Thanks for the vote of confidence Joe. I had a quick look at your best hands and a couple of those straight flushes are actually 2 and 4 months ago; after this, you’ve got a couple of four-of-a-kind, aces 1 and 2 months ago. So overall those best hands look normally distributed to me. Just my two cents
For the record, I definitely do not think the site is rigged. Poker just has a ton of variance. Some people say the site is rigged for players that buy chips while others say it’s rigged for certain seats or for certain players who don’t buy chips. None of those narratives make very much sense.
Some very good players, like Trav, think the site is rigged because worse players often get lucky against them, which is part of poker, while other players who aren’t as good use the site being rigged as an explanation for why they are losing. I was a losing player at some point (not for very long lol), but what I remember about it is that you can play solid and win some chips, but then somehow end up 2nd best in all the big pots. Decision making and hand selection can fix that problem.
I’m just disappointed that I have never managed to get that third royal flush award
its plain to see if you dont buy chips you lose,or if you dont have a high rank you lose this is not fair. im not buying chips, so when i lose all of mine i will close my acct. & tell every one i know replay is riged. you win play money only if you buy play money with real money! WAREAGLEBOY
not true-know several people who buy chips and lose-know several who have a good ranking and have not bought chips–lots of variables but this is not one of them
I don’t think this game is rigged in favor of paying players (well…I kind of do) or those of a higher rank. I’m a high rank and I don’t win at all. I believe 110% that this game is rigged though. Things that happen make no sense and when they keep happening…that seems a bit fishy…For example…I can be in a tourney and 50 hands in, I’d have yet to win a hand…I can get good starting cards, but the flop, turn, and river come up cards that benefit me in NOOOO way at all. Yet, there’s always one or two players that constantly win hands…Or when you flop trips, a set, straight, or even full house, it will always get beaten in some kind of way on the river…to a player with horrible, horrible cards. It happens time and time again at a table and in face to face holdem, stuff like that doesn’t happen often. On here it can happen 5 times in a row. The number of crazy bad beats on here vs face to face holdem is ridiculous. And it’s just odd that I will never be able to win a hand at a table. Fishy fishy fishy…
It’s true that there are more people chasing the river when they don’t have any money at risk. That’s the nature of a playmoney poker site. But, if you play conservative you will come out ahead. The other problem is there are a lot of children playing and don’t really understand poker. If you find yourself at a table with two or three of them you’ll find yourself in a BINGO game. No fun at all. I just usually move to another table. Remember, you can’t win a tournament in the first part of the tournament but, you can sure lose one. So play tight and let all the loose canons knock each other out then you can get down to the business of winning. Good Luck.
Not sure what you call a ranked player. My best ranking was 1390 now 1450. Achieved these without ever buying chips.
I have been on replay for 3 years now and I have never once won any good tourneys. I can win a ticket but what good it a ticket when they take it back on the ticket tourneys. I would love to play just one time in a big tourney and win but that doesn’t happen. I can get awesome cards but doesn’t matter someone always gets better. Site is getting to be crazy. If it wasn’t to kill bordom I would delete my account as this site isn’t even fun anymore. Too many bingo players, and bullies.
I know it has to be rigged. I am being frozen out right now. It does not matter what I do or not do, I am not only not going to win the tournament but not I’m not even going to win a hand. No way this is going to happen at a live table. Talk about a loosing streak. There is no way this is for real. Its also predictable. You have a pair of Jacks and some one goes all in. You know that your are going to loose but how can you fold? Just a bunch of crap
i’m lucky to even hit a pair been like this for a while now. sighs
I so agree with you Wareagleboy, I have been playing for about 3 years now and I have the 1st time to ever win on a tourney or anything. I am about to delete my acct as well. Too many bingo players and smart asses on here anymore and Mr. Replay allows the same ppl win hand after hand after hand. No way the same people keeps winning. It is so rigged I said that a million times. Mr. Replay instead of cheating everyone for your special players, why not just take all our damn chips. It’s right ! Im done . Its a damn joke !
Actually , JJ good hand to make that call.
Well, winning tournament is not easy… and bad %, but good fun.
