I also have lost interest for the same reasons
Just wondering do you get as upset when your opponent gets beaten by your just one better hand we all remember the defeats forget the wins
" A sequence of cards, that mathematically would be improbable…" …
It’s been awhile since my last math class in school, but I remain of the belief that all hands in poker have the same exact probability factor meaning that it is just as likely to see 3 aces in the flop as it is to see 2,3,4… And it is just as probable to see a royal flush on the board at the end of the hand as it is to see 2,4,6,8,10…
So, however improbable things might get at one’s table it’s all within the realm of ‘probability’… NO???
You lost because you were outplayed by better players with better hands. Now you whinge… REALLY…But just between you and I… I’m pretty sure that back at replay HQ they have a whole team of experts (costing thousands) who have nothing else to do but follow your hands and interfere with the dealing program to ensure you lose. Their office is located on the north pole right next to Santas.
I must have missed that math class your talking about. I don’t know where to begin except to suggest that you do a little research on the statistics or odds of poker hands. I have been playing for 6 months and have yet to see a royal flush. Poker hands are like a pyramid, at the base you have a greater chance of getting high card, next a pair. At the top of the pyramid is the Royal Flush and the odds or probability of hitting or even seeing one is very very slim.
I’m quite new here and only three days in to playing/learning poker. I have however played a lot of three card brag in the real world playing for money. There are a lot of things improbable in cards and I was in a game where only three players were being dealt cards I was dealt three aces one of my friends was dealt three jacks and the other friend was dealt three threes the winning hand. We are all friends and were playing for pennies over Christmas but I would like anyone to calculate the probability of those hands.We still talk about that hand 20 years later. Improbable but still possible.
sounds to me, your losing interest in this site because you miss-played a few hands, had a few bad beats. When things get tough and you have to up your game, it’s just much easier to blame this site, and quit playing. Tighten up your game, learn to read the table, the cards, the players, fold when needed, read the tells, try to see if you have a tell you may not know about, and then just maybe your game will improve to the point to where your not whining about those unlikely, improbable, and unbelievable bad beats. I have taken plenty of bad beats, but I try to give more than I take. I never blame the cards or the deal. I will look deep into the way I played and try to adjust, learn and do whatever that’s possible to improve my game. …Right now I’m working on how to tell if I’m up against that high pocket pair…
By they way what happened to your 80000 chips lol
9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fair or unfair game
yeah, flopped a str8, someone had 8 3, runner runner 3’s for the boat. flopped flush A high, runner runner J’s got a boat. ridiculous all in’s rewarded with ridiculous turn & river. in back to back hands with the same person. or get the same hand 5 times in a row. flopped a boat and he got runner runner for 4 of a kind from a pair.
I patiently wait for reasonable cards, suggested likely odds based pocket cards. Get beaten by high odd’s hands, to wilt and fold a 6d, 7c.only to see a straight in the flop, that would win the hand.
Add to that, the re positioning that happens in a tournament, to cop the “you can’t bet in the small blind position”.
Only to be re positioned before the start of the next hand, and then cop the big chip table. I’m not buying chips.
Come on RP. you’re integrity is in question!!
Play any hand that has a possible chance of making a straight and you will undoubtedly win. This sites algorithm is setup to reward straights over any power pair. Just be glad you aren’t paying $$ for this.
Really? I play at a casino and win more often than not - here I lose all the time presumably so that I have to pay money to buy chips…My son who has a degree in computer science (game development) says it is a piece of cake to write algebra code to make sure new players win, and older players re-buy chips.
You can piss and moan about how the cards fall but that has nothing to do with it. It’s always about how you play the hand. YOU CAN FOLD AT ANY TIME OR PAY TO SEE. Your choice . I have been playing since July 2015 and I’m up 800K and I didn’t buy my chips I won them. Learn to play your hands better and quit crying cause you cant. !!!Peace!!!
Dear Mr Replay,
How can you dish out this tripe, i have my own interest in numbers and probability. Having participated in and watched many hands on your site. ( enough for a sample)! There’s is no doubt in my mind, you’re manipulating the outcomes in games on this site.
I believe you’re maneuvering your customers into purchasing chips.
The amount of times a pair comes out either side of the middle card in the flop is outside the laws of probability!
I’ve had a sequence of hands, 3 o kind, 3 times, 2 low straights and several 2 pairs in a row, only to beaten with the 3 o kinds, twice. fold the pocket cards and watch the straights come out and win the hand and get beaten on the 2 pairs.
All in the space of 10 hands. You do the math. wait a minute. you don’t have to, you’re manipulating the outcome, shame!
The web site functionality is outstanding. Just get greedy???
This is what makes poker so much fun. People can come up with an infinite number of ways to explain why they aren’t winning.
I have over 19m chips without purchasing any, and I have a graduate degree in statistics. It is extremely easy to win on this site, but poker is a game with a lot of variance. There is something called “familywise error rate”. It means that if you look for the same outcome many times you are likely to find it by chance. Your AA has an 85% chance to win over a random hand. Over enough hands you will lose many many times. And people say there is an inordinate number of straights and flushes.There is a 37% chance of being 3 suited cards on the board by the river and 20% of having 3 cards of consecutive rank, so given that so many people limp with any hand on this site, the probability that a someone has a straight or flush is huge.
I have no interest in promoting this site specifically; it just frustrates me to always see people fooling themselves.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fair or unfair game
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fair or unfair game
I’ve noticed in tounaments that at low blinds cards are dealt that seem pretty normal, but as the blinds get bigger and bigger, all you see in the middle of the table are high cards…hmmmm
What is new. As always it’s about making money. If you do not spend money on chips you are not going to win. I get free chips and as soon as I get a good amount I always get beat on turn and river to someone who buy’s large sums of chips.