The fairness debate

Replays ROI for their RNG certificate seems to be upwards to 1+ Million a year b/c they Sell these “free” chips to their consumer. What in ur expert opinion is the difference?

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Please don’t troll me. I don’t have the time for ridiculous questions

Who trolls every topic on here?? Please, can u just troll subjects that u understand i.e leave the Poker discussion to those that actually play and understand the game :slight_smile:


I’ve commented several times in this thread. I’ve never stated I thought the RNG was rigged but rather that it’s has a Flaw since the revision from Flash to the HTML version.

Ever since the revision (about 3 years now) I’ve observed Quads almost every day in tournament play. Some days I get them and most of the time someone else shows Quads. My questioning arises because I truly believe that Quads should be a rare event. It throws my hand probability estimations off when they occur this frequently.

Prior to the revision I observed Quads about once or twice a YEAR which is what I expected based on the number of hands I played which is about 35K per year.

All I’m asking is that the algorithm be reviewed and a verification that there weren’t any changes from the previous version. Also, notice that several months after the revision there continues to be these Glitches in the performance of the site’s games.

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I get what you’re saying. But doing the maths;
You expect to see quads once every 35k hands?

I picked the oldest hand number on my hand list (yesterday) and subtracted it from the most recent (a few hours ago) and the answer was over 380,000. 10x the amount of hands you play per year, in one day.
The site is going to churn through some hands. It’s going to be running hundreds or thousands of hands on ring games and multiple tables on yours and other tournaments, while you’re in the tournament.
Correlation doesn’t equal causation and it’s likely many more people are no playing.

It doesn’t seem particularly odd to me to see quads come up in a tournament - you’re playing multiple hands on multiple tables in tournaments every day. If it was happening multiple hands in a row in the same tournament then I’d say something might be off. I would think the staff would have spotted something was off after 3 years though. I really do think it’s an observational bias that has failed to take into account the sheer number of hands being dealt. But I’m happy to be wrong on that. :slight_smile:

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I’m not saying Quads can’t be dealt each day. I’m saying I shouldn’t be seeing them each day I play. I expect to see Quads about every 12 - 15K hands in which I play. And, previously that was approximately the frequency which I normally experienced.

It’s been so bad that I’ve stopped saying VNH or G1 after someone shows their Quads.

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I don’t understand why you expect that but run with it for now.
Let’s say you and I were the only people playing on this site.
We played one hand per day, every day for a year.
You expect to see quads every 12k - 15k hands.
We’d never see one.
If we played 1000 hands per day, you’d expect to see quads at some point.

Add the other players and the half a million or so hands that go on each day - statistically, you are just going to see more. If the membership then goes up and even more players join and 1 million hands are played per day…

So if the statistic really is 12k-15k hands (and I’m really not sure it is but let’s take that), then you and I never see quads playing alone. But playing with more people on the site, many many more hands are being played.

But it can’t be a solid 12k-15k hands regardless of any other factor. The logic doesn’t hold up that you have to only see quads every 12k hands, regardless of anything else that is going on. It has to depend on other factors like;
The number of players - which affects the number of tables in the tournament and the number of total and simultaneous hands being dealt. Also affects the speed of play and how many hands you get through.
The speed of players decisions - getting through more or fewer hands at a table, regardless of how many people are playing.
The type of player - someone with experience, holding 22, might fold on seeing a bad flop and a strong bet, and then not see quads on the turn and river emerge. Newer players might just stick it out and risk hands that are useless so you see those play out when you normally wouldn’t.

Where is the quad coming? Are we talking pocket pair and then the quads emerging on the flop? That’s one statistic. Pockets and the quad emerges later? That’s another and has a higher chance because more cards are involved but depends on what the players do.
Single cards with three on the flop? Or later? Quads being dealt straight out on the flop and turn?
These all have different statistics but our brain just sees it as one thing and says “oh quads again?”.

With really loose players (which you will get from new people who join and that in turn is a whole new statistic depending on how many people have joined in a certain timespan), you’re going to see many more hands you would not normally see because more experienced players fold. You get these people that see an obvious flush or high straight emerging and go all-in with their pocket twos anyway and get lucky right at the end.

But none of that information can fight the feeling you have when we see something we think is noteworthy. Our brains dial in on certain things and that holds more weight than the multitude of boring things that happen. Make of it what you will. :slight_smile:


You are way off on the odds of hitting quads in hold-em. The odds of getting quads in a texas poker hand are 4,164-to-1 so you should be hitting it about that often. With 9 players it should appear 9 times in 4164 hands so on average of 1 in 462 hands. Much more common that one may expect. The probability of making 4-of-a-kind is 0.0256%.
What you are using is the odds of flopping quads which is somewhere in that range.

cant tell you how often ive seen different

do you mean this algorithm is tailored to the player?

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Reading and replying to threads with no malicious intent is not trolling. Give it another try🙂

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It’s interesting to hear your point of view.

Thank you.

I’m pointing out that the algorithm repeats and therefore the player ends up playing the algorithm


Focusing on or playing the algorithm tendencies compared to live poker.

It is different 100%

So how can one think the same way in live poker when being here on RP using an algorithm?


trying to say it’s as random as it gets

ive seen many players bust gambling those examples, so maybe you are just unlucky that way and reading to much into it

*once, a player commented he never saw str8 flushes, while i had seen at least 1 daily a few days in a row

I guess it’s like getting on a Tilt-A-Whirl ride back in the day.

One can experience the ride as never getting up to speed

and the next rider spins around constantly

I can see where you’re coming from “as random as it gets”

I think I’m done with this fairness debate.

It is what it is!

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I agree at some point but not almost every day which I’m playing.

Again, I’m probably only playing about 200 - 300 hands per day and yet I see Quads almost every day which I play NLHE. I don’t play every day because of the site’s problems playing games the last few years. I usually only play MTT tournaments.

I’ve asked this question before, have you or anyone else frequently seen Quads while playing NLHE in MTT’s?

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My understanding of Statistics is that, the probability frequency is not cumulative, which means to me 4,164-to-1 odds applies to each hand. A very rare event and as you’ve posted it’s 0.0256% to see Quads.

I’ve seen more than my share of quads here but I don’t do the math on it.

Yes, but that was a demonstration of the logic, not the entire point.
I went on to say more.
It’s not helpful to quote a portion of what I said and argue against that.

Anyway, I’ve explained what I think is going on here.
You’re obviously welcome to think and feel what you want about your experiences.
If you have any more thoughts on it all, my response is in my last reply.

Good luck and enjoy your play.

The probability of you hitting quads and seeing quads aren’t the same.


I got delt quads once in Omaha. As pretty as it is; in Omaha it is a terrible hand. Can only play 2 and straights and flushes are out of the question. Only can improve if the board pairs or trips. Easy fold.

So unfair LOL


I did once as well, all 7s I think. To an Omaha beginner it would probably look insanely lucky, but as you say, ultimately all I had is a pair of 7s. Can’t hit another 7, so it ain’t that great.