Keep try and learn…
If not, stick with ring tables, also “Sit and Go” good for a start.
You are never going to be able to stop new people from thinking the site is rigged. That is the beauty of poker. Poker is great because most people think they are better than they really are. For the same reason, people cannot understand why they continue to lose over and over again, and they don’t understand what a crazy game no-limit holdem is.
I have a lot of chips, not because I bought any, but because I have played waaayyyy too many hands and had a lot of patience in a lot of ugly situations, in order to figure out how to win. You will rarely see the same kind of crazy situations in live games just because it is so much slower, so fewer hands are played. You can find a ton of videos of the absolute worst bad-beats in live poker.
This morning I was heads up at the end of an MTT against a low-ranked player who had 3x as many chips as I did. He kept shoving all-in and I kept folding folding with 69 off and 84 off. Then I shoved with AK and he called with K2, so I doubled up (no bad beat there). But then he kept leaning on me and leaning on me, until I was back down to 1/4 of his chips. And I’m sitting there thinking to myself, how can I be a good poker player if this guy ranked 90,000 is consistently stealing pots from me, and I just keep folding. But then I realized that it was just part of my strategy. I knew from his aggression that he was shoving with weaker hands, so I wasn’t being weak, just patient. I finally got some hands with a Q or better and called him down. About 4 hands like that later, I had won the tournament. Maybe this anecdote was tangential, but oh well. The point is that poker “skill” is very hard to see or quantify in the short term.
Good reply - thanks for sharing JoeDirk.
This is such a stacked website it sickens me . It is insane how when your up you get great hands and when you are down you get nothing . How can you call this randomly generated when that is anything but the truth. Dear Mr. replay you already have my money and I am not asking for it back however I would like you to cater less to the members who have a high chip count in your tournaments .
That’s poker I’m afraid jdubye. Check out this on-going topic about turning around a losing streak: How to turn around a losing streak? - #7 by JoeDirk - might find it useful.
I patiently wait for reasonable cards, suggested likely odds based pocket cards. Get beaten by high odd’s hands, to wilt and fold a 6d, 7c.only to see a straight in the flop, that would win the hand.
Add to that, the re positioning that happens in a tournament, to cop the “you can’t bet in the small blind position”.
Only to be re positioned before the start of the next hand, and then cop the big chip table. I’m not buying chips.
Come on RP. you’re integrity is in question!!
I have played on this site enough to know that all of the things you mentioned are completely random. Sometimes in tournaments I get re-positioned right into the big blind and sometimes I get pulled out right before I have to pay the blinds and end up in good position at a new table. Sometimes I fold 67 and a straight hits, and 95% of the time I fold 67 and nothing hits. Sometimes I raise AA preflop and lose, and sometimes I call someone else’s raise when they have AA and beat them. That is poker.
I play almost any 2 cards when the blinds are small and the blinds are unraised or not raised much …when the blinds start getting much higher i only play strong cards and then i play them strong… i account for the seemingly unrandomness of the boards i play freerolls and only risk as much as i feel comfortable loosing ( only according to winnings and free chips provide by replay)…you have to adjust to the “FREEROLL/FREE CHIP” mentality of replays players…your not gonna learn how to play real poker here… but you can get some ring rust issues practiced IE: when to bluff when to raise what others are likely to have and who will bluff etc…kind of get a feel for play but not for dealer games dealer game you have to play day after day …these games are just for fun and entertainment…i think most of us will get that feeling that we are being manipulated once in a while…then i’ll get a run of great cards and i forget all about those bad runs of cards i only support the site finacially so that they can keep the site open not because i totally trust their programming…
I find it interesting, that i lose at crucial moments in a tourny, with a good hand. A sequence of cards, that mathematically would be improbable, at least unlikely.
After accumulating over 80,000 chips, through winning, “not buying”! i have gone through some unbelievable sequences of cards dealt to me and to the table.
When i have had some good hands, funnily enough. I get beaten by a hand, just 1 better.
Now i’m talking some top level hands.
Q. Would this be happening if i had purchased at sometime, some chips?
Moderators?? Replaypoker? losing interest in the site because of it. I certainly won’t be buying any chips now!!