki
First, congratulations on winning so many tickets, good luck in the finals on Sunday,.
If you read the promotions rules to the last paragraph it is quite clear that any tickets you win over 8 will not be useable. It should be noted that many people carry on playing the qualifiers after they have won the required 8 tickets as the chip prize money is very good so worth having a go!
This is the extract I am talking about: IMPORTANT NOTES :
Tickets won in Week 1 can only be used in Week 2 events and expire on July 1st
Tickets won in Week 2 can be used in any of the Finals
Unused Tickets won in Week 1 and Week 2 have no value and will expire on July 1st
The 2023 June Marathon Finals have no Late Registration
Hi @Poki65 , Are you sure you were playing for the other 3 qualifying tickets or for the very high payout’s? Great Job Replay & Great Tourney’s. GL at the tables
Why did I play on this promo, Litenin?
I played there to see what goes on, and what can I reach there. I am a ring game player, and this was my first MTT promo. Only a test. And I didn’t look to the payouts of week 2 and finales at start. Friends of me played there too. We had short chat, gave us endorsements and sent us messages. Nice.
I was on week 1 and 2 many times on the final table. I played on week 1 34x and won 17 week 2 tickets. On week 2 I played my 17 tickets and won 11 final tickets. I played only my won tickets down. Friends sent me congratulations.
The last 3 days of week 2 I played only for the tickets. I had a downswing, no good cards to play, and won 0 chips, but I won 5 final tickets. I know this can happen. On the 8 finales I won 0 chips too, no good cards and no lucky hands around the clock. But sometimes not far away from the money. 22. of 20 payed. I have not won the “very high payouts”.
Because chips I can say I have much more than I need. I played last year many on mid stake, but because the many issues I was the last 10 months only on 1/2 and 2/4 friends tables. And I need not to have billion chips on a down going pokersite. Replay chips are for me nothing. And I play not more so many. Not more much fun to play on Replay. I have a 2. poker site too. Friends here asked me to change, because the many issues. Can happen. Replay is not alone on the world.
I think if a player wins tickets and there are no games to play it, Replay could give other tickets for it. For no one a problem. But deleted. I can nothing find on the rules because won tickets and no games for it, Grapevine. I’m sure someone didn’t think on this at creating the promo.
11 messages: “Congratulation, you won a final ticket”.
Next message: “There are no games for your won tickets, your tickets get deleted”.
Next message: “Buy chips”.
And I see many get here not what they win. Last 3 players on finaltable, many chips won, then hours frozen, game over before end, no winner. They get only their buy in back and not the many won chips. The same on ring games too. Quad and high bets on turn, delay and folded out on river. And nothing gets payed back on ring. A big shame. Buy your chips. Replay should look a little bit better to the players. They can be fast away. Not many fun to play such “Great Games”.
Not nice was the many low stake bingo players on this “Great Tourney”. Freeroll. They can only go all in on all hands and bluff, but not play. Very bad on Omaha, a nuts game.
Nice: I saw there “long time rank 370k players” win millions of chips, and many big players of the site leaved the games fast without a win, many times last on list. Not easy to play on bingo tables. 0 chips on account and 500k chips won on a MTT. Later millions. Bingo. Enough for very many all-ins and losing next weeks.
“Great Job, Replay”.
I only wanted 1 ticket as the 7:15 PM game was the only one I could make. I play several more due to the very high payout prizes in the qualifying tourneys and wound up with more tickets than I could use at the times scheduled. Was a fun series. GL at the tables my friend!
Same here, won one ticket and with that another and had to play the last of 8 tournaments’ and got rivered lol but it was fun…I looked n saw that if ppl. had time they could easy-get MANY free chips:)…Good promotion and hope more like it come along